Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Greetings from Snowy Minnesota

I wish a Blessed Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to all.
Some prayers are still needed for Neva, Richards wife who is still in intensive care, Jackie is having lots of health problems, Frank could always use your prayers....and I hear my brother Bill could use some prayers too! I sure hope each and everyone of you have as good a 2009 as I had in 2008. Thank you all for your Christmas cards, greetings, phone calls, and gifts. I truely have already had a blessed Christmas. Love and prayers, Mary

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Wishes!

December 2008
Dearest Family and Friends,
As I watched “Charlie Brown Christmas” again, The Reason for the Season, hit me…the reason I’m here, the grace of the newborn child…then I found a Christmas card that read “our joyful songs, our humble hearts, our grateful lives…may these be the precious gifts we bring to lay before the newborn King.” And it was reinforcing to me how grateful I am for my health and my wonderful family and friends who have brought me through this year. Last December I wondered if I would make it through the year and here I am today so happy and healthy, that I know only God’s grace could have gotten me here. I had such a wonderful year. In March I spent 3 weeks hiking and healing in the warmth of Sedona and the company of a dear friend. Then in May I spent the month roaming around Switzerland, Austria and Germany with my sister Kathleen and her husband Gary. We made our cousin Karen’s home as our base and really enjoyed the warm hospitality that was extended to us. Her family was so fun to be with. In June I returned to a newly remodeled cabin that my kids had worked so hard to finish before I returned to surprise me! It was so wonderful. I loved it so much that I spent most of the summer there and rewarded them with a new speedboat for waterskiing in late July. Then this Fall, I traveled to Georgia and visited Joe and Sandi, on to Florida where I saw Jim and Linda Zimmer and then onto New Orleans where my friends Bonnie and Lois met me and we spent a week touring the town. Right after Thanksgiving I drove down to Naperville and watched the grandkids while Tom and Karen were in New York on business. So you see…life is short and I’m enjoying it while I can.
My family is also doing well, Tom and Karen are still both in “shoes” and their children Emily 15, Kennedy 8, William 6, and Presley 2 are such a joy. All active, Emily in Color Guard, Kennedy in Brownies and Soccer, William in Hockey and baseball, and Presley in being smart and cute!!
Bill and Kim are both busy working, Bill luckily from home and Kim at a Pain Clinic in Coon Rapids. Their children Katie 12, and Tommy 11 are also busy, Katie is now playing hockey along with her cousins and also ran cross-country quite successfully this fall. Tommy is active in cub scouts and plays soccer and baseball.
Annie and Doug have had a big change with Doug leaving Federal Cartridge to work for Jimbo. Annie is still teaching and coaching, and they both help with the girls’ sports. Nicole 13, Allie 11 and Matthew 3 keep mom and dad hopping. Nicole is playing hockey right now, but is also involved in soccer and a cross-country runner. Allie is also on the same hockey team as Colie and Katie and played soccer and softball this summer. Matthew is a real boy and into Cars and Trains and is just as cute as can be.
Jimbo and Ann, also haven’t let any grass grow under their feet. Jimbo and his partner have purchased their third Tires Plus. This one in Eau Claire, Wis. Their boys Jack 16, and Nick 12 are getting so old. Jack turned 16 a few weeks ago and got his drivers license that day. Nick was thrilled to be on the Coon Rapids National Little League team that went all the way to Indianapolis for the Midwest championship and played on ESPN in the final game only to lose to the Dakota’s. Jack plays baseball and football and Nick ran cross country this fall as well.
Grandma keeps busy trying to watch each of them participate in their chosen sports or activities. It’s hard to make them all, but I do my best. They are all smart and good looking, and I’m not saying that because I’m the grandma…they really are! My life is so blessed by them all.
Don’t forget the “reason for the season” and have a wonderful New Year.
Love and prayers, Mary

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy16th Birthday Jack

and good luck on the test!!! Drive carefully, Love Grandma

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I was in the midst of baking the buns for late last nite when my oven quit. I guess everything else will have to be in the microwave or on the stove. Thank God I have an electric roaster for the turkey. I don't know what I'll do for bread. What a dumb thing to happen. Hope your dinner turns out! and pray for mine. Mom where are you now? m

Monday, November 10, 2008

Greetings from Georgia

Hi, I'm in Athens, Georgia staying at the Schieber (Biltmore) Bed and Breakfast. Their cooking rivals the Switzerland Bed and Breakfast I stayed at in May, and also Kathleen's husband Gary's. Loving it here, they play a mean "Spinner" but I managed to beat them anyway once!!! I'll be in Destin, Florida on Wednesday evening at childhood friends Jim and Linda Zimmers. I hope they can compete with the family. Then on Friday I drive to New Orleans to stay at a time share with Bonnie Sass and Lois Bjerke, friends I worked with and have traveled with of late. See you soon. (Well those who live in MN) Love ya all!!! m

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ann Kiecker turns "40" and Doug Stalboerger "41"

We celebrated Ann and Doug's birthday's last nite....but Ann really has till Sunday to be 39. They share November 9th for their birthdays. Happy Birthday, I love you both. I wanted to get this posted before I left for my big trip. I leave this afternoon for Atlanta to visit Joe and Sandi for five days....then Jim and Linda in Destin Florida for a couple days...then I meet Bonnie Sass and Lois Bjerke, my traveling buddies in New Orleans for a week. I won't be home till November 21, so see all you family and friends then. Love ya, m

First Communion

Sunday, November 3, Thomas Karl Kiecker made his First Communion. Picture of Tommy with his family (Bill, Kim and Katie). Guess I didn't have my camera on the right setting....cause this is a little blurry....maybe someone can email me a better picture. m

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Jimbo has a halloween party each year for his nieces and nephews (no parents aloud)just grandma....and you must wear a costume! We watch "It's a Great Pumpkim Charlie Brown" and eat and just have fun. Of course the evening ends with pumpkin pie!!! Thanks Jimbo a great time was had by all!! Happy Halloween everyone! m

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As You See, I'm Doing Great

Good Friends, Good Food and Lots of Laughs is aiding in my recovery! I have had several dinners out in the last few months, joining with many old friends and some new ones too. The doctors can't find anything wrong with my health and have even removed two medications from my list. I'm down to two and one is for I am happy about that.
We closed the cabin last week, which was sad, but I'm sure the winter will fly by with travel, more dinners, much more laughter and my great family...and I'll be back at the lake enjoying life. Thanks to all who have joined in my healing. Love ya all, m

Thursday, October 9, 2008


William is 6 today! Hurrah!!! Hugs and Kisses from Grandma

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MY BABY is 40 Happy Birthday JIMBO

Love you so much, and thank you for all you have done for me this last year! mom

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Matthew!

Matthew is 3 today! Hip Hip Hurrah!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hi, been a while since I wrote about my personal I just thought I'd let you know that I went to see my surgeon today, and he said I was "Perfect". I have been feeling good, and feel stronger all the time. I have an appointment to see the surgeon who did my surgery 12 years ago next week, and I expect he also will tell me that all is well...But it is really nice to hear every now and then that you are perfect. I guess I have been spending too much time with my sister....she is the perfect one. Sorry Kathleen, but I just couldn't help it!! Love you all and thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers and I know I am only perfect because of all of you. m

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy 17th Anniversary Jimbo and Ann

Hope you have a great year just like the last 17. Love ya lots, mom

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Nicole

Oh my gosh....a teenager!!!
Colie Rose is 13!!!

