Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Sun is Back!

Really!!  Even yesterday the sun came out by about 5 I had lunch with Judy and I told her I'd bring I wore yellow and brought my pictures of Florida and Sedona.  I think it worked.

While Judy and I were eating I heard my phone ring....but couldn't get it out of my purse fast enough....Aunt Loretta had called.....more Sunshine!!!  I haven't called her back yet, but will do that today.  I hear she did reach her granddaughter Kim and talked to her.  (Facebook told me)

I've updated the CC Blog, and will also do that for the Facebook page for family, cause we have two Fall dates to remember or mark your calendars for.....Oct. 22, Joe turns 70, and on Nov. 5 Matt Patton get's married and Uncle John and Flo will celebrate 51 years of marriage.  So you can watch either of those sites for more information when I get it.

As for me....I was very careful as to what I ate yesterday and didn't have any must have just been a light case of stomach flu.  Judy and I met for was really good to see and talk to her.  We must have talked for 2 1/2 hours at Panera.  We have vowed to do often now that she is back in town to stay for awhile....except for a short weekend trip to Denver for a grandchilds birthday next weekend.

I called the number supplied by the Anoka County Court system and found out that I don't have to report on the first day off!!  I have to call each afternoon after 4:30 to see if I need to report the next morning.  Interesting thing is no one has to report this nothing must be going on.  With any luck I won't have to report at all.

Nothing planned for today! Love and prayers, m

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