Monday, April 25, 2011

Another Bright and Beautiful Day!

If you liked'll love today!  After such a dark and dreary week the sun came out for Easter and today is supposed to be even better.

I had a wonderful day....the food and egg hunt went well....and Matthew decided at his young age of 5 that it was the "best Easter ever".  I'm pretty sure he doesn't even remember that last year he was at Disney World for Easter.  He did however change his mind and reverse that when he bumped his head in the basement playing.  But I'll take the first call! 

I had my cousin Judy join us, and Jim and Ann and the boys came later in the afternoon after the others had left....and after they all left I got to talk to Tom in Chicago.  He proclaimed that it would be a great day if the Black Hawks won....Twins already it was almost complete!  From what the newspaper reported the Hawks won in Overtime forcing game 7.  So it sounds like Chicago Kieckers had a good Easter too.

After the wonderful day, I had a horrid night....I must have drank too much coffee yesterday....cause even after staying up till midnight, I still wasn't sleeping at 5 a.m. had been up walking around, went to the bathroom 2 or 3 times I don't remember, and tossing and turning with my nueropathy and restless leg syndrome driving me crazy.  I even got up and wrote down the names of two I have to call today, thinking that would clear my mind and let me fall asleep but that didn't work either.  I know I looked at the clock every hour till 8 a.m. when I heard some commotion outside and look out the window to see the city flushing the fire hydrant in my front yard.  So when the alarm went off at 8:30 I was still wide awake.  If I ever slept it was so light that I wasn't even aware that I was sleeping.  Hope tonight works better!

Other than no sleep I'm fine, and have a couple of things planned for the day.  I can go to lunch with the group from ARCC, and this evening I'm going to dinner with a friend from the college and my cousin Judy. I have a $25 gift certificate for a local restuarant, which I paid $4 for, and we have to spend $35, so two people have a hard time doing that, so Judy will help.

So till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

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