Friday, April 22, 2011

Gloomie Good Friday

I know I'm late....but hard to get myself moving when it's this gloomie out.  I slept in till 9 a.m. and then spent the next hour waiting for my computer to reboot and finally get into my email etc.  Cried thru Annette Haugen's caringbridge entry and just now am writing.

Didn't do much yesterday....spent a lot of time filling plastic eggs for the egg hunt on Sunday.  I filled 105 eggs....put most of them have parts of a clue in they can find their bags of candy.  So a long process.  Then at 4:15 I meet Laurie Lopez who was waiting for John to get off the train from downtown.  I gave her three bags of magazines.  I thought I had only two....but when I went out in the garage to find the was the one I just filled.  She was so happy to get them, as all her old ones that she keeps at her cabin had all been read several times, and she can now throw them away.

Last night I went to the Holy Thursday church service, and had my feet washed and washed the feet of another.  It was a very nice service, and today I will go to the Living Stations of the Cross that teens from our parish will do.  Then tomorrow I am going to the 8:30 p.m. service instead of the Sunday morning service.  It is a long service....but full of the pomp and circumstances that I love.

Well that's it for today, love and prayers, m

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