Sunday, March 27, 2011

Clear Blue Skies

I know it's cold out there, but bright sun makes you feel warm anyway.  I love it....makes me feel so much better.

I did go to the funeral yesterday, and as Mary is the Office Manager at St. Tim's, there was a lot of people from St. Tim's there.  So I got to visit with lots of them.  Also found out that Mary's granddaughter goes to Coon Rapids Middle School, and knows my grandson Tommy.  It's such a small world.

I then went shopping again!!!  But still had a coupon and a rewards check from Menards to use.  So I first stopped at Kohls and found a few clearance items and also ran into Annie and Allie and their coupon was bigger than mine, so I got to use her's instead of mine.  I haven't seen any of the kids since I got back cept it was fun to run into them.  Allie is playing in a hockey tournament this weekend, and I guess she won and even scored yesterday mornings game.

Other than church and figuring out where and when my lenten study group is meeting, I have no plans for the day.  I guess I'll see what I can dig up!  Love and prayers, m  P.S.  Happy Birthday mom!

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