Friday, March 25, 2011

I Love the Sun!

I must be in Sedona....the sun has been shining for two days in a row!  Yesterday wasn't a very impressive day in the activity zone, but the sun was warm enough to melt away a lot of the new least on the driveway and streets.

I did do a lot a cleaning that nobody else would notice.  I cleaned out a lot of files and shredded a bunch of stuff too!  I also finally emptied my suitcase of the clean stuff and put everything away, including the laundry I washed and folded the day before.  Also filled the dishwasher and ran everything I did wasn't anything that walking in the front door you would fact you would wonder what the heck I've been doing with my time.  Oh, I did also run over to Walgreens to pick up a few items...and put the trash on the curb....I really was busy.

Today I will work on uploading the pictures from my trip to Costco, so I can get them printed.  I am also going to sew those letter jackets of Sandi's granddaughters....other than that, no big plans.  Love and prayers, m

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