Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Showers Bring May!

At least today is the last day of April....and we hope May will start well.  But had hopes it wouldn't be another rainy day.

Yesterday started well, but early in the afternoon the cloud arrived and soon after dark it was raining.  The grass is as green as it can get.  I did go help set up for the brunch, but didn't go to the track Nicole wasn't running, and Annie needed a sitter for Matthew.  He came at 3:30, and we played for an hour and then he was hungry....mostly cause I told him we could go out to eat....which immediately ment McDonalds and the playroom for him.  We spend an hour and 1/2 there, and then came back to the house and played more games and soon he said he hadn't watch TV yet today, so we found some "On Demand" kids programs for him.  Annie stopped in about 7 p.m. and wanted to take Matthew with her to Nicole's hockey game but he declined the offer and stayed with me till she came back to pick him up around 10 pm.  Of course he was sleeping by then.

Today I'm off to the Women's Club Brunch, and then this evening may go along with Annie and Matthew to watch the girls play hockey in Richfield this afternoon.  So big day ahead.  Keep up the prayers for all those on my list and those pesky spots.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, April 29, 2011

Will and Kate's Wedding Day

....and the sun is shining...not only in England....but in Coon Rapids too!  It's a beautiful morning here.  I slept well and got up at 8 a.m. as I like to, and looking forward to a great day.  I already typed this blog once, but something happened and it all disappeared...for some reason.

I didn't get up at 4 a.m. to watch the nuptials live, but I've already seen it replayed several times.  I will be going to the Courtyards of Andover this afternoon and helping set up for the Brunch tomorrow morning, and then I think I'll be going to another track meet.

Yesterday I went to the track meet to watch Katie and Collie run, but only Katie was running.....Collie will be running with the varsity this evening.  I thought the track meet started at 4 p.m. and got their at 3:55 but missed seeing Katie run the first leg of the 4X800 which they evidently started at then had to sit and wait (yet again) for almost 3 hours to see her run in the 800 open.....which she did well in.  Their were about 24 girls running from 8 schools and Katie took 4th overall.  So I think she was happy with her time.

So as Nicole didn't run yesterday....I guess I have plans for this evening....and it is so beautiful....I won't mind sitting in the bleachers.  Unlike yesterday when the sun didn't come out till about 6:45 p.m. and it was cold. 

I have a prayer request from Jimbo.  His friend Cory Douville's dad is having problems fighting his bone marrow which is rejecting his body or vice versa.  Mike Douville was a 6th grade teacher at Eisenhower elementary school when my kids attended there, and was Bill's teacher.....a great guy...please keep him and his family in your prayers.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Waiting for the Sun

For two days I've been "sitten and waiten" for doctors appointments, and today I'm "sitten and waiten" for the sun to shine.  I slept in this morning, as I had to get up and start moving immediately the last two mornings, I decided before I went to bed that I was going to sleep-in.  Not that I needed it...although I didn't fall to sleep till around 2 a..m.....even with 2 Tylenol PM at midnight.

I had my scan yesterday that only took a few minutes after waiting over 45 minutes.  Before going to that appointment, I had my hair done...cut and colored.  So I'll look really good when I start my chemo.  Still don't know when that will start as I haven't heard anything from Londer's office yet.  I'm sure he probably hasn't talked to Dr. Sideras at Mayo yet.  I'll be ready when ever it I'll have help for all you spot removers.  The combination of chemo and "spot removers" should do the trick in no time!

Think I have to do laundry today....I skipped that last week, so have twice as much this week.  Then if the sun comes out and warms up a bit....I'll go watch Nicole and Katie run at a (9th and 10th grade) track meet.  Other than that I've no big plans for the day.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Damp but not Raining!

No sun, cool, breezy but at least no snow like they suggested could happen last night.  I just wish we'd get spring for more than 2 days at a time.

Yesterday I went to see Dr. Londer with high hopes of having a plan for my new chemo regiment, but (the good part) Dr. Londer thinks I look wonderful, and all my blood work looks good, he doesn't know why Dr. Sideras (Mayo) is recommending such an aggressive regiment for me.  So he wants to talk to him personally.  He thinks I can get by with a less aggressive method.  He did have me schedule a CTscan without contrast of my lungs, so they have a baseline up here, and he will beable to tell if it's working or not.  I have that scheduled for today.  So chemo will start soon, but what kind is in question.

I also have a hair appointment for today, and had to move that up a little earlier, so I can make both of them.  I'm hoping when I get the chemo schedule it will not affect to many of my already made plans.

I also went to the Appreciation Tea yesterday for the Meals on Wheels drivers, and (Linda Z. you have to tell Jim to read this) when I got there the entertainment for the afternoon looked kind of familiar and he was holding an accordion.  I went over and asked him if he was "Skeets Langley" and he said he was.  I told him that when Jim and I were about 60 years younger we competed against him at the butchers picnics at Excelsior Amusement park....and beat him a couple of times....also talked about appearing with him on the Toby Prinn Show and the Jimmy Valentine show TV programs of the 50's.  It was so fun, and although he didn't exactly remember us, he did remember all those competitions, and indeed his dad was a butcher, and he did become a musician union member as a young teen as he played in many supermarkets next to a wiener display and got paid for it.  So Jim he was a professional just as we thought!  and shouldn't have been competing with us in an amateur contest!  lol  He was also much older than us....atleast 4 or 5 years.  Lots of fun memories.

I now have to get dressed and run off to get my hair done and then run to Robbinsdale for that CT scan (number 36) for me.  Keep those prayers coming, Love ya, m

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I woke  up to the sound of rain...they seem like fat heavy rain. I wouldn't mind if I had no place to's the kind of day when you could stay in bed all day....but I have places to to see.

