Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine

Promise of frigged weather and snow is continually in the forecast, but we seem to keep avoiding it. Tonight the frigged part is supposed to come, and I think I believe them, but it's still going to be in the upper 20's low 30's over the weekend. I think they talked about snow several times in the next week, but we'll see!!
I have to deliver Meals on Wheels today, so I'm happy the weather is descent today!
Yesterday I went and had my infusion of Exturba (the targeted drug) at HHH, and while I was there I got a visitor!! Sherri Cady, computer faculty from ARCC who I worked with for atleast fifteen years, was there for radiation for her breast cancer. She had her chemo there this Fall, so she knew my nurses, and all the staff that I am on a first name basis with. So fun to see and visit with her. She hopes to stop by again next Tuesday when I'm there for chemo. My sister-in-law Carol will be my chemo partner that day, and she and Sherri have birds in common, so I think they would enjoy meeting each other.
Also, Sherri and her husband can use your prayers, I've asked you to pray for Sherri before, but I didn't know her husband is also in need. He has a ruptured disc in his back that has been repaired once and he was doing well, but this winter it blew out again, and he is in terrible pain. It seems each day I'm adding more to my list. Sherri says it seems she takes one step forward and two back....I remember saying that myself lots of times. Right now, it's hard to feel sorry for myself, when so many friends are in so much worse shape than me.
Not much else to report for the day, I did get a chance to talk to Aunt Loretta, and got a few emails of people RSVPing for a Reunion we are having on Friday night. I think we will have about 24 partying with us, who all worked at the building on the hill, the church, the CDC/TDC/PTC or whatever they called the building I worked in for a lot of years. It should be great fun.
Till tomorrow, keep those thoughts and prayers, coming. Love and prayers, m


  1. Have a fun night Friday night! Knowing that group, you should have a blast!


  2. Actually you just need Rosie to make it a great party!!!
