Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Sun is Shining! Again!

I love it.  It may be chilly but when the sun is shining all is well.

I got all the things accomplished yesterday I had on my list.  I even was able to use a discount coupon at every store I was in except Costco...and that was five different stores.  At J.C. Penney I used two for a total of $25 discount, a free pair of undies at Victoria Secret, and a free item and 20% off the entire total at Bath and Body I am really proud of myself.  I had to get a few things for my confirmation student at church that I am an angel for....I got a photo album for my new photos that I picked up at Costco, and I got a basket and a bunch of stuff to put into it for the Women's Club Brunch.  I even managed to get a few items for myself...only because I needed to buy $25 to get $10 off at Penney' I found a couple of Clearance items for me.

I sewed the patches on two letter jackets....but refuse to sew anymore on one of them....there just isn't any more room.  This girl has patches all down both arms, on both pockets and on the back.  Wow how great is that!!

I put pictures into Costco's site, printed them, picked them up and put them in the new album I bought.  I also sorted out those for Bonnie and those I will make greeting cards of.  So that took up a little time.  All and all it was a pretty productive day.

Today I have a funeral to go to this morning.  Mary Mueller's mom died.  Mary is part of my first Friday group.   In that same group Kathie Kelly lost her father-in-law and now her mother-in-law just 10 days apart.  They are now back East for the second time in two weeks.  Please keep all of them in your prayers.  I can't imagine two funerals so close together for my don't get time to really process one before the second.

Church and my lenten study group tomorrow.  Love and prayers, m

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