Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

....and I'm sure Oh What a Beautiful Day.  The Sun as well as the Son is shining brightly, and it's going to be Hot, Hot, Hot!!!  But I'm not complaining!!  It's just a good reminder that God is with me....bestowing warm blessings.

Yesterday I was out of that hospital in probably record time....and made it to lunch with my friends and the play at the Plymouth Playhouse.  It was a great play....great music....1958's....brought back lots of memories....American Bandstand....dances in the neighbors garage...singing with Kathleen and Kathie....and I was young again!!!  The play was also funny....filled with laughter, and you all know what good medicine that is.  I loved the whole afternoon. 

Later in the afternoon, I got some shopping done, but had a little problem finding a frozen turkey.  But the butcher from one store called another, and I should be able to find what I want on my way out of town this afternoon.  Can't have 4th of July without a Turkey on the grill.

Have a few calls to make to talk to the doctor about whether or not I need another CTscan next week, and then I'll be off to the college where we will give Carole Fuller a nice send off....and then I'll off to the cabin for the next 10 days.  I'm so excited.

I finally have some news about Aunt was a Heart Attack, and she is still in the hospital, and they will send her to a rehab center before sending her back home.  Elaine is home helping to take care of her and all the arrangements etc.  I talked to them both last night, and hopefully from my voice they aren't worried about me anymore....and I assured her we all will be keeping her in our prayers.

Also, got news that Jim Ackermann came through his surgery well yesterday, please continue to keep him in your prayers.  Jim and his wife Jean are number 8 on my list of Spot Removers.  I know they have said many a prayer for me, so it's now their turn to get some of this love and blessings. 

Also talked to Phil and he is doing pretty good too!  Don't have any other updates, but know the motley crew of friends and relatives that were doing so bad last week are all on the upward climb toward good health.  I've also received a great card in the mail from friend Jackie L. that had some great words of wisdom reminding us to "Look on the Bright Side"  It ends: "We can climb the steepest mountain If our eyes turn toward the sun...It's really up to us to make Our world a better one."  So keep those hugs, kisses, laughter, love and prayers coming!  Thank You...Thank You!  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Free Atlast!

Jimbo is on his way to pick me up, and it looks like I'll make my 1 p.m. play at the Plymouth Playhouse.  The doctor came in this morning after having yet another x-ray and said everything looked great and I was free to leave.  But you know how these things work!....first they have to write up the orders, and then I have to get Jimbo or someone to pick me up (luckily Jimbo can come) then they have to get rid of the access line to my port....they stopped the fluids at that point....and then the doctor suggested I get some toast to make sure things were setting okay, and I did and they are! here I sit dressed and ready for them to let me out of this feels like prison today, as I have a date that I don't want to break.

A small other problem that I'm having is the lack of my allergy medicine has made a mess of my eyes, and the chemo or targeted drug has caused all my skin to be dry as parchment, and my cheeks look like a racoon only in red instead of black.  I'll have to put on a lot of lotion and some concealer before the play.

One of my spot removers, is having colon cancer surgery as I write please keep him in your prayers today too.  Haven't heard a word from Aunt Loretta, I'm hoping no news is good news, and still waiting for news on cousin Ed's biopsy.  All the other news has been good, so the prayers are working.  Also yesterday three different people from the chaplains office came to see me.  Not normal that three would come....just God making sure the job got done.  The first couple offered me communion....which I wasn't allowed (but I did get this morning)....the second was just a chaplain in training, and the third was a priest who's prarish is this hospital, and he actually anointed me with the sacrament of the sick....when he was done....he said I was as good as gold!  So I think that really did the trick.  Judy brought me flowers and a butterfly on Monday night, so I think those spots are flying away like good butterflies and I may need some more chemo....but all is on the make!  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's no place like home.....

Things are progressing to normal. Mary is hopeful to make a 1pm play but lots needs to happen before she gets released! All and all things are moving in the right direction.

Prayers for a peaceful and healing sleep! Love you so so much Mom!


Good News!

Mary left me a message to give me the latest! C.A.T scan showed a partial blockage in the intestine. No tumor!!!!! "Things" started to move shortly after the scan. Blood pressure and heart rate are back in the normal range. The plan is to have another scan and compare the two! More to come this afternoon.

Once again all the prayers are working! Thank you!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Nooooo....I'm not talking about the industrial machines, but the medical kind of C.A.T.... I'm hoping Mary is in the midst of having the scan done as I type.  The doctor that has performed all her surgeries will be in early in the morning to review the scans and let us know what he's sees.  Annie plans on going in early so I should have some news by 9am....OK... maybe 11am.

The biggest concerns right now is her blood pressure and heart rate are both extremely high.  Trying to get those back to a more normal range is top priority.

Please pray for a restful night...and thank you already..for all the prayers.  We all know how well they work.

Good night......


So it looks as though Mary has a Distal Mechanical Obstruction which is  a mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines, preventing the normal transit of the products of digestion. It can occur at any level distal to the duodenum of the small intestine and is a medical emergency. Although many cases are not treated surgically, it is a surgical problem. Bowel obstruction can be complicated by dehydration.