I couldn't find one good picture of Nicole by I had to put three pictures in the blog. Katie one of her cousins and Matthew her little brother share the limelight. Happy Birthday Nicole...Love ya lots, Grandma K

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary Bill and Kim (14 years?)

Hope you have a happy day and that it continues all year long! Love ya, mom

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Tommy

Tommy on right

Tommy Kiecker is 11 today September 3, 2008 Happy Birthday, Love Grandma

First Day of School

Just a reminder....that I'm retired and getting old! Ann sent pictures of Jack and Nick this morning as she has taken pictures of the boys the first day each year since they started school. Jack is in 10th grade and Nick in 7th. Nicole and Katie also are in 7th grade....Emily in 9th or HIGH SCHOOL, Allie in 6th grade or Middle School.....Tommy who just celebrated his 11th birthday at the cabin (but it's really tomorrow) is in 5th, Kennedy in 3rd, William is just starting Kindergarten....boy Matthew had to go back to day care as Annie went back to teaching, and Presley is stuck there too! I got to sleep in...which I did till 8:15.
I am feeling great and looking forward to Fall...which is right around the corner! m

Monday, August 25, 2008

Living the Dream!

Tom's girls Emily and Kennedy with the Jonas Brothers! How cool is that! grandma

Friday, August 8, 2008

Go Coon Rapids National Little League



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Check out my new boat!

Can't wait for the grandkids to learn to waterski!!!! I'm so excited! I am sure they are too! m

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kiecker Gene Pool Rocks!!!

I've been so busy with family and friends the last few weeks that I haven't had time to write....but have great news to announce!!!!

Team Theresa Wins Again!!!! The Kiecker family and a few Schoeneckers gathered again at the Family Reunion and with the help of William the MVP who scored the winning run... won the tournament for the 4th time. Over the last 14 years we have won every softball tournament. My kids were in their prime 14 years ago....and now the grandkids have come into their prime.
Nick is playing on the Coon Rapids National All Star Little League Team which won districts this weekend and Nick scored the winning run in the top of the last well as making some great defensive plays in the bottom of that inning.
Katie's team won their region soccer tournament last nite and will be playing in state this weekend.
Emily was chosen by her peers and coaches to play on their All Star Softball Team and will play under the lights on Thursday.
Allie's softball team won the honor of going to state as well, but the parents decided they didn't want to participate.
I will be busy watching grandkids all weekend.

I have been at the cabin almost everyday since the first of the month. Tom and Karen came on the 2nd and all the rest of the family followed....we had a wonderful 4th joined by friends of the family and then on the 5th celebrated Kennedy's 8th birthday with more friends and family. By Monday everyone left me alone....but that was short lived as on Tuesday my sister and her husband joined me at the cabin and on Thursday Kathleen and I went to the airport and picked up Aunt Loretta from California and Cousin Joe from Athens Goergia. Had my brother Bill and his kids and grandkids join us at the cabin on Friday and then Friday evening the family reunion started with dinner in Monticello and Saturday we moved to Becker to David and Jenny's Sod Farm. On Sunday Kathleen, Gary, Joe and Loretta all returned to the cabin. Then Tina and the young Jim Spence's surprised us by showing up on her speed boat at our dock. They then joined us for dinner. After they left we were playing cards when Jimbo's friend Johnny Bret showed up at the door and a few minutes later Judy and Frank appeared. Monday Kathleen and Gary departed for Wisconsin....and Loretta and I took Joe to the airport. Loretta and I stayed in town till Thursday when I took her back to the airport too. Then I returned to the cabin and on Friday a.m. Jack and four friends came to the cabin for the day and nite and they left on Saturday afternoon. Then I drove back to the city as well and watched Nick win on Sunday morning and then returned to the cabin and Annie and Doug and their friends the Hannula's spent the day with me. I think I will be here alone till Thursday....and then I will be home for a whole week. I may even beable to get some yard work done there... which is much needed. So now you see why I haven't updated this blog since July 1. Love ya all, m

Monday, June 30, 2008

My Anniversary

Today marks what would have been my 46th wedding anniversary. It has been a happy day, as the kids have sent me well wishes, and it was a great 45 years!! Life has it's ups and downs, but our marriage produced four wonderful children who brought me great spouses and eleven beautiful grandchildren....who couldn't be happy about that!

Oh Happy Day! m

Thursday, June 26, 2008

No news is good news!

I was just informed that I haven't updated this blog for weeks, so I guess I better write a few lines to let you all know that I am alive. I have been spending all my time at the cabin, just going to town when necessary for dates etc. I've painted everything that needed painting in the boathouse, and am waiting for the new garage doors to go up so I can paint them too. The boys were up yesterday working on the boat lift and dock, and all got a servere case of swimmers itch. What a bummer....they were itching so bad and nothing seemed to make it they all went home. I sure hope they come back some day!!! m

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things I Miss

Things I Miss
I laid awake last nite and thought about the things I miss now that I’ve been home a week. I’m sure my words were much better as I put them together in bed….but I thought I’d try to put them in the blog this a.m… here goes.
I miss the church bells waking me in the morning, as in Marbach they have not one but two churches that ring every quarter hour. But they never ring at the same time, first one and then the other with a slightly different ring. I miss getting up in the morning and going across the street and buying fresh rolls for breakfast. When I got inside their were so many choices, I stood at the counter and pointed and said ein, ein, ein, ein, ein, ein, ein, ein (or one of each). Then when you brought them back to Karen’s we all sat down to breakfast at the dining room table and Kathleen and Gary made coffee with their French press coffee maker and Karen had real butter and jam on the table. Yum yum.
I miss Gary’s homemade soup for lunch along with some more fresh bread. Again all sitting down to eat together (even Reudi joins us for breakfast and lunch even though he has been in his office working since 6 or 7 a.m.) I also miss Reudi and Gary teaming up (which is dangerous) and playing off each other with dry humor. God Bless Gary.
I miss sitting in the kitchen and watching Karen lovingly bake a pie….and I watched her do this at least four times in the month we were there. She never uses anything in a can, and makes the best crust I’ve ever eaten….which is saying a lot….as I don’t like crust, usually I eat the pie and leave the crust. Then after putting it in the oven I miss the smell of the house as it baked… was so wonderful.
I miss watching their interactions of Jenny and Geoffrey with their parents and with us. They are really great kids….or young adults….as they are 18 and 20. Jenny is a beautiful young women and smart and has the best smile….Geoffrey is tall, good looking and has a quick whit like his fathers. When Kathleen and I told him he had to respect us as we were his aunts (as we adopted Loretta as our mom) he said “yah respect, but that means more presents for me!” His birthday is February 2….I better not forget.
I miss looking out the window and seeing Austria’s white capped mountains across the river valley. I miss the sunshine and flowers all in bloom. Here in Minnesota it has been cloudy almost everyday since I’ve been home, and the lilac’s and bleeding hearts are just now blooming….about a month late.
I miss playing games after dinner…..Kathleen and Gary brought dice and taught everyone how to play ten thousand, pig and liar’s dice and a game they left with the family called Blockus. Geoffrey challenged Gary in all of them, and had incredibly good luck at beating him on several occasions.
I miss shopping with Kathleen and Karen and bonding with Karen like another sister. It’s like I’ve know her all my life when in actuality I just met her for the first time in 2001 when Gene and I visited Switzerland on our tour of Europe and spent one day with Karen and her family.
I am happy to be home as I also missed my family while gone….I’ve never been gone so long before. Absence does make the heart grow fonder!
I also miss Gene, as today is the one year anniversary of his death. m

