Cocked his head and said "CooKoo" Just as I was trying to decide what to title this sunny morning day, a little chickadee landed at my bird feeder which is right beside me on the other side of the window....and that old Clellon Card (don't know if that is how he spells it) would say every morning on his program. Then my mind went to WCCO when Boone and Erickson would sing "Good Morning, Good Morning, it's great to be alive, good morning, good morning toooooo youuuuu" and remember my mom singing that to make us smile....I tend to be slow to wake up and start it usually was much needed. I can't say I've changed that much....still only move fast in the morning when necessary....I sleep in as late as possible when I have to rise early....and love to sit and have my coffee and watch the birds at my feeders for awhile. I'm much more a night person.....I guess due to having a father who worked the night shift and then having a husband who worked the night's engrained in me.
I got out of jury duty again today. Each day they have you call in after 4:30 to see if you need to report the next day, and I listened to all the numbers they wanted to report this morning, and I was not one of them.....wonder how many days I'll get by with that?
I got my shopping and laundry done yesterday, and changed out my closet from winter to summer yesterday. I guess I must think Spring and Summer are coming. I also started to do a little next Sunday the lenten group will meet here. Also I'll have to do a little studying to plan the questions we'll use at it.
As I get another day without jury duty I better use it wisely.....that will include going to a track meet this afternoon. Nicole and I think Katie will be running. They will run for Coon Rapids, and they will be running against the Bengels (the team Annie coaches). Should be interesting. It's only 39 right now, but should be in the low 50's this looking forward to that.
I talked to Aunt Loretta on Sunday, and she is doing fine, but told me that Reudi's mom, Lisa, had fallen and broke or cracked a vertebrae and not doing well, so please say a few prayer for her. That's all for now, love and prayers, m
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