This morning I finally will see Dr. Londer the oncologist at North Memorial HHH Cancer Center.  He is the one who will set up the chemo for me.  The doctor at Mayo said he would send up the recipe for it on hopefully that is done.  I'm not sure if I will start as soon as next week or not....but when I lleave there today I should have a plan.

This afternoon there is a Appreciation Tea at Faith Luteran for all of us drivers, which I think I will go to too.  So a couple of reasons to get dressed today.

Yesterday I got a call from cousin Karen in the morning....just after I wrote my she had already read it.  So fun to talk with her...and she told me she'd be thinking about me this morning when I'm at the doctor.  Then yesterday afternoon, Judy and I met with Val a friend from the college for dinner.  We had a $25 certificate.....but just after we finished paying etc....the waitress came back and said she had a problem cause they couldn't read the serial printer wasn't printing the color very dark...,and none of us could make it out either.  So after several conversations with her boss and reporting back to us....I had to go upstairs to the office and log onto their computer and into the site where I bought it to find the number.....well it was my lucky day....cause it didn't take long and I had the information she was looking for. (luckily it wasn't my computer or it would have taken hours)  So we all left full and happy.

I did order a new computer yesterday morning, but it will be another couple of weeks before I get it...but I can't wait.

So I am off to the doctor....I'll fill you all in tomorrow.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, April 25, 2011

Another Bright and Beautiful Day!

If you liked'll love today!  After such a dark and dreary week the sun came out for Easter and today is supposed to be even better.

I had a wonderful day....the food and egg hunt went well....and Matthew decided at his young age of 5 that it was the "best Easter ever".  I'm pretty sure he doesn't even remember that last year he was at Disney World for Easter.  He did however change his mind and reverse that when he bumped his head in the basement playing.  But I'll take the first call! 

I had my cousin Judy join us, and Jim and Ann and the boys came later in the afternoon after the others had left....and after they all left I got to talk to Tom in Chicago.  He proclaimed that it would be a great day if the Black Hawks won....Twins already it was almost complete!  From what the newspaper reported the Hawks won in Overtime forcing game 7.  So it sounds like Chicago Kieckers had a good Easter too.

After the wonderful day, I had a horrid night....I must have drank too much coffee yesterday....cause even after staying up till midnight, I still wasn't sleeping at 5 a.m. had been up walking around, went to the bathroom 2 or 3 times I don't remember, and tossing and turning with my nueropathy and restless leg syndrome driving me crazy.  I even got up and wrote down the names of two I have to call today, thinking that would clear my mind and let me fall asleep but that didn't work either.  I know I looked at the clock every hour till 8 a.m. when I heard some commotion outside and look out the window to see the city flushing the fire hydrant in my front yard.  So when the alarm went off at 8:30 I was still wide awake.  If I ever slept it was so light that I wasn't even aware that I was sleeping.  Hope tonight works better!

Other than no sleep I'm fine, and have a couple of things planned for the day.  I can go to lunch with the group from ARCC, and this evening I'm going to dinner with a friend from the college and my cousin Judy. I have a $25 gift certificate for a local restuarant, which I paid $4 for, and we have to spend $35, so two people have a hard time doing that, so Judy will help.

So till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jesus Christ Has Risen Today!

....and the sun is shining brightly to prove it!!  What a beautiful morning.  Happy Easter everyone. 

Just a short note today.....I went to the Easter Vigil service last night.....I figured it would last a couple of hours, but ended up nearly least with my arrival before 8 p.m. and not returning home till 10:45.  But it was a great service, and full of prayer and celebration for this Holy Day.

Today the kids are coming plus cousin Judy and a friend of Katie's.  I've everything ready cept the fruit bowl which I will do just before, and the Easter Egg Hunt.  I have to hide all those I better get dressed and get busy! 

Again hope you have a Blessed Day rich in God's love.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Son Will Rise

Still over-cast this morning, but as promised the sun and the Son will rise tomorrow.  Along with 60's....can you believe?  I have lots to do today, so I do hope it clears up and brings me some energy along with it.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the "Living Stations of the Cross" that the teens from our parish put on.  It was really done well, along with a meditation for each of the stations.  I teared up during several spots...and did a lot of meditative prayer.  They also had a song between the station meditation that went along with each....and I could hardly sing.  But I came away feeling really good and know that God is with me through my journey carrying my cross.  As I came out it had started to rain, so the day matched the mood or vice versa.

After I went shopping and picked up almost everything I need for the brunch, but still have to hit the liquor store today for some champagne for mimosas.  I then settled in to watch an evening of HGTV when I got a phone call from Janet and she asked what I was watching....wondering if I was watching "Girls Night Out" I said no, and she suggested I may want to turn it on, it was just starting, and it was a program celebrating all the great women of Country Music.  I am so glad she was really a great show, and Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill did a fantastic job of singing "How Great Thou Art" which again had me in tears. Hope some of you got to see this show.  Gene would have loved it....cause one of the women they honored was Loretta Lynn (the Coal Miners Daughter) one of his favorites.....too bad they didn't have Kitty Wells although they did mention her.

Today I have lots of cooking, cleaning and a few errands to run, and this evening I will be going to the Saturday evening Easter service at church.  It starts at 8:30 and will probably last about 2 hours as they do a lot of things along with the Mass.  Blessing of Candles, Water, and the receiving of the catacumins (I'm probably spelling that wrong) that have been preparing for this day all year. This is the biggest or most important season of the church.  I volunteered to distribute Communion at this service.  It will let me prepare the Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch tomorrow morning before everyone comes at 11 a.m.

