Yesterday I contacted the Oncologists office so I can get started with the chemo regimen again, and I have an appointment for tomorrow at 10:40, and then at 1 p.m. I will see my GP about my Restless Leg Syndrome. So it begins!!!
Last night we had card club and I won for high the year is beginning well.
Today Bonnie is coming to town from Emily, and we will work on plans for our trip to Myrtle Beach the end of this month.
Then at 3:30 I will go have another session of Qigong. Hopefully with that, and the visit to the doctor tomorrow about the RLS I will beable to sleep a lot better. Sleeping in 1-2 hour increments isn't optimal rest.
Not much else to report, I really miss having all the family close. I need to thank you all for the gifts, greeting cards and letters and especially all the prayers. Love and prayers, m
Mary, the sooner you start chemo, the sooner it is over and those darn spots are gone! You can do it! You are one strong lady. Thinking of you!