Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Out Dam Spot!

Things went well....inspite of getting up at 4:45 a.m.  Judy and I were in the clinic by 7:50 and I got my blood drawn and then went to breakfast.  Then saw Dr. Nelson at 10:30 and she says my butt is doing pretty well, and she thinks I can start chemo as soon as Dr. Sideras wants.  I don't know when yet, but he was thinking last month that if Dr. Nelson gave the okay I would start sometime in May. 
The urologist I met with at 11:15 says I don't have to self catheterize anymore.  I am emptying fine when I go on my own, and my blood work said my kidneys were working great.  So unless I start having problems with voiding, I don't have to worry about that anymore.
But some of the best news was that my Ct scan I had last month, only talks about 3 spots, 2 that are slowly growing and 1 that I've had for at least the last 16 years and has never changed.  So it's only two spots the chemo has to deal with!  I don't know about you.....but it sure makes me feel a lot better.  Each of those spots had grown .4 cm in the 3 months between CT scans the largest being 1.0 cm and the other .9 cm.
So I guess I have to wait for Dr. Sideras's office to contact me now.  If I don't hear anything by the end of the week, I will call them and see if we can get this ball rolling.  I'm anxious to get it over with.  

If you have facebook you already know this news, and have responded with such great enthusiasm, I also emailed my kids with it right away yesterday, so this blog is old news for probably all that read it....but I needed to have it documented in my blog. 
In my cousins caringbridge site this morning, he talks about Holy Week being a reminder that we are not walking through the pain alone.  I am so lucky, cause I have all of you to remind me that God is with me every day.  I hope you all know how much I appreciate your love and support.  Now as for those "2" spots.....get back to work! I'll do my part with the chemo.   Love and prayers, m

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