I finally talked to Dr. Sideras (the oncologist at Mayo) yesterday.....he called when I was in the bathtub.....just my luck.  So I had to grab my rob and run to the phone dripping.  He explained that the chemo regiment would be similar to that I went through last Spring, and he told me some of the side effects that I may or may not have with these drugs.  No neuropathy this time....but may get a long as it goes away....I can handle that.  Diarrhea is also one of the side effects, but I think that comes with any chemo.....and is usually well handled with the other drugs they give you.  I shouldn't lose my hair, but it may thin again....just when it was starting to feel normal!  Anyway, he took the FAX number for Dr. Londer, and said he would fax the recipe to him yesterday afternoon, so when I get there on Tuesday, Dr. Londer will have a plan for me.  He also said that after a few months I should have a CT scan and if my lungs are clear I can just stop and they will watch me from that point on.  I suppose CT scans every 3 or 4 months.  But it sounds like it all can be handled here, and I won't have to go back to Mayo unless I want to see Dr. Nelson for my butt.  As for my gets better all the time.  Yesterday it barely drained....and I can actually sit fairly comfortably and lay on my back while sleeping.....both are for short periods, but so much better than not at all!   So things are going well, Love and prayers and hope you all have a Blessed and Happy Easter, m

Friday, April 22, 2011

Gloomie Good Friday

I know I'm late....but hard to get myself moving when it's this gloomie out.  I slept in till 9 a.m. and then spent the next hour waiting for my computer to reboot and finally get into my email etc.  Cried thru Annette Haugen's caringbridge entry and just now am writing.

Didn't do much yesterday....spent a lot of time filling plastic eggs for the egg hunt on Sunday.  I filled 105 eggs....put most of them have parts of a clue in they can find their bags of candy.  So a long process.  Then at 4:15 I meet Laurie Lopez who was waiting for John to get off the train from downtown.  I gave her three bags of magazines.  I thought I had only two....but when I went out in the garage to find the was the one I just filled.  She was so happy to get them, as all her old ones that she keeps at her cabin had all been read several times, and she can now throw them away.

Last night I went to the Holy Thursday church service, and had my feet washed and washed the feet of another.  It was a very nice service, and today I will go to the Living Stations of the Cross that teens from our parish will do.  Then tomorrow I am going to the 8:30 p.m. service instead of the Sunday morning service.  It is a long service....but full of the pomp and circumstances that I love.

Well that's it for today, love and prayers, m

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Sun Has Come Out!

I love the morning sunshine, and miss it when the clouds cover the sky.  I'm afraid that will be the case again tomorrow (according to the weatherman) but I'm going to enjoy today!

I have added the 80th spot remover to my list.  Incase some of you are not on it....or don't know what it is....Last year when I had more spots than the doctors cared to even cousin Karen #1 on the list....came up with the idea that it was so daunting to pray for so many spots to be gone, if each person adopted one spot and prayed for it to be gone it might work better.  Well it worked very well....cept for 2 pesky we decided I must have had 75 spots as I had only 73 adoptee's at the time.  So I then added more to the list....and low and behold they all disappeared and I was able to have my surgery last October.  Then the focus went to my butt to get that to heal......and now we are back worrying about 2 spots.  My list continues to grow, and I will be happy to add anyone who wants to volunteer to the list.  Obviously it works!

As for me....I'm still waiting for Mayo to contact me as to if I need to return to Rochester for a CTscan before I start the chemo....or if they will just send the "recipe" for the chemo to Dr. Londers office and I can start the chemo working....along with your prayers.

Didn't do much yesterday other than finding the plastic eggs and starting to fill them for the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday.  I also found the bucket (right next to the door) of the store room....I think someone must have been thinking ahead and put it there for me.....or someone was here while I was gone and put it there for me to find.  It's strange.....I don't remember it being there when I was down there a couple of weeks ago.  I think it was an Angel at work.

Holy Thursday today, so I plan on going to church this evening, and I am meeting my friend Laurie at 4:15 and giving her a couple of bags of Magazines for her daughters to read.  I hate just throwing them away, and I know they enjoy getting them.  I'll take some of the more resent ones that I haven't read yet to the cabin with me in a few weeks.

Nothing new to report, Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Snowing

Incase you haven't noticed!!!  That white stuff on the lawn is snow!  Luckily it will melt fast....they are predicting 60's and sun for Easter....but is looking more like Christmas today.

Sorry I am so late writing today.....slept in till 9 a.m.....and then Janet called and we talked for about an hour....hadn't talked with her since she got back from Arizona where she was taking care of her sister Jean who had a stroke back at the beginning of February.  It was good to talk and laugh with her again.

I don't have much to report on for yesterday....did have a good lunch with my friend Laurie from ARCC.  We went to Acapulco for was a favorite for both of us.  Then I did a little shopping and came home.   I did make an appointment to see Dr. Londer my oncologist next get the ball rolling for chemo....put in a call to the Oncologist at Mayo to see if I need to have the CT scan there or if I can have it here.  I haven't heard back from his office yet....suppose I'll hear something today.

I did get to talk to Aunt Loretta yesterday, and she is doing well, and is keeping me in her prayers too.  She says she has a special in with a little Angel (her daughter Dorothy who died of leukemia at a young age) and of course all her brothers and sisters who have gone before her.  So I think she is keeping me in good standing to get rid of these spots!  I have no doubt!

Nothing planned for today...just waiting for the sun to come back out!  Love and prayers, m


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Out Dam Spot!

