Saturday, April 16, 2011

Snow Again?

I read my cousin Louie's blog every morning before writing mine, and he had a good analogy of this snow.....he said it was like in this theater of seasons, that the fourth act got called back for a curtain call.....but I thought that a curtain call was encouraged by the audience clapping so loudly?  I don't remember hearing any applause for our winter.....although we now have moved up to being the 4th most snowy of any winter in Minnesota history.  I don't know about you....but I was through with winter a long time ago....can't we have some Spring?

Nick's baseball game was cancelled yesterday, but Nicole's track wasn't....but today's was.  Funny Nicole went from freezing her butt on the track to playing hockey.  I hear CR won the meet and they also won their hockey game.  I'm not sure, cause I only left the house yesterday to get the mail.

I don't have a lot of plans for today either, but I do have to go grocery shopping, so I will do that. Hopefully by the time I get dressed and out of the house all the snow will be gone.  Tomorrow I have a lot of plans.....all around church....I start with church in the morning, then our lenten group is having a potluck at noon, and then we are all going to the cantata back at church at 3 p.m.  Several of our group also belongs to the choir, so we look forward to hearing them, along with a large group of others from Epiphany.

I almost forgot....a bright spot to Friday....Jack and Rae's senior prom....are they not a gorgeous couple.  I really love Rae's dress.  She looks like a movie star!! Jack's pretty handsome too!

On Monday I head back to Mayo bright and early, so probably will be doing a late edition to the blog on Monday afternoon.  Till then keep those prayers going for all those on my list and for those pesky spots!  Love and prayers, m

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