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fun on DuLac's

It seems like every place we've been has been on water....the last week was no exception. We traveled south to Lugano which is on Luganosee and took a day trip by boat from one small village to another, stopping for lunch in Marcote which was lovely....then the next day we had the Como Lugano experience....which was much like the "Great Race". We left Lugano by boat and travelled up the lake to Porlezza. We then had about 1/2 hour to waste before catching a bus to Menaggio. So we had coffee which also helped to warm up, as it was a rainy day. The bus was an experience all in itself. The hairpin turns down the side of a mountain while passing other busses and trucks on a narrow road was scarry....and it wasn't just one hairpin turn but one after another all the way down. The view of the lake and the villages across the way was incredible as well. When we got off the bus....we had a 5 minute walk to the dock where the ferry left we hustled over and just got there in time to debark for Bellagio...but that was not the first we had to get back on and wait till we finally landed in Bellagio where we were supposed to have 1 hour and 20 minutes to see the sites....but by the time we found out where the next leg of the trip started, and we had lunch we only had about 15 minutes to shop, which meant I only purchased a couple of postcards and headed for the dock and hastily took pictures. The next mode of transportation was a hydrofoil down to Como with only a couple of stops along the way. By the time we got to Como....the rain had stopped. But because of the rain, all the waterfalls along the lake were spectacular and the low hanging clouds gave the mountains a new beauty. In Como we quickly found the bus stop and our bus to Ponto Chiassa arrived before I could run to the Mac Donalds to use the no time to dilly dally there. When we got to Chiassa, we had to walk across the border of Italy back into Switzerland and find the bahnhof (train station) back to Lugano, and walked a few blocks in the wrong direction and stopped to ask directions and ended up walking back to the border crossing and asking one of the guards where the train station was....and he pointed and said it was about 30 meters up the road....the opposite direction we had walked in the first place. Anyway we then took a train back to Lugano and then a funicular down the hill into the middle of town....and then walked to a bus stop and took a city bus back to our all of this was done in a span of 7 hours or less. The Amazing Race!!!! From Lugano we headed back north to Lucerne and stayed a long the lake in a Swiss Chalet with a beautiful view of the lake. Breakfast each morning was served outside on a patio overlooking the lake and it was beautiful. Life on DuLac's is wonderful. m

Monday, May 19, 2008

Only One More Week

Last week we traveled to Titisea in the Black Forest and Basil in Switzerland. Today we will drive to Appenzell and tomorrow we will head south to Logano and points beyond. I can't wait to get home and upload more pictures for all of you to see. In Basil we went to six museums and saw some amazing works of art. We dined in great restuarants as well. Yesterday we got to go with Reudi and Karen to Geoffrey's band competition marching portion. On Saturday they finished 2nd in the music portion....and yesterday they had to march about 6 blocks playing and got judged on that and finished 6th out of 17 band in that category. I don't know what place they were overall. It was fun anyway and then we went to a big tent where an old time band was playing and we had wurst and beer (I had wine) and listened to the music. Gary's friends also joined us for the day. I believe a good time was had by all.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise

Today we are in Tittisee in southern Germany in the Black Forest. It is a beautiful resort town on a beautiful lake. Tomorrow we will head back into Switzerland and the citz of Basil. We plan on Spending two days there and will probably head back to Marbach on Saturday as Geoffrey will be playing in a band competition. On Monday, we plan on taking a train trip frist down to Lake Como and then Lucerne, Zermatt, Interlaken and Bern and then back to Marbach and on the following Wednesday we head home. I can´t believe how fast the time is flying. m

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God's Counry

After spending 2 days in Vienna including a tour of the schoenbrun Palace and attending the opera "The Magic Flute". We headed towards Marbach....but got side-tracked by this little very old town of Hallstadt. It is on a ledge at the foot of a mountain that has been mined for salt since 800 BC and on a beautful Lake called the Hallstadtersee. We fell in love and found an apartment on the lake and decided to stay the nite.....but by morning, we wanted to stay we did. Breakfast on the edge of the lake in our backyard was cold cuts and bread that we had bought fresh was one of the highlights. We wandered the area on foot and did some shopping and found a little resturant a half a block from our apartment and had dinner again on the lake....but this time we had sauerkraut and potatoe duplings....makes you really feel like you are in Austria!!! By Saturday nite we were back in Marbach after touring several more lakes and quaint towns. Sunday Mother's Day Reudi and Karen took us to the Rhine Falls about a two hour drive on the German border....and then to Stein a Rhine another quaint town with beautiful paintings decorating the buildings and the town band playing in the market square for all the mothers.
Yesterday we drove back to Zurich and visited a friend of Gary's who took us by train up a mountain and on a 4.9 kilometer hike back down along a stream and into the town of Küsnacht and by boat back to Zurich and then by train back to his home in the suburbs. So it has been one beautiful day after another....I truely think this is God's Country!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tale of Two Towns

We spent the better part of two days trying to find some clues to our heritage, but had no luck. We did meet the only remaining Hirt family, but the husband had rescently passed away at 76....and his wife knew of no other Hirt families....cept one her husbands Uncle that had moved to the US in the 30´s but she didn´t even know where in the U.S. that was. But she was a charming women, and took us to two other homes of people who may have known something of the Hirts or Scheiber´s....but one women was at the hospital visiting her partner...and the other really didn´t know anything. But Reudi bought me the book of the history of Lockenhaus...which has many pictures, only it is written in German....Karen will interpret or translate interesting portions for us. In Deutchgerisdorf where the Sherman´s are from we went to the cemetary and took many pictures of headstones. So evidence of Hirt, Sherman and Scheiber´s is still very much here...but nothing of a Stefan ever. We did dispell the myth that grandma was impregnated by the prince at the it was in ruins for the last 200 years until in 1979 someone bought it and restored it to it´s present day site. He may have been a soldier, but we don´t know of any wars that were taking place at that time....or he may be a Hungarian as Hungary is only a few kilometers away. Or maybe grandma just made the name up....we can´t figure it out. But it is a beautiful area and will send pictures when I am able.
We are now in Vienna and Karen and Reudi have left us and gone back to Marbach...we will do somemore touring and return to Marbach on Saturday, before we take off on another adventure. Loving the country and have tasted many great pastries, but there Krupfins are not Grupfins and the poppystrudel isn´t as good as mine or moms. We´ll have to try a few more bakeries to test them all. Love, m