Things went well....inspite of getting up at 4:45 a.m.  Judy and I were in the clinic by 7:50 and I got my blood drawn and then went to breakfast.  Then saw Dr. Nelson at 10:30 and she says my butt is doing pretty well, and she thinks I can start chemo as soon as Dr. Sideras wants.  I don't know when yet, but he was thinking last month that if Dr. Nelson gave the okay I would start sometime in May. 
The urologist I met with at 11:15 says I don't have to self catheterize anymore.  I am emptying fine when I go on my own, and my blood work said my kidneys were working great.  So unless I start having problems with voiding, I don't have to worry about that anymore.
But some of the best news was that my Ct scan I had last month, only talks about 3 spots, 2 that are slowly growing and 1 that I've had for at least the last 16 years and has never changed.  So it's only two spots the chemo has to deal with!  I don't know about you.....but it sure makes me feel a lot better.  Each of those spots had grown .4 cm in the 3 months between CT scans the largest being 1.0 cm and the other .9 cm.
So I guess I have to wait for Dr. Sideras's office to contact me now.  If I don't hear anything by the end of the week, I will call them and see if we can get this ball rolling.  I'm anxious to get it over with.  

If you have facebook you already know this news, and have responded with such great enthusiasm, I also emailed my kids with it right away yesterday, so this blog is old news for probably all that read it....but I needed to have it documented in my blog. 
In my cousins caringbridge site this morning, he talks about Holy Week being a reminder that we are not walking through the pain alone.  I am so lucky, cause I have all of you to remind me that God is with me every day.  I hope you all know how much I appreciate your love and support.  Now as for those "2" spots.....get back to work! I'll do my part with the chemo.   Love and prayers, m

Monday, April 18, 2011

Where did Spring Go?

Nineteen years ago today my mom died.  It was then the Saturday before Easter, but even though it’s Monday, it’s Easter week, and it brings back so many memories….some silly,,,some sad.,,all the coffee cans filled with open bags of coconut comes to mind…..and more ham than we knew what to do with.  Also that mom was so worried we couldn’t do Easter dinner with out her….and she proved to be right!  Miss her so much….as if it was yesterday.

Yesterday was a great day; the Sunday morning Mass was well done….great music….reading of the passion and the procession of palms.  Then the potluck with the Lenten group was really delicious, and the conversation and discussion of the weekly readings was very meaningful.  But the best part was the Cantata.  It was also based on the passion and at one point had me in tears….it was so well done.  The orchestra was great and the joint choirs were magnificent.  I think it was such a great way to start out Easter week.

Today I’m headed for Mayo, and I have an appointment with my surgeon who will then consult with my oncologist as to when she thinks I can start chemo….and then off to see the urologist.  Should be done by noon.  My cousin Judy will meet me in Bloomington at 6 a.m. and then we’ll head south.   I have to be there by 7:50 for blood work, and then don’t see surgeon till 10:30, so I guess we will find some breakfast.  So when we are done at noon, we can head back to Bloomington and Judy’s car, and then find someplace for lunch.  The worst part is getting up at 4:45 a.m.  that’s usually about when I finally get to sleep.

Yesterday at the Cantata I talked to an old friend I hadn’t see in ages, she told me she reads my blog every day!  I was really surprised….It amazes me how many people do.  Thank you all for your love and support.  Keep those thoughts and prayers coming.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sun Returns

....but only for a few hours.  The weather is supposed to be unsettled (what's that?) for the next seven days.  No signs of those 60's and 70's for sure.  Those Easter Bonnets might have to be wool stocking caps.

Yesterday I mentioned that I had nothing planned, and I got this delightful call from Annie inviting me to come and watch hockey for the whole evening.  First I got to watch Matthew at hockey camp (which he calls his game)  they did play what could be called a game but it was one of four sections of the ice set up with little nets on either end and all wearing basically the same hard to even know who was on your team....much less which one was Matthew.  Luckily Annie could.  It was all and all hilarious, as most had a hard time skating much less chasing a puck.  The stands were full of grandparents and proud parents and other laughing viewers.  Matthew had his grandpa Matt and grandma Carol along with me and his sister Nicole all watching along with Ann and Doug.  Laughter is great medicine.

From there we all headed for the Super Rink where Allie was playing in the second game of a weekend hockey tournament, and then Nicole followed with her team.  Both of the girls won their games, and will be playing in the championship games around noon today.  It was amazing to see the contrast of how well they skate compared to those little four, five and six year olds of earlier in the day.  But I guess they started out in a similar fashion.

Today I have plenty to do, church a potluck and a concert....I'm sure I'll be tired when that's all done, and tomorrow I have to be up bright and early to head to Mayo.  Not looking forward to that at all.  I hate getting up in the morning.  Must head for the shower....I'm already running late.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Snow Again?

I read my cousin Louie's blog every morning before writing mine, and he had a good analogy of this snow.....he said it was like in this theater of seasons, that the fourth act got called back for a curtain call.....but I thought that a curtain call was encouraged by the audience clapping so loudly?  I don't remember hearing any applause for our winter.....although we now have moved up to being the 4th most snowy of any winter in Minnesota history.  I don't know about you....but I was through with winter a long time ago....can't we have some Spring?

Nick's baseball game was cancelled yesterday, but Nicole's track wasn't....but today's was.  Funny Nicole went from freezing her butt on the track to playing hockey.  I hear CR won the meet and they also won their hockey game.  I'm not sure, cause I only left the house yesterday to get the mail.

I don't have a lot of plans for today either, but I do have to go grocery shopping, so I will do that. Hopefully by the time I get dressed and out of the house all the snow will be gone.  Tomorrow I have a lot of plans.....all around church....I start with church in the morning, then our lenten group is having a potluck at noon, and then we are all going to the cantata back at church at 3 p.m.  Several of our group also belongs to the choir, so we look forward to hearing them, along with a large group of others from Epiphany.

