It's raining!!! But at least it isn't snow!! That would be the ultimate April Fools joke by Mother Nature!!
I don't know if you remember, but on Monday night I was burping all night and didn't sleep much...well anyway I was, and since then I continued to feel a little sick to my stomach, but it didn't seem to be anything till yesterday afternoon when it all came to a head. Burping, nausea, cramping in my stomach. Thought I was going to throw up a few times, but after a couple of false alarms I finally managed to do that. I laid on the couch and dosed on and off for about 3 hours or so, and then finally started to feel a little better but was afraid to eat anything. I finally around 9 or so, made some mint herbal tea, and that went down okay. But then I didn't go to bed till 1:15 a.m. and was still looking for sleep just before 4 a.m. I managed to get out of bed at 8:15 a.m. this morning and I was afraid to eat anything I had eaten everyother morning this week (cheerios and banana) and made myself some toast to have with my morning coffee. So far my stomach feels okay!
I am going to lunch today with cousin Judy, who is finally back in Minnesota for the summer. I told her having lunch with her would be sunshine, even if it was raining. We will meet at Panera in St. Louis Park at 11:30....on 169 and Hwy 7 if anyone wants to join us.
Got an email from cousin Louie last night, and hope to see him in the near future. But I'm on jury duty for the next two weeks, so we'll see how that goes. I read his caring bridge site every morning, but seeing him in person would really be great. I was trying to think of when the last time I saw him and I think it was when his mom died. (my dad's sister)....and that was a long time ago. Of course he's lived in Colorado for about 15 years, so you have to take that into a count. I think it's his birthday next Tuesday, and then we will be the same age for almost a month....but then in May I go back to being a year older. He needs lots of prayers, as he is having problems with his autonomic system failing (your nervous system that tells parts of your body what to do) and lots of joint problems. (elbow, carpel-tunnel, knees, ankles and feet) He needs lots of surgery, but they are afraid to do it because of his other problems. He was supposed to have surgery again this week, but because of a sinus infection, and the anesthesiologist insisting of doing it in a hospital instead of an out patient site, it was postponed for the second time. So please keep him in your prayers.
That's it for today, hope you don't have any bad jokes pulled on you! Love and prayers, m
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