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tales of the WC

My first day on vacation was spent mostly on airplanes....but it was very short as on the airplane we boarded in NY we set our watches to Swiss time, so my birthday May 2 was celebrated for about 30 hours. Most of the plane ride was uneventful cept the take off in Newark.....we boarded at 6 p.m. and didnt leave the ground till 8:15 p.m. but once in the air things went fine....just a bit of a backup on the takeoff and landing strip.
So once in Switzerland...9:30 a.m. on May 2 my story begins....we landed and got the rental car a Renault stationwagon and headed for Zeruck to see the city. Once finding a parking ramp, we couldn't get the car to lock....some nice people who parked next to us tryed to help, and even called Hertz and followed all the instructions in german but it still would't they sent out a service man to fix it for us....well in the mean time I had to find a bathroom and was sent across the street to a WC (a large cylander shaped thing, that cost 1 franc to enter, only I only had 2 franc I paid 2 francs to get into this thing. The door automoatically open once the coin is inplace and then you step in and the door closes and everything seems wet...well it is! You do your thing...but cannot find a handle to flush the toilet, so I touch the handle and the door opens and you step out and the door closes behind you and then you hear it flushes and totally washes down the whole inside (Karen suggests if I stayed longer i might have gotten a shower for the same price!
Back to the car....a man finally arrives and somehow fixes the problem, but we had to pull out of the parking ramp for him to do so, and then he wanted to charge us 170 francs. We refused and said we wanted to talk to Hertz....and the man angry got in his truck and left. So we were off to see Zurich.
As in the last months bathrooms have become my friend....I decided I would write on all the interesting things i found. At the airport the bathrooms were very clean....but i had a little problem trying to find the button to flush as it was a metal plate on the wall, that didnt look at all like it would be it....but it was. At one of our first stops (Starbucks) we needed a code to type on a keypad to get in....but free to the costomers. Later as I needed to find one again....we walked by a McDonalds so I walked in and down one flight of stairs to find the restuarant counter and looked left and saw a sign pointing up another set of stairs to the toilets....So I raced another young women up 2 flights of stairs and was happy to find 3 stalls there. Once to Karens (which is a lovely old 1700's home, but has interesting plumbing) I needed instructions on how to flush as one toilet had a no tank, but a pipe with a knob above the seat which needs to be turned on as you would a faucet....and off again to stop the water....and then another toilet on the main floor that has an oblong metal piece cut into the traditional ceramic cover of the tank that you press to make it flush. All this and the wonderful bathrooms on the airplane....and it has been an intersting and informing trip so far.
Karen and Reudi served us a wonderful dinner and gave us a tour of their business and then after dinner took us to their tasting room which had a surprise cake and balloons with cows on them and swiss ribbons and then served us our choice of several brandies....It was a wonderful and long birthday....Love you all, more soon. m

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Doctors Visit

I had a CT scan last Friday and saw my oncologist yesterday a.m. and he said he felt silly examining me with a CT scan that looked that good....I don't need to go back till October....6 whole months!!! Hurrah!!! Thank you all for the prayers, they do work! Love ya, m

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Unpacking and Repacking for Switzerland

I got home on Thursday, and I leave this Thursday, May 1, for my trip to Switzerland with Kathleen and Gary. We will be staying with cousin Karen (Aunt Loretta's daughter) for almost a month (4 weeks). We will be at Grandpa Schieber's birthplace on the 4-6th of May as well. Hope to get more information about his real father....Leo Stefan....or at least more information about his mom Theresa Hirt. I hope to update this blog along the way. So stay tuned! Love ya all, m

Friday, April 18, 2008

On the road again!

I'm in Chicago for a week to help watch the grandkids while Tom and Karen are off in different directions or passing in the night! Can't believe how much Presley has grown. She talks all the time....but not as much as William. He has me playing baseball with him....I'll be in super shape for my trip to Switzerland. In a little while we'll be walking to the school to pick up Kennedy...then driving to get Emily and taking Kennedy to dance the morning Will and Kennedy have hockey, then a brownie tea for Kennedy which Karen hopes to be home for...then I think she has soccer in the afternoon.....makes me tired thinking about it. But it's fun to be with them. Love to all, m

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Few Pictures From My Trip to Sedona

Friday, April 4, 2008

Reality Check

Got home late Tuesday nite to weather in the 30's, hadn't felt that since I left the beginning of March. But even was nice to be home. Janet did a magnificent job of taking care of my house for me....much better than I do. It was nice to have her here and not having to worry about anything. Thanks are my favorite cousin today.
Been busy since I returned....delivered Meals on Wheels both Wednesday and today....and yesterday I had my teeth cleaned and saw the surgeon that did my surgery. He thinks I'm doing great...and gave me permission to eat anything I want. I went right out and bought 3lbs of almonds....I've been craving them. I can't wait to eat a great salad too! I need to come back in 6 all is well. Love to all, m

Monday, March 31, 2008

Last Day in Paradise!

I can't believe my days are up! We hiked in a State Park yesterday afternoon, and then finished up the food in the house for dinner and started packing for home. This morning we ate breakfast out at a local must! The Coffee Pot in the shadows of the rock formation by the same name. Today we are running errands and condo shopping for next year for Bonnie (not to say I might not visit her again!)
We hope to bring sunshine back with us when we leave tomorrow. We have to drive to Vegas for the plane trip, so we will be out of here by 10 a.m. (our plane doesn't leave till 6:00 p.m.) and we don't get in till 11 p.m. MN time. I hear it is snowing today in MN. So we are dressing in layers....the less to pack, in our over stuffed suitcases. See you all soon! Love from Sunny Arizona, m

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Last Friday

What a great relaxing day yesterday was....I think today will be the same. We went uptown and shopped yesterday, gathering those things to take home for the grandkids and those items I just couldn't leave behind for myself. Then after lunch Bonnie and I had massages again at the massage school not far from her condo. It felt so good. Then had a relaxing evening, and today we are going to another area to look at the shops and Bonnie has to work this afternoon. So tonite we are going out for dinner in uptown at a well known mexican restuarant...the same one Kathleen and I ate at about 11 years ago. It has great views of the red rocks and great food to boot. I bet the margarita's are great too! Hiking another vortex tomorrow and grilling steak....we need to empty the freezer before we leave on Tuesday. I think that is the last meat we may have to eat out a lot this weekend and Monday. Hate the thought of leaving this warmth when it hasn't warmed any since I left Minnesota. Still the same snow and cold. It will be a rude awakening on Tuesday nite. So till I can make this computer work again...I'll sign off. m

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Montezuma's Revenge

Yesterday, March 25, we drove up Oak Creek Canyon, and hiked at two different locations and had a picnic lunch, then we drove the rest of the way up for a spectacular view of the whole canyon. It was a very enjoyable day, but as we got home, I hit the bathroom and was in there every five minutes for the evening....I guess it was that dairy queen we stoped at on the way home....but the hot fudge sundae really tasted good sitting outside in the sun while we ate it. By bedtime, it had subsided and was all good for the evening. Then this morning, Wednesday, March 26 we headed for Cottonwood and Montezuma's Castle and spent a enjoyable morning there listening to a park ranger and a Hopi native talk about his tribe. Then on the way home we were starving so we went to the Airport Restuarant for lunch and I couldn't resist ordering a Chicken Fajita Quesidilla for lunch, and wouldn't you know it, but I spent the next hour back in the bathroom. I guess I better either take two lactiads before eating dairy or abstain all together. But I love those dairy products so much....I need to figure this out before going to Switzerland and all that great cheese! Love ya, m

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Computer Glich!