I almost forgot....a bright spot to Friday....Jack and Rae's senior prom....are they not a gorgeous couple.  I really love Rae's dress.  She looks like a movie star!! Jack's pretty handsome too!

On Monday I head back to Mayo bright and early, so probably will be doing a late edition to the blog on Monday afternoon.  Till then keep those prayers going for all those on my list and for those pesky spots!  Love and prayers, m

Friday, April 15, 2011

Quiet Blahhhh Day!

I just read my cousin Louie's caringbridge site, and he did nothing yesterday too!  He blames it on the weather....I suppose that could be my excuse too.  I just didn't feel motivated to do hardly anything.  I did shower and get dressed and forced myself to go into the office and move things around for about an hour or less....and I put in a few loads of laundry, but other than watching the Twins lose again nothing exciting!!!

Don't have much bigger plans for today.  It's cold and blustery and definately NOT spring.  Poor Jack has his Senior Prom tonite.....brrrrrr.  And Coon Rapids has another track meet....brrrr.  Don't know if I have enough clothes to keep myself warm sitting in the stands.  They also have another at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning....brrrrrr.  I may sit this weekend out.

Hoping you have a warm day...or stay in the house and keep warm.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Free!

Jury duty is over!  When I called in yesterday at 4:30 they said we didn't have to report today or tomorrow and our service was over!  Just wish it was going to be another 70 degree weekend and I'd go to the lake.  The weather man said here in the Twin Cities those who live on the North side would have more sun than those who live on the south any of you that live down there can come up and visit me....if you want some sun.

I'm going to tackle my office today.  I'm forcing myself to go in there....I've been avoiding it like the plague.  But it's not nice enough to go out and do the yard (which I'm avoiding too). 

Maybe I'll shower and get dressed first....that should put it off for about another hour.

My cousin Judy who is now back in town has volunteered to go to Mayo with me next Monday.  We will meet in Bloomington at 6 a.m. on Monday....oh gosh that means I need to be up and moving at 5 a.m.  I have been doing pretty well of getting up by 8:15 lately, so I know it will be a shock to my system, but only for one day....I'll survive.  The surgeon is going to make the call as to when I can start chemo, and I get to see the urologist and tell him I'm not following his orders any more.....self catheterization....just doesn't seem necessary.  I am able to go on my own, and I am making sure I do that often during the day....I hope he agrees with me.  I think maybe now that my butt is better, the nerve connections to my bladder are also working better.

Well I guess I've put off the office long enough....please keep Carol Kline, Don and Cheri Salisbury, Kathie Kelly's grandson and my cousin Louie in your thoughts and prayers, love and prayers, m

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I just called the jury duty line....and I am officially done....don't have to report of Thursday or Friday!!!  Yippee!!!

Lucky Day!

Not only was it a beautiful day, but when I called in the jury line, I was told I didn't need to report at noon, like they thought the night before. 

It was so nice, I  spent about an hour walking around the backyard picking up sticks!  I can't believe I have any branches left in the trees, I picked so many off the ground.  Several were pretty big too! Neighbors on both sides of me have raked and their yards look so much better than mine.  But I'm not up to that yet.  I may have to pay the grandkids to work on that for me.

Later in the afternoon, I went to Nick's baseball game, in Andover.  It was so beautiful sitting in the sun and watching.  So much warmer than the day before watching track.  I striped off my jacket and pushed up my sleeves and wished I had sandals and shorts on.  Got to see Nick get a walk and a hit and do some fancy base running.  But had to leave the game before it ended as I had women's club meeting at 6:30.

The meeting was a working meeting trying to get ready for the brunch the end of the month.  We had a great turn out, and it was fun to see those I hadn't seen since January when I went to the play with them.  But a few just returned from Arizona and I hadn't seen since last year.  The meeting ran late, but mostly it was a good evening.

I got home just in time to watch the 10th inning of the Twins game....and they pulled that out too!  So glad I turned it on before going to bed.  Hope Nick's team did the same!

When I called yesterday afternoon, I was informed that I didn't have to report for jury duty again this morning, so that is 8 out of 10....let's hope I can continue the streak.

No plans for the's a damp and cooler probably won't get out to the yard. I'm sure there is some trouble I can get into.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sun is Shining!

Supposed to be a great day, but probably the last for the week.  So I better take advantage of it while I can.  I have been bragging about not having to report for jury duty yet....but my run of 6 out of 10 may come to an end today.  Today my number was called to show up at 12 noon, but.....I have to call at 10:30 to see if they still need me.  What are the odds that I'll get out of it again today?

I did enjoy yesterday.  First had lunch with all the retiree's....a few had returned from the Sunshine States, and so we had nine of us there.  Funny, two are on the jury list for the next two weeks.  I wonder if they saw that we were retired and put us all on the list?  I'll be happy when it is over and my days are my own again.  Sadly even when I don't have to report next Monday (as I'll be done on Friday) I then have to go to Mayo for two different doctor appointments.

After lunch I went to the track meet of Katie and Nicole....and Blaine girls were there that means Annie was there too.  But I also had Jack playing baseball at the baseball diamond right next to the track.  I did walk over between events and watched a little baseball.  Did get to see Jack playing second base, but just missed seeing him bat.  He had just batted when we got there, and had to leave before he got up to bat again.  Did get to visit with several different people I hadn't seen in a while.

