Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sun Returns

....but only for a few hours.  The weather is supposed to be unsettled (what's that?) for the next seven days.  No signs of those 60's and 70's for sure.  Those Easter Bonnets might have to be wool stocking caps.

Yesterday I mentioned that I had nothing planned, and I got this delightful call from Annie inviting me to come and watch hockey for the whole evening.  First I got to watch Matthew at hockey camp (which he calls his game)  they did play what could be called a game but it was one of four sections of the ice set up with little nets on either end and all wearing basically the same hard to even know who was on your team....much less which one was Matthew.  Luckily Annie could.  It was all and all hilarious, as most had a hard time skating much less chasing a puck.  The stands were full of grandparents and proud parents and other laughing viewers.  Matthew had his grandpa Matt and grandma Carol along with me and his sister Nicole all watching along with Ann and Doug.  Laughter is great medicine.

From there we all headed for the Super Rink where Allie was playing in the second game of a weekend hockey tournament, and then Nicole followed with her team.  Both of the girls won their games, and will be playing in the championship games around noon today.  It was amazing to see the contrast of how well they skate compared to those little four, five and six year olds of earlier in the day.  But I guess they started out in a similar fashion.

Today I have plenty to do, church a potluck and a concert....I'm sure I'll be tired when that's all done, and tomorrow I have to be up bright and early to head to Mayo.  Not looking forward to that at all.  I hate getting up in the morning.  Must head for the shower....I'm already running late.  Love and prayers, m

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