For some reason, this wireless connection doesn't work all the time, and sometimes I can read my email, but can't get into this needless to say it has been days since you heard from me.
Saturday Bonnie and I hiked in to a vortex...along a creek under cathedral rock. It was a beautiful day and so fun to see the cairns that people had built in the rocks. Sunday I went to church and it was a wonderful service...with only a few tears. Easter last year is when Gene really started going downhill fast. He didn't even go to church with me. But I talked to all the kids and that made me feel so much better. I don't think I want to be away from all of them at Easter again though. It felt like something was missing all day. Bonnie's friends invited us over for dinner along with another it was nice to be with people having a ham dinner to make the day seem a little normal. It was gorgeous weather...and I got to wear my new easter outfit.
Yesterday Bonnie and I drove up to the Grand Canyon and really had another good day. We road a shuttle along the rim out to Hermits rest and back getting off to walk along the edge and see the views several times. Then we drove east along the rim and stopped at several more spots to get out and see the Grand View. We didn't get back to the condo till about 6:30, and kinda just rested on the couch the rest of the evening.
Today we are going hiking in Oak Creek Canyon...and tomorrow to Montezuma's Well. Have to get in all the sites before the end of the next Tuesday we leave for Vegas and cold points beyond! I can't believe what crappy weather MN is having....sure glad I'm here. Love ya, m

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday in more ways than one

Friday, March 21
The sun is shinning, not a cloud in the sky, the birds are singing and gather in the area behind our patio and graze on bugs and seeds we throw out for them...the flowers are blooming and it is warmer every day. Yesterday I was on my own I took my walk through the park and adjoining area of condos in a sleeveless top. Then I sat in the sun and read for awhile. After Bonnie got home we went to a labyrinth to walk and meditate that is only a couple of blocks from Bonnie's condo. Her friend told us about it the day before. We may beable to walk to this one. Then we got ready for dinner. I treated Bonnie for dinner last nite as it was her birthday, and then we went to church at the Catholic church in town. But they used so much incense and so often, it was like we were sitting in a cloud and Bonnie got a bad headache....she is rethinking going back for Easter Sunday service with me. Other than the was a nice service, and most of the readings were read in both english and a different experience for me.
Today we are going to look at some condo's that will be for rent next year. Bonnie is trying to decide if she will stay in this area or go to the Village of Oak Creek kind of a suburb of Sedona and a little more rural. They have some condo's on a golf course that we are going to look at. Then we will go to church for the Good Friday service at 1 p.m. and get our walk in this a.m. before it is too hot. Don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Love m

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The swallows return to Capistrano

Hi, It's March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, and the swallows return to Capistrano. It was such a beautiful day here....we picked up a high school classmate of Bonnie's, after doing the weekly cleaning of the condo. We headed to Uptown Sedona for lunch, shopping and to get on the trolley that took us on a tour of the area and canyons. It was fun and stopped to take a few pictures and learned a lot about the area. Then late afternoon we went back to Judy's home which is only two blocks from Bonnies unit and she had a surprise birthday cake for Bonnie...who's birthday is tomorrow. She was so thrilled. Couldn't remember the last time she had a birthday cake. We had a fun day and are taking it easy again this evening. Watching TV. Last nite I made Bonnie watch the "Biggest Loser" and will probably make it do it again next week. But on Thursday evenings she makes me watch "Lost" but I don't watch, I read...finished my "Be the Surprise" this a.m. and now am on to some fiction. Tomorrow Bonnie has to work at the library again, and I am taking her out for dinner for her is the 20th. Then we'll go to the Maundy Thursday service at the Catholic church here in Sedona, on Friday we're going to the Lutheran Church for it's service at 1 p.m. The town is really crowded this week as it is spring break for so many and Holy Week. Hope everyone is staying dry and warm. Love, m

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18, 2008

The sun is shinning and it looks to be a nice day. Bonnie is volunteering again this a.m. at the library, and I am doing some laundry and sitting in the sun and reading my book. By the way...I'm onto the second one..."Be the Surprise" I highly recommend both of these books.
This afternoon we have some errands to run and then we are going to take another hike. So I'm looking forward to that. All is well, Love ya, m

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

It may have snowed yesterday....but it's green here today. Not terribly warm...but the sun is shinning and the sky is blue. Went to see another movie as nothing on the 500 directTV channels. We saw Vantage Point last evening and it was really good. Today we are both getting a massage at noon and then Bonnie will be off with her friend Charlie for the afternoon and early evening. So I guess I'll take a walk and do some laundry, nothing exciting. Gosh and be Glory! Have a Happy Day! Love, m

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Rain Must Fall

Cloudy day and we are off to church, predicting rain or snow for the evening. If it snows we may not go to the Celtic concert this afternoon in Cottonwood. The parade yesterday was really fun, and they had a live band playing in a plaza after that we listened too for a while....then we had lunch and headed back to the condo....with a short stop at the Safeway to pick up Powerball tickets with dreams of what we could buy with the winnings, unfortunately neither of us matched more than one number. Had dinner in and watched a movie in last night. Kind of a lazy afternoon, but it was so windy outside you got sand blasted.
So we will see what today brings besides percipitation. m

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Parade Day

March 15, 2008
Hiked to Coffee Pot a 3 mile hike yesterday and made it no worse for wear. I am so happy I was able to keep up with the others with no huffing and puffing, altitude and 1 month out of 2 surgeries for the winter, I think I have bounced back. We hiked with Bonnie's friends Charlie and Larry and when we got back to the suburban of Larry's, he had lost his reverse, so they had to push the car backwards to get out of the parking lot and then was able to drop us off out on the street and we walked into Bonnie's unit about 1 short block. Luckily Larry has another car here and hoped to get the suburban into a garage to be fixed on Monday.
Last nite Bonnie and I went to see "Horton Hears a Who" and it was very cute, we laughed a lot.
Saturday, March 15, Happy Birthday Annie!
Today we are off to the St. Patricks Day Parade and other festivities in Old Town, and who knows what this evening will bring. Tomorrow we will go to a Celtic Concert in Cottonwood about 30 miles from here. It's supposed to rain, so we thought this would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Monday we scheduled massages as it is supposed to be rainy again. So I'm still having a great time, things get better everyday....Love ya and wish you were here, m

Friday, March 14, 2008

Great Day

Managed to stay out of the bathroom for 24 hours in a row! I think that is a record! After my hike and quiet morning Bonnie came home and we went to the Chapel of the Holy Cross...up in the red rocks was really pretty and I managed to buy some neat Angels in the gift shop too! I need to shop you know. Then we took a drive through what they call uptown area....seems like downtown to me....and a drive up Airport hill where they have a short runway for small planes only. But there is lookout from up there and I took a few more pictures. Think I got the rooftop of the unit Bonnie is renting. So I can show people!! Spent a quiet nite reading my book while Bonnie watched "Lost" not one that I got into. This afternoon we going on an easy 3 mile hike up Cow Pie trail. Supposed to be a Vortex there...we'll see if I feel anything. It also has lots of stones from an old volcano. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. m

Thursday, March 13, 2008

You Are My Sunshine

Tuesday, March 11
Made it to Sedona by 6:30 p.m., cause my plane landed early and I caught an earlier shuttle. Was happy to see Bonnie at the Super 8 where the shuttle dropped me off, and it was only a few blocks drive back to Bonnies' condo, which is lovely. It's warm and sunny here today. Didn't have any problems with the bathroom all day, so life is good.
Wednesday, March 12
I spoke too soon, was up all nite pooping!!! Then I continued to visit the bathroom all day as well...but it didn't stop us. The sun is shinning and it got to the mid 70's. This morning we shopped for groceries and then after lunch we went to some exclusive shops adjoining the Los Abrigatos resort which has a labyrinth which we walked and it was next to a creek which we sat by and watched the ducks for a was so relaxing and peaceful. Then Bonnie's friend Charlie who is visiting another friend for a week, took the two of us out for dinner at a Thai was very good. We each ordered something different and shared...YUM.
Thursday, March 13
Things are so much better today....Bonnie is working at her volunteer job at the library from 9:30 to 1:30 so I am on my own. I started reading the book "Surprise Me God" and it is really good, then I took a walk, there is a path right behind her condo that leads to a park. So I walked to the end of the trail and back about a mile and didn't have to rush back to the bathroom once. That was my surprise for the must have been the prayers at the labyrinth yesterday. But it is sunny and beautiful here again today same as yesterday and I am loving it. Wish you were here, m

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sedona or Bust

Well only a few days and I will be sitting in the sunshine....wishing you were here. I had a great week, board meeting on Monday nite, card club on Tuesday, Dinner out with Jimbo's family on Wednesday, shopping on Thursday and dinner out again on Friday with three other women, and we talked from 5:15 till just after 9 p.m. What fun!! Today we are celebrating Katie's birthday, and tomorrow I will have the kids over for dinner to celebrate Annie's birthday and then on to my Lenten Study group. Monday Janet and Dar are coming out to say goodbye...and Janet is house sitting for me so I have to give her instructions and directions to my house! Tuesday I fly away....hope Bonnie is ready for me. I'm ready for her!!! m

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Becoming a Spoiled Brat!