At the track, I had a women come over and introduce herself to me.  She had been sitting across the aisle with another parent that I knew.  It turned out to be the daughter of Doraine Newland who I job shared with 30 years ago.  Bonnie and I had visited Doraine in January when we drove through Panama City Beach, and she told me her granddaughter ran for Blaine and I had told her that Annie was the coach.  So I guess that very evening she called and talked to her daughter and asked if she knew Annie.  As Annie doesn't work directly with the distance runners, she hadn't personally met her.  Anyway the women she was sitting with is also a para and they work together at the same school. Both of their daughters along with Katie ran the mile yesterday. What a small world it is.  So all of the days events were very social events for me.

Today may be sort of the same.  Maybe jury duty, then Nick has a baseball game in Andover at 4:15 and then this evening I have North Suburban Women's Club meeting.  I got a call last week one day informing me that I was on the list to be one of hosts for the meeting.....that means I have to bring treats.  As I don't know if I'll be around this afternoon, I baked some turtle brownies last night....I didn't think they'd want Girl Scout Cookies.

I got a chance to talk to another women who was diagnosed with rectal cancer about the same time I was, and she says she is in remission right that was good to hear.  I hope to be in that state soon as well.  Next Monday I'll start the ball rolling for Chemo....atleast Dr. Nelson will be posed the question and confer with the oncologist as to when she thinks I can start.  So please keep the prayers coming, and also pray for all those I pray for too!  Love and prayers, m

Monday, April 11, 2011

So Glad the Sun is Shining!

The rain did make it much greener, but I didn't see any flowers while out surveying the gardens....did see some buds on my bushes though.  But much more important I hear that the cold and rain is creeping back into the weather reports.....he almost said snow by Friday.  I was just getting used to the 60's....actually yesterday it was 76...can you believe?! 

I went to church, came home and finished preparing for the Lenten group and then settled down to watch the Twins game.  Unfortunately they lost....thankfully the A's left town and we can rest today.

The Lenten group came at 6:30 and it was a good evening of conversation with the full group of 12.  None of us were missing.  One of the new members of the group brought a chocolate cherry swirl cake to add to my aray, and it all got eaten cept for 2 brownies and 3 cookies. I started with 2 sleeves of cookies and a dozen brownies, so I think we ate well.  Next week we are going to do a pot luck at noon, and then the church is hosting a cantata joining our choir with that of Epiphany and some extra's cause it's over 100 choir members and instrumentals.  I think it should be really good.  I'm looking forward to it.

A couple of the questions we talked about last night where "How do we know we are loveable?" and "Do you share your Faith with others?"  I guess I have you guys to thank for letting me know I am loveable....I feel your love everyday.....and as for sharing my Faith....I think I live that....and all those that read this I hope can see that.  I don't know if it makes a difference in your lives....but I hope it does....and it really makes a difference in my life.

Today I have a full day planned....lunch with the retiree's at 11:30, then at 3:45 Nicole and Katie will run in their first track meet at home....and Jack and the Anoka varsity baseball team will be playing Coon Rapids at Coon Rapids, so I will be running between the track and the baseball diamond.  I can't should be great fun.

For now, love and prayers, m

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers

I just heard the weather lady say only one dry day in the next seven!  The sun is shining this morning, but thunder storms predicted along with a high of 74 for the day.  Sooo I guess I'll enjoy the sun while I have it.

Church and then a little shopping and finish getting ready for the group to come this evening.  Hopefully they won't be coming in wet.  The house is ready....did the bathrooms and vacuuming yesterday...just have to pick up a snack to add with the girl scout cookies and banana bread I made on Friday.

The rain we had last night did bring a little green to those brown lawns in the the yard is looking better too!  I do need to work a little on the patio this afternoon....with 70's you have to get outside.  I had hoped to go to Jack's baseball game yesterday afternoon, but that got hoping it's dry tomorrow afternoon when they play Coon Rapids.

A pair of house finch just stopped to have breakfast at my feeder.  The male is so red....I love it.  Finch stay and eat unlike the chickadee's who fly back and forth one bite at a time.  Shower time!  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Sun to Greet Me!

Gee I was just getting used to waking up to bright sunlight, but I guess I was beginning to take it for granted!  Reality is in Minnesota that the sun doesn't shine everyday.  But the weather lady says we may see it for a while this afternoon.....before it storms later this evening.  More rain storms tomorrow nite and may carry into Monday. 

One good highlight....I don't have to report in for Jury Duty again on 6 down and only 4 to go.  I wonder if I can make it through the whole 2 weeks without ever having to report in?  Would be nice.  My house does look the better for it....I've made myself clean a different area each day that I have to be tied to the house.

Yesterday I even tried to clean up my computer in an effort to get it to work no avail!  I took almost all the pictures I had stored and put them on a 4G jumpdrive.  I also defragged it for about 2 hours and it wasn't done, and I got anxious and stopped it.  So I may work at that again today for a few hours.  But it is looking like no matter what I do this thing is a dinosaur.  Just trying to put off buying for a few months till I recover from my tax bill.

If weather allows, I might get to see Jack play baseball for Anoka HS Varsity.  They play at 3 p.m. Speaking of baseball....did you see the Twins Win yesterday?  It was opening day in Minnesota Target field, and a beautiful day.  Jim and Ann were there and got to see his hero's statue get unveiled....Tony O.  Jimbo was smiling ear to ear in the picture Wendy took and posted on Facebook.

When Jimbo was little he thought his name was Tony O Libra and Jimbo's zodiac sign was a he thought they were the same.  Tom had Harmon, Bill, Carew and Jimbo had Olibra.

Well no big plans for the day.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blue Skies Shining On Me!