So as to not plagiarize, I must give credit of my knew found medical intelligence to our good friends at Wikipedia, to help me understand exactly what the heck this diagnoses means.  In reading and searching I discovered that this happens in stoma patients and typically they're given indicators to look for so it doesn't get to an emergency state.  In Mary's case, it did advance and now we're just waiting to hear what the plan of attack will be....You'll know soon after I hear something..

Lots of prayers please!!


Mary was admitted to the hospital early this afternoon.  The Doctors, in reviewing her x-ray, found a blockage in her small intestine.  They didn't give Annie a ton of information but did make mention that they felt Mary was dehydrated which is a major cause of blockage with stoma patients.  In reading a bit about this latest obstacle, I did find that this in NOT uncommon in stoma patients.  I'm remaining optimistic that this is just a bump in the road or in Mary's case, a rather large "bump" in her intestine.

She is currently resting and the Doc's a pumping her full of liquids in hopes to relax her and get things moving.  I'll keep you posted as I hear more!!

Karen Kiecker (aka Ghost Writer)

Not Any Better

Going in for a xray and to see the doctor.....meds they had me take last night made me vomit this morning, but still nothing passing through my stoma.  Annie is coming to take me at 10 a.m., I'll try and write an update later.  Till then keep those prayers coming.....I don't want to ruin my week.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Crash Bamb!

Yesterday started out well, Judy and I went to the farmers market and did some shopping.  We stopped on the way home and checked out an osprey nest and got a good show there.  Saw the mom, dad and a baby.  Then my stomach started to rumble and I decided we better head for home.  I ate some light toast for lunch and we played some cribbage and pretty soon I thought I needed to take a stomach was getting much worse, cramping and churning.  Finally got up at about 8:30 not feeling much better, but played somemore cribbage tried to eat some rice, but didn't touch much of it.  By 10:30 Judy was ahead 16-15 and I was ready to go back to bed again....still not feeling any better in the stomach area.

This morning I got up at 9 a.m. and put the coffee on and went right back to bed....was so dizzy and had cold sweat.  So Judy volunteered to stay with me, instead of going home to a luncheon date she had....what a good cousin!  I got back up at noon, and I'm not dizzy, and my tummy is a little better, but I'm still burping, and I've only had coffee.  Hope I get well enough to drive home....or I might be stuck up here.

Can't really figure out what the reason is.....I know I ate a lot of cabbage on Friday it could be that, also I had one less steroid pill this session, and should have had a full one yesterday and 1/2 today, but I only had the 1/2 to take yesterday, so that probably added to the problem.  Nothing seems to be coming out of my bag..not even gas!  So that is a concern....did 't concern me yesterday, but now it is.  Where is that sunshine?  It's cloudy and overcast and that adds to the problem.

Phil went home from the hospital yesterday, got a message from June that she was home and not in the rehab anymore, and Jackie wrote to say her eye surgery went went, and she can see some colors now.  They all thank you for the prayers, and ask that you continue.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, June 24, 2011

Today We're Walking in Son Shine!!

It's a beautiful morning, and I slept in till 8:30 and when I came out, Judy was up reading a magazine and watching the squirrels and chipmunks and a few birds, and had the coffee made....what a treat. 

Yesterday as I came out of HHH from getting unplugged, for a breif moment the Son came out, and I looked up in the grey clouds and said "Thank you God"  I felt it was a sign that all was well.  Then I got into the car and it started sprinkling lightly....reminding me to run in the rain, and then it stopped and I drove all the way to the lake without any rain, and it never rained all evening.  To top it off, the clouds had all cleared by 8 p.m. and at 9 there was a beautiful red sunset.  So this mornings sun if a wonderful gift, the lake is like glass and I'm loving it.

Judy and I played cribbage till it was 5-5 and then I taught her how to play gin, and I luckily beat her in two that time it was time for bed.  So we'll see how today goes!  No other big plans.

I talked to Phil yesterday and he was doing well.  He was passing gas, and that's a big hurdle to getting some food.  So he was happy about that.  No other updates on the Motley Crew.  I'm wonderful and so is Judy, she's loving watching the critters as much as I do, and we make a good pair!

Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Running in the Rain

Yesterday, I was walking in the rain....then I got an email about running in the rain....and with all the rain we've had in the last couple weeks it was a reminder...I'll be running in the rain from now on!!  Instead of complaining about no sun....I guess I better take advantage of running in the rain!

Yesterday I went to visit Phil....and he is doing well....they are taking good care of him.  He is at Fairview Ridges in Burnsville, and his phone number is 952 460 4501 if you want to call him.  Then I met Judy for dinner and avoided the rush hour traffic for the trip back home.  Was a good day with both of those visits.

Last night I had a long conversation with cousin Linda and I'll be emailing the CC group about an idea she has for us.

Today I'm doing some work around the house this morning, then packing up for the cabin and will drive up directly after being unplugged from this chemo at 1:30 p.m. Judy is going to meet me there and spend the weekend with me....I see some cribbage in my future....hopefully the winning streak will continue.

With all the call for prayers for my family...I have a few updates and additions.  Ed Huber is having a biopsy done next Monday, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  I got an email from a friend at church who's husband will have a cancerous tumer in his small intestine removed on Friday the 