I know I had confided to a few of you....that I didn't think the cancer was really in my lungs, as It mysteriously appeared two years in a row in January after having none in a November scan ...I thought it was maybe an allergy to something having to do with the Holidays, like evergreens or poinsettia's....And last year after only one round of chemo they had disappeared. So I was sure that when I went in today and had my CTscan they would be gone again.....but no such luck. They are still there....but the largest is only about 1 cm in size and the Doctor says it isn't life threatening at this time. He is more concerned about healing my butt before doing any chemo. He wants to talk to my surgeon after she see's me next month, and then let her make the call. He said he would want to start in less than 6 months, and is guessing about May. So spot removers need to get back to work, and say a few prayers for that stubborn butt of mine.
In that department, the doctor says it is smaller and shorter than it was, and is not inflamed in any way. She did ream it out a little and cut away some proud flesh that was on the outside edge and tended to bleed when I was wiping it. So again my butt was caterized and packed with gauze and sitting is not going well. Larry Moinicken drove me down and back, but I managed to sort of sit up on the way home rather than laying in the back....but I really should have laid down.
The weather in the Northern suburbs was already horrid and slick this morning at 5:50 when we left, and continued to snow all the way down....but accumulations in the southern parts of the state were much smaller. When we went to lunch, inbetween appointments, the snow had stopped....but roads were just slushy. By the time we started home at 3 something, the roads had already dried in Rochester and stayed dry almost all the way home. But Foley Boulevard was a mess...didn't they even plow it today? My driveway was cleared on one side already by my neighbor, but Larry's truck was parked on the other side, so Jim the neighbor just came over and did it all again. How lucky am I to have such nice guys taking care of me. Larry already volunteered to do it again if I was in a bind. Thanks to both of you!!
Other than all of the appointments today, nothing else exciting happened. Do start saying those prayers. Love you all, m
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