Day 5 and NO Jury Duty!  5 to go!  It's tough not knowing if you have to report in till the afternoon before....but it's great when you don't have to, so you have a whole day to do what you want!  especially when it was in the 60's for the first time in 147 days!

Yesterday I made plans with Judy to have lunch or for yesterday Brunch as we had to meet earlier, and we went to Panera again cause it's half way for each of us.  It's so nice to get up and get dressed before noon or 1 p.m. when I need to go out and get the mail.  We hope to continue this....but probably at the cabin when it gets warmer.  We both need a reason to get out of bed in the morning and get moving.

I don't have any plans for today....maybe bake some banana bread to get all those frozen black banana's out of my freezer.  Other than that I'm just going to enjoy this beautiful weather and maybe watch the Twins Win!!  Jim and Ann will be maybe I'll pick them out of the crowd!

Enjoy the sun!  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nothing But Blue Skys Do I See!

Which means lots of sunshine.....and one more day without jury duty!  4 down 6 to go!

Yesterday was a good day.....I don't know if I thank my kids enough for taking such good care of me....and that includes taking care of those in the neighborhood who take care of me.  Jimbo now has me in good standing in the neighborhood.  He took the neighbors car and put new tires on it.  I don't know what he charged for the deal, but just taking the car and bringing it back rather than having them drive down to Cottage Grove from Coon Rapids was a grand jester. (Don isn't supposed to be driving to begin with) Then he spent at least 20 minutes visiting with all the neighbor men and made sure they were thanked for all they do for me.  What a great guy.

Last night I went to card club and even won the top prize.....I still can't figure out how I did that.  But it was a fun night and we spent some time trying to figure out what we will do for our May outing, which is always difficult to decide first what we want to do, and then when we all can do most places (like Chanhassen, Plymouth Playhouse and the Old Log) are not open on Tuesdays our card night.  So I think we will try to go somewhere on Wed. May 4, if that works out on everyone's calendar.

Today I am meeting Judy for Brunch.  It was supposed to be lunch, but she needs to play grandma at 1:30, so we are meeting at 11 a.m.  That should still give us a few hours of talk.

It's a gorgeous day....promise of 62 I'm sure I'll find something to do outside.  Love and prayers, m 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Soaking in the Sunshine

Happy Day! The sun is shining, and I don't have to report for jury duty yet...3 down and 7 to go.

Had a great day yesterday, got to go watch Nichole and Katie run in their first track meet as High School students.  They both ran well and even got to watch Annie coach.  Coon Rapids ran against Blaine and Centennial at Centennial, so it was fun to watch Annie on the sidelines cheering on her runners, but also cheering on her daughter and neice running for the competition.  Sat in the stands with Bill and Kim, and some other parents that I know, so an all around good afternoon.

Doug had to come over on his lunch break and help me get the leaf back into my kitchen table.  For some reason it doesn't like opening and closing....something must be out of line.  Luckily I don't often take the leaf out...and Doug works close and his boss is really good about letting him off to help me.

I have already got busy today and ordered my flight and car reservations for Blair's wedding in August.  I was going to hold off till it got closer, but then I figured the prices were not going to get any cheaper, and I bought trip insurance for $18 just in case I would have to cancel.....but I plan on being there....for sure....but a little insurance won't hurt.  I got such a good deal through AARP....even beat Delta using some skymiles.  I guess I'll save them to fly to Atlanta in October.

Think I'll work on the kitchen floor today, and maybe clean up the planters outside the front door.  Make it look a little more welcoming.  Have card club this evening....if I can just figure out who's house it is at.
Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Birdie Hopped Upon My Windowsill!

Cocked his head and said "CooKoo"  Just as I was trying to decide what to title this sunny morning day, a little chickadee landed at my bird feeder which is right beside me on the other side of the window....and that old Clellon Card (don't know if that is how he spells it) would say every morning on his program.  Then my mind went to WCCO when Boone and Erickson would sing "Good Morning, Good Morning, it's great to be alive, good morning, good morning toooooo youuuuu" and remember my mom singing that to make us smile....I tend to be slow to wake up and start it usually was much needed.   I can't say I've changed that much....still only move fast in the morning when necessary....I sleep in as late as possible when I have to rise early....and love to sit and have my coffee and watch the birds at my feeders for awhile.  I'm much more a night person.....I guess due to having a father who worked the night shift and then having a husband who worked the night's engrained in me.

I got out of jury duty again today.  Each day they have you call in after 4:30 to see if you need to report the next day, and I listened to all the numbers they wanted to report this morning, and I was not one of them.....wonder how many days I'll get by with that?

I got my shopping and laundry done yesterday, and changed out my closet from winter to summer yesterday.  I guess I must think Spring and Summer are coming.  I also started to do a little next Sunday the lenten group will meet here.   Also I'll have to do a little studying to plan the questions we'll use at it.

As I get another day without jury duty I better use it wisely.....that will include going to a track meet this afternoon.  Nicole and I think Katie will be running.  They will run for Coon Rapids, and they will be running against the Bengels (the team Annie coaches).  Should be interesting.  It's only 39 right now, but should be in the low 50's this looking forward to that.

I talked to Aunt Loretta on Sunday, and she is doing fine, but told me that Reudi's mom, Lisa, had fallen and broke or cracked a vertebrae and not doing well, so please say a few prayer for her.  That's all for now, love and prayers, m

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rain Drops Falling

A little grey, but I don't have jury duty today, so I think I'll get some groceries and do some laundry.  Sounds like rainy day happenings.