I heard nothing from my kids all weekend and exclaimed "You get well and nobody cares about you"!! Well I know this is not true...but after having so much attention it's hard not to hear from anyone. Of course they were all busy with their lives and families so I don't blame them. I did manage to talk to all four families on Monday. I managed some shopping over the weekend...the first (other than groceries) since early December. I'm sure all my favorite stores were wondering what happened to me. But with leaving for Arizona next week....I had to shop!!! I also had two birthdays to buy for so it was a good excuse. Sunday I hosted my Lentin Study Group, so I managed to get my house clean even though I was shopping. Monday I saw my geneticist again, and they still don't know for sure if my paraganglioma is hereditary or not. So they are hoping to get my children and my siblings to get tested to help figure out the puzzle. They also did more blood and urine tests on me...and will be checking the CTscan I have in April to make sure I only had one paraganglioma. They will continue to watch me for years to come. I have card club tonite and a couple of dinner dates yet this week, so life is really good...even if I complain once in-a-while!!!! Love you all, m

Friday, February 29, 2008


This week has been filled with trips to the bathroom, soaks in a tub to ease my sore butt and a few firsts! I filed my income taxes by myself for the first time and have already received my returns! Both State and Federal have been deposited to my checking account as of today. Last Saturday, I drove my car through a car wash by myself for the first time too! This was a big accomplishment, cause I never even rode along with Gene when the car was washed. Gene liked washing the car by himself when the weather permitted, and did take it to a car wash in the winter....but I finally got up enough nerve and the car was dirty enough to do it. And last but not least I received my first Social Security Check on Wednesday! It's official....I'm retired.
Last nite I attended a party for a retiree's 75th birthday, and had so much fun seeing a lot of other retiree's and a few of the those who are still working at the college. It was a pot luck and I managed to only hit the bathroom twice after dinner and managed to be one of the last to leave around 9 p.m. Nellie looked great for 75 and I plan on enjoying life and looking that good at 75 too! So all is well in my life. I'm starting to get ready for Sedona (I leave on March 11) and Kathleen and I are conversing often about our trip to Switzerland, and Karen emails answers to our questions as fast as we send them. Next week I should beable to make reservations at the Inn in Lockenhaus, Austria (Grandpa's hometown). So the excitement builds for that trip as well. I just need to start walking and getting in shape, I thought I would start last Monday....but it is Friday and haven't done it yet....maybe next Monday. Love to all, m

Saturday, February 23, 2008

No rest for the wicked!

Yesterday I spent at least 75% of my time in the bathroom. My butt was so sore! But things are looking up today. I've gone hours without visiting that room of the house. It must have been that lunch at Acapulco I had on Thursday that caused the seige. I'm going to have to pay attention to what I eat in the future and see if that is what makes the difference.
Took care of Matthew this a.m. when he got here he didn't want to stay and when his dad came to pick him up he wanted to stay with me. What a kid!
On TV this morning an author (Esau) was talking about his books, the first was "Surprise me God" and he said he tried to say this each morning for 30 days and journaled about it. Then he wrote "Be the Surprise"! I loved the idea and decided to tell God to surprise me each day too! So far today's surprise is staying out of the bathroom~ m

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clipped and Clamped!!

Saw Dr. Schlaefer this a.m. and he clipped my staples and removed all of them. One step closer to the end of this! He explained the reason why I have to go to the bathroom so because I only have a small part of my rectum left and the colon has to stretch and adtapt to it's new job. So it may be a while before it does this. Until then I will be in the bathroom often and I am so happy to have a giant container of babywipes at my disposal. Enough potty talk. Other than that I really am doing well, I will return to see Dr. Schlaefer when I return from Sedona in April. He said to enjoy my trip!
This afternoon I had my annual mammogram e.i. clamped in a vice! So I think I've taken care of all ends of my body so far this year! God is Good and so is life! m

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rise and Shine!

I think I'm walking straighter today than yesterday....and I thought I was doing well then. I even made a trip to the basement to do a load of laundry. Now I'm off to have my hair I will take care of the shining part of my headline. My tummy feels better, but I still look like I'm pregnant...the swelling hasn't quit gone. Finding pants to fit without feeling like a girdle constricting me is impossible. I guess it's still sweatpants for a while. Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers and support in general!! Love ya, m

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy Jig

My dear brother Phil arrived with his chariot at 11:30 a.m. and I was home by noon. It is so nice to be home, and I actually had real solid food for lunch. The doctor said to take it slow on the food....and to watch my fluids, so that is the plan. I go back on Thursday to have the staples taken out. But till then he just said to use my common sense. I can shower (which I can't wait to do)! The kids will be over later this afternoon after the hockey games. So life is good. Thank you all for the prayers for poop and my general health. Thank you Kathleen for the love and company and dusting the top of my TV cabinet!! I love you all, m

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Days are Here Again...

The intestinal track is clear again..So let's sing a song of cheer again.. Happy Days are Here Again...

You guessed it. POOP! In the still of the night, a little grumble produced such promise. Although she has hit this benchmark she still is unable to go home. Having yet to consume solids they'll hang onto her until tomorrow. She also had a small bout of vomiting as we think things were just too backed up. Needless to say Mary is craving REAL food. Cousins, be ready to wine and dine.


Friday, February 15, 2008

HELP... I need somebody.....HELP

OK gang. I was serious when I said we need to pray for POOP!!! Mary can't go home until that happens. I realize this is out of the norm in terms of prayer subjects, but we have to do do what we have to do. So I've been prayin' have you?

Otherwise all is well....


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Head Games

Mary awoke at 4am with a pounding headache, a slight fever and tons of congestion. Doctor thinks it's a sinus infection. Needless to say she's not nearly as perky as she was yesterday. I'll keep you posted.

On the "up" side, as we always look at things that way, she does get a small bit of fluids today. She needs to go slowly as her digestive system has really gone through an upheaval.

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Sorry for the delayed post. Again.. this job of mine is getting in the way of the important things. Need to work on that...

Everything is progressing nicely. Mary had a really good night. First, rather solid night sleep in a long,long time. She didn't have to get up to change that darn bag. How wonderful that must've felt. She's been up sitting and even managed to get up and walk a few different times. She had Qigong today as well, which was a really wonderful healing experience. Has yet to eat anything but that will happen, hopefully tomorrow. Tummy is grumbling and noisy, which is a super good sign. Hopefully the plumbing will start to kick in sooner rather than later. Lets all pray for Poop!! Can I say that? Oh gosh.. just did.......

