Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Birds are Singing and the Sun is Shining

What could be better?
I got an email from Aunt Loretta's granddaughter (Kim Weimer) late last nite, and she said Loretta would be going home today, so that is good news. I'll try and call her later this afternoon, and she if she did go home and get an update on what happened. I know your continued prayers have helped.
As for me, I slept well last nite....even over slept this morning well over an hour late. It's sunny but cool and my finger tips are tingling as I type this, but not bad....actually the warmth of the computer helps them....that and the coffee cup.
I've been watching the birds, and I am now sure that I have wrens nesting in one of the bird houses, and both mom and dad seem to be busy going in and out (I assume feeding babies). The seed bird feeders got ravaged again last nite....I think I have a raccoon attacking them during the nite....but I've learned not to fill them....they only get one scoop each time I fill them. Luckily they don't bother the hummingbird and oriole feeders. So I keep them coming back
Meeting with the kids about the removal of the deck to get our permit this evening. Tomorrow, I need to contact the architect, and then I'm going to a reception for the President of the college I worked at (ARCC's Pat Johns) as he is leaving and becoming the President of Superior Community College in Duluth. I was on his hiring committee years ago when he bacame President so I think it only fitting that I be there as he leaves. Nothing else to report, I do appreciate your prayers, and thanks again to Jeanie to let me know someone is reading this. A few others commented in emails and over the phone, so I know you are reading, and I guess I write more as a diary to get my feelings out....but I like knowing you are out there praying for me too! It's been a long haul, but all the spot removers have done their job. Thank you all! Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. I don't get to read you every day but I do catch up when I can. I am still praying that all the spots will be gone. When ever I see a butterfly I think of you. They will be all gone and you will be on to the next thing. Love you and pray for you.