Yesterday after church a group of us went out for breakfast....ended up being 11 of us.  We went to a new sports bar that is trying to do a Sunday morning endless breakfast.  But I opted to share eggs Benedict with Pat Tkach.  Several of the men went for the endless plate idea.  They bring you one, and then you can keep ordering another till you're full.  It was okay....but I wasn't exactly impressed with the eggs Benedict.  But getting to see and visit with Pat was great.  I haven't see her for months and enjoy her company a lot.

Came home and got to see the Twins finally win.  I've watched all three games they played so far this season, and I was beginning to think I shouldn't....but even though they had a scary bottom of the ninth, Nathan pulled it out.  Has been fun to see Justin Morneau playing again, although I'd love to see his bat start working too.  Last week I found out that Doug and Annie got tickets for the whole family to go to a Twins game on Fathers Day in June.  Should be a lot of fun.

Then on my way to Lenten Study group at the Bedzinski's just down the block from Bill and Kims, I stopped at Bill and Kim's and saw their trip pictures and brought mine too.  Fun to see pictures, but wish they had more.  Only saw the first day's.....I'm sure they must have taken more.

Study group went well, and talked a lot about actually listening to God....instead of just asking for things all the time.  I think listening and being aware of what is being said and what we hear and do during the day is something we often miss....and just sitting quietly we can hear a lot!!  Just as I was writing this the sun popped out!  I think God is talking to me right now!  Did you hear Him?

Love and prayers, m

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rise and Shine

The sun returned again this morning, after the best day of the year so was 54 degrees!!!  Wow, I can't wait for it to be nice enough to start working on the yard....and for the spring flowers to start doing something in Minnesota.  I loved all the flowers blooming in Sedona....and know it will be May before we see anything like that here, but yesterday gives you lots of hope!!

Don't have much planned for the day cept my lenten study group this evening.  It happens to be one of Bill and Kim's neighbor's homes tonight.  I think about four houses down the block.  So may have to stop and say hello on my way by.

Oh, I guess I do have church and breakfast with Carolyn and Gary planned too.  Must get in the shower so I'm not and prayers, m

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Sun is Back!

Really!!  Even yesterday the sun came out by about 5 I had lunch with Judy and I told her I'd bring I wore yellow and brought my pictures of Florida and Sedona.  I think it worked.

While Judy and I were eating I heard my phone ring....but couldn't get it out of my purse fast enough....Aunt Loretta had called.....more Sunshine!!!  I haven't called her back yet, but will do that today.  I hear she did reach her granddaughter Kim and talked to her.  (Facebook told me)

I've updated the CC Blog, and will also do that for the Facebook page for family, cause we have two Fall dates to remember or mark your calendars for.....Oct. 22, Joe turns 70, and on Nov. 5 Matt Patton get's married and Uncle John and Flo will celebrate 51 years of marriage.  So you can watch either of those sites for more information when I get it.

As for me....I was very careful as to what I ate yesterday and didn't have any must have just been a light case of stomach flu.  Judy and I met for was really good to see and talk to her.  We must have talked for 2 1/2 hours at Panera.  We have vowed to do often now that she is back in town to stay for awhile....except for a short weekend trip to Denver for a grandchilds birthday next weekend.

I called the number supplied by the Anoka County Court system and found out that I don't have to report on the first day off!!  I have to call each afternoon after 4:30 to see if I need to report the next morning.  Interesting thing is no one has to report this nothing must be going on.  With any luck I won't have to report at all.

Nothing planned for today! Love and prayers, m

Friday, April 1, 2011

Another Sunshiny Day! APRIL FOOL

It's raining!!!  But at least it isn't snow!!  That would be the ultimate April Fools joke by Mother Nature!! 

I don't know if you remember, but on Monday night I was burping all night and didn't sleep much...well anyway I was, and since then I continued to feel a little sick to my stomach, but it didn't seem to be anything till yesterday afternoon when it all came to a head.  Burping, nausea, cramping in my stomach.  Thought I was going to throw up a few times, but after a couple of false alarms I finally managed to do that.  I laid on the couch and dosed on and off for about 3 hours or so, and then finally started to feel a little better but was afraid to eat anything.  I finally around 9 or so, made some mint herbal tea, and that went down okay.  But then I didn't go to bed till 1:15 a.m. and was still looking for sleep just before 4 a.m.  I managed to get out of bed at 8:15 a.m. this morning and I was afraid to eat anything I had eaten everyother morning this week (cheerios and banana) and made myself some toast to have with my morning coffee.  So far my stomach feels okay!

I am going to lunch today with cousin Judy, who is finally back in Minnesota for the summer.  I told her having lunch with her would be sunshine, even if it was raining.  We will meet at Panera in St. Louis Park at 11:30....on 169 and Hwy 7 if anyone wants to join us.

Got an email from cousin Louie last night, and hope to see him in the near future.  But I'm on jury duty for the next two weeks, so we'll see how that goes.  I read his caring bridge site every morning, but seeing him in person would really be great.  I was trying to think of when the last time I saw him and I think it was when his mom died. (my dad's sister)....and that was a long time ago.  Of course he's lived in Colorado for about 15 years, so you have to take that into a count.  I think it's his birthday next Tuesday, and then we will be the same age for almost a month....but then in May I go back to being a year older.  He needs lots of prayers, as he is having problems with his autonomic system failing (your nervous system that tells parts of your body what to do) and lots of joint problems. (elbow, carpel-tunnel, knees, ankles and feet)  He needs lots of surgery, but they are afraid to do it because of his other problems.  He was supposed to have surgery again this week, but because of a sinus infection, and the anesthesiologist insisting of doing it in a hospital instead of an out patient site, it was postponed for the second time.  So please keep him in your prayers.

That's it for today, hope you don't have any bad jokes pulled on you!  Love and prayers, m