Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lucky Day!

Not only was it a beautiful day, but when I called in the jury line, I was told I didn't need to report at noon, like they thought the night before. 

It was so nice, I  spent about an hour walking around the backyard picking up sticks!  I can't believe I have any branches left in the trees, I picked so many off the ground.  Several were pretty big too! Neighbors on both sides of me have raked and their yards look so much better than mine.  But I'm not up to that yet.  I may have to pay the grandkids to work on that for me.

Later in the afternoon, I went to Nick's baseball game, in Andover.  It was so beautiful sitting in the sun and watching.  So much warmer than the day before watching track.  I striped off my jacket and pushed up my sleeves and wished I had sandals and shorts on.  Got to see Nick get a walk and a hit and do some fancy base running.  But had to leave the game before it ended as I had women's club meeting at 6:30.

The meeting was a working meeting trying to get ready for the brunch the end of the month.  We had a great turn out, and it was fun to see those I hadn't seen since January when I went to the play with them.  But a few just returned from Arizona and I hadn't seen since last year.  The meeting ran late, but mostly it was a good evening.

I got home just in time to watch the 10th inning of the Twins game....and they pulled that out too!  So glad I turned it on before going to bed.  Hope Nick's team did the same!

When I called yesterday afternoon, I was informed that I didn't have to report for jury duty again this morning, so that is 8 out of 10....let's hope I can continue the streak.

No plans for the's a damp and cooler probably won't get out to the yard. I'm sure there is some trouble I can get into.  Love and prayers, m

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