A big thanx to Kathleen, who is keeping our fearless leader company, but please feel free to give a call. 763-257-8285

"Oh Happy Day"...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Go Changing...

There has been a room change.... I apologize if you've been trying to call. The new number is 763-257-8285... Now that pleases me...

I did have a chance to chat with Mary and she sounds fabulous. A bit horse, but she's in really good spirits. She has a room with a view and she couldn't be better even if she were twins..



OK.. So that isn't her phone number but... If you were to call 763-257-8284 you'll get to chat with Ms. Mary.. She is up and ready for action...


Cuts Like a Knife.....

In this case, a cut with a knife is a good thing. Mary went into surgery at around 8am and she's already in recovery. All went well! If she behaves and her intestines cooperate she could be home by Friday. Let's all pray for that….
Short and sweet. I'll update more as I hear.

Today's the Day!

Today I become whole again and I'm so excited. The first day of the rest of my life! (without a bag attached at the hip) It's a little after 5 a.m. and Kathleen and I are on our way to the hospital in a few minutes, but thought I'd say Good Morning! Oh Happy Day! before I hand the reigns over to Karen! Our super journalist for the week! m

Happy Birthday Janet, Reudi and Cuz Tina!!! Happy Anniversary Tom and Karen, I love you all! m

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time Flys!

I can't believe how fast this week has gone. It's Saturday and I only have 3 days till my surgery. I spent the week watching the grandkids only Monday and Friday, and card club on Tuesday nite, but otherwise it was fairly quiet. I don't even know where the time went. I can see how retired people lose track of days and time. I did manage to produce a new CC newsletter for the cousins, which was one of my goals for the week. I have also realized that I have to set goals for myself, or I'll just fritter the time away watching TV and playing on the computer. So after today, my quiet week ends....I have 2 engagements for tomorrow besides church, and 2 more on Monday as well as picking Kathleen up at the airport, and then surgery and the hospital for the rest of the week!! I won't be writing the BLOG as of Tuesday....Karen my trusty, accomplished writer and dear daughter-in-law will take over for the week. I know some of you will appreciate her writing more then Janet....who complained when I got back to the Blog after the last surgery. Karen does a much better job then I...Much better grammar as well!
So till I'm back home and on my feet again....Keep the prayers coming, and I love you all. Please post comments, so Karen can read them to me, and Happy Valentines Day to all! Love m
P.S. Happy Birthday on the 12th to Ruedi Kobelt (Karen's husband in Switzerland), Janet from another Planet, and Christine Schieber (Uncle Ray's youngest girl). Also Happy Anniversary to Tom and Karen Kiecker.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One Week and Counting!

Friday, Feb. 1, celebrating again. This time with LEW (League of Exceptional Women) of ARCC. We lunched at the Mad Hatter in Anoka, MN and all doned our hats (either our favorite or one from the MadHatter) of course Karen Orr and I both had special hats especially made for our special day! I'd love to show you a picture, but Karen hasn't sent me it yet....but will add when I get it. We were each given our hats, a LEW plaque and an Angel who's theme was Celebrate. I'm sure Karen joins me in thanking all those exceptional women who joined us for the tea!
That evening I moved to Annie's for the weekend, to help her watch Presley and William as Tom arrived late that nite and his plane left Saturday a.m. So as Annie and Doug moved the girls from one event (mostly hockey) to another, I was the one who stayed home and took care of whoever got left behind. By Monday morning, Jimbo and Ann were available to take the main caregiver roll, so I was able to come back home. So that explains my absense on the computer and on the blog.
Feb. 5, Super Tuesday, Mardi Gra or Maunday Tuesday or the day before Ash Wednesday or most importantly one week before my big surgery!!!
Kathleen called over the weekend and she is coming to be my "Good Luck Charm" during my surgery...which I am grateful for. My kids appreciate it it as well, takes some of the pressure off them. hehehe Kathleen will make sure I breath into that hideous spirometer, and get me up to walk miles in the hall! So that I can get out of the hospital asap. The doctor said Friday or Saturday if all goes well. So, I'll be back at North Memorial and looking to be home asap. Karen tells me that the 12th is a good day as it is Reudi's birthday, and Janet is celebrating a big 57 that day as I can't lose.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Gaining Strength!

Babysat Matthew both Friday and Saturday, Friday being a Dora Marathon! It never ended!!!
Sunday, for the first time since my surgery I went to St. Tims for church and then out to breakfast with some friends....Like I normally did before. I also shopped for dinner on my way home and wrapped Bill's gift. Then in the afternoon I went to a hockey game of Colie and Katies. It was a tournament in Orono...and they were playing in the championship game. But ended in second place....after a good try. Then everyone came to my house for dinner which I had put in a crockpot before the game, to celebrate Bill's 43rd birthday. Jimbo has taken his father's role....and cleaned up all the dishes and the kitchen for me after dinner. (Love ya for that Jimbo) He also arrived at the house before he shoveled the driveway and put down salt on the icey patches. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! So all in all it was a wonderful weekend...and I am gaining my strength back, slowly but surely! Happy Birthday Bill, Love you, mom

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Date is Set!

February 12, 2008, 8:00 a.m. North Memorial.

Light At the End of the Tunnel

Saw the oncologist yesterday....and he said if I am comfortable not having chemo, he's comfortable with that too! They will continue to keep an eye on me, and have already scheduled a CTscan and appointment with him in April.
Today I saw the surgeon, and he checked me out with a scope and said that the incision looks perfect and I can have the ileostomy reversed as soon as possible. However, he is busy for the next two weeks, so as soon as possible will be Feb. 12 or 13th. I'm waiting for the hospital to call and let me know which day and time. So as I would prefer it was yesterday, I guess the 12th or 13th will be great!!! I will be in the hospital for about another 5 days, so that doesn't sound so bad. The good news is that Tom and Karen will be back from Vegas, so it won't be when they are out of town. It's bad enough they live in Chicago, at least it is driving distance. Vegas would be much harder. So I am happy for that. I'll update you when I know the date for sure. m

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Retirement Party

Last Thursday, the college threw me a retirement party and the TDC Gang managed to roast me from the crown on my head to the slippers on my toes. They crowned both Karen Orr and me with Queen for a day honors, even though I have been Queen Mary Mother Magnificent since my 50th birthday. (But that's another story.) They had prepared a great surprise slide presentation that played over and over during the party. After roasting Karen, it was my turn, and they managed some nice words inbetween "Maryisms" and the new words written to the tune of "You are my Sunshine" which had my family all in tears without hearing a word. Ann Sidoti (my first boss in Continuing Education and Customized Training) and Barry Lane who was a Director of Customized Training and a Instructor for us for many years both told some stories but also had some wonderful words. Then Pat Johns gave me a plaque the shape of MN with my name and years of service to the College engraved, a certificate signed by the Govenor of MN and a gift from the people at the college. (This was a digital frame with some of the pictures from the slide presentation already loaded on it.) There were many past and present employees of the college and both Karen and I had family and friends in attendance too. The TDC Gang gave me a beautiful vase handblown by Bob Toensing a famous art teacher at the college. I've been wanting that vase for over a year now, and in the past Bob wouldn't sell I really feel honored that he would allow it to be bought and given to me.
Following the party at the college we moved to the Moon Rock Cafe in Champlin, and preceeded to party till 8 p.m. More people that couldn't be at the college came to that, as well as, a lot who were at the college too. All the grandkids got to come to that and they got the honor of passing out the cake after it was cut.
I managed to enjoy the whole day by sitting as often as possible, continuing to drink my fluids and eating as often as possible, even though I couldn't finish my dinner, I boxed it and had three more meals from it. I didn't sleep well that night had too much on my mind. All the excitement I guess. The next day I went to lunch with some of the same people all staff from the college, mostly retired. But Friday nite I really slept good. Making up for the night before.
Yesterday and today I've had the pleasure of babysitting Matthew (Annie's youngest) as they had hockey games and didn't want him in the cold rinks. So I've been hybernating all weekend.
I'd like to thank all those that attended any of my parties, and for all the gifts and hugs and many kind words. I will get busy and write my Thank You's soon. I loved the parties, and love all of you. m

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hi, I've accomplished a few more milestones this week. I've been out on my own twice. Once to the college for a visit on Monday, and today I made a trip to have my hair done. It feels so good to be independent at last. If it wouldn't be for this bag...I'd feel normal again. I know by this time next month I will be well on my way to being normal again. My plans for Switzerland are coming along well...and my trip to Sedona in March should be a reality too! So needless to say...I'm ready to PARTY on Thursday!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Feeling Great!

Well, I am happy to report that for the last 2 weeks my ostomy hasn't given me any trouble. I'm feeling more confident that it will hold...moving around more freely, and sleeping better.
I've been graced with great company, last nite Phil and I went through pictures for the family tree and the movie he is putting together. Friday evening, Jimbo, Ann and her sister Wendy brought me dinner. I think Wendy actually bought it. But anyway Famous Daves was great. Thursday Janet came to put my garbage out... and we made spagetti. She changed her mind about 3 or 4 times as the week went on and weather reports called for snow on Thursday, but no snow appeared, so she felt obligated to my son to come and put out my garbage as she had promised him the week before. Today I had Jimbo come and fix a leaky toilet. So I still am a little needy, but really I am doing so much more for myself. There are just a few things I can't manage and wheelding a wrench under the toilet tank is one of them. I do appreciate all the help and meals I've recieved and hope soon I can return the favor for those who have done so.

Today I got a phone call from cousin nice to hear from her....although Cancer and Chemo are Hell she sounds very strong and ready to fight to the finish. Please keep her in your prayers too!

I'm looking forward to Thursday and my big retirement party at the College and points beyond. Hope to see many of you there. Love ya all, m

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gaining Strength

Hi, I'm gaining strength each day, and trying new things each day. I've done a little house cleaning, and yesterday made the trip to the basement three times and did three loads of laundry. Made me a little tired in the end, but it makes me feel good that I accomplished it on my own. Walking out to the mailbox is a challenge I haven't accomplished yet, but my driveway and ice scares me, as last winter I slipped and hit my head, so I still am depending on others for that, but thinking I may drive my car out to the mailbox and back. Sounds pretty funny, but it should work.
Last nite Janet brought me dinner again....and also helped with some housekeeping jobs for me. So nice to have someone to eat with, as well as someone else to prepare it. But then I made her watch the biggest loser with me, and spoiled her eating the cherry tort she had bought for herself. So I have this nice dessert in my fridge....any takers? Janet says she will be back on Thursday evening to take out my Bill will be happy to know that!
Keep the prayers coming, Love, m

Monday, January 7, 2008

Looking Good!

I had an appointment with the surgeon this a.m. and showered and washed my hair and put make-up on for the first time since the I feel like a real human being! Went 4 days without a leaky bag, but as I got out of bed this a.m. I had sprung a leak. But have a new bag on and hope this lasts till Thursday. I see the Oncologist on Jan. 23, and then the surgeon on Jan. 24, at that time he will set the date for the surgery to reverse the iliostomy. He thinks in early Feb. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I should be in the hospital for about 5 more days. Hopefully by then everything will be back in working order. Dr. thinks I'm doing well. Thanks to Ann H. for taking me to the doctor today, and salting my driveway so visitors won't kill themselves on the ice. Nothing more to report! Call or visit anytime. Love ya, m

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Laughter is Good Medicine

Yesterday, I got a call from cousin Janet who said she would like to bring dinner and come to visit. So at my request she brought chicken wild rice soup from panara and a suprise guest, her sister Judy. So it was girls nite....and we talked and laughed till 10:15 p.m....they tried leaving earlier, but I kept them talking (not an easy task). My first company since I started feeling good, I had lots to talk about!
Success with my ostomy bag is still on the upswing. My friend who's sister used a Hollister bag, said she named it Holly! I said, "I'm not that attached to mine" hehe. So I'm getting my sense of humor back too! Monday I go back to see the surgeon, so we'll see what he has to say. Love and Laughter, m

Thursday, January 3, 2008

An Enigma!

That's what the ostomy nurse calls me. The Coloplast system she had set me up with last week is especially for those with allergies, but I was the one in a million that couldn't use it. She said the Hollister brand I am using is usually the one everyone is allergic to. So you see I am an enigma!!! Any way I got a chance to see the skin under the bag and I have healed quite nicely. So things are going forward instead of backwards. My strength is coming back...I'm better each day. This a.m. I took a shower and washed my hair without assistance for the first time. I've fixed all my own meals today as well....also a first. So things are on the upswing.
Thanks for all the comments, I love reading them as well as the emails I've received. Keep the prayers coming...they are working....I can feel it! Love, m

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Two steps forward and one step back!

New Years eve was great fun. My whole family was together at Lutsen. We started the evening with dinner at Papa Charlies (a great restaurant on Lutsen Mountain. They had a torch light parade & fireworks right after dinner at 8 p.m. and then we all went back to our townhouse for the rest of the evening and it culminated with champaign toast and a sigh of relief and a few tears that I had survived 2007 and I was so done with it. Then everyone cept me and Will took off their shoes and socks and ran outside in the snow to frolic? (their words). I guess this is going to be the new tradition, but I’m not sure I’ll be doing that even if I’m well?! Or at least I think I’m old enough and sober enough to know better. But then on the news tonite they said 679 people in MN took the polar plunge and they looked sober!!
I wish I could say the rest of the trip has gone as well….I was doing fine till I saw the ostomy nurse last Thursday and she changed by bag to a new and improved one....which I was allergic to, and have had nothing but problems since. I went to Lutsen with the kids and made two trips to emergency rooms, first to Grand Marias Hospital on Saturday night, and again on Sunday morning to Duluth, St. Lukes. The ostomy nurse came in special on Sunday morning to help me out. My skin around the stoma was raw and bleeding, and I couldn't get a bag to seal on my skin cause I couldn't get the skin was oozing. Karen had spent the whole night up with me trying to help me as I cried out for her every few minutes and there was not a lot she could do that made me feel any better. I think they were all relieved when I finally called Uncle and asked to be taken to Duluth to the ER. So we called Annie and she came and got me and drove me down to Duluth. But anyway the ostomy nurse at St. Luke’s took care of me, and I was fine till noon today,(Jan. 1) then I blew out that bag and Annie helped me get a new bag on and I told her to pack me up and take me home. I need to be close to the doctors down here in the city. So I’ll see the ostomy nurse again tomorrow and hopefully, all will be well. I feel so bad that I had given the kids so many problems, but the good times were great. And once again I couldn’t have done it without them. I love them so much.
I am so glad 2007 is over and today I begin a new happy year!!! Wishing all of you the same. m

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 and Happy Birthday Jimmer! 64, and Bruce Mortenson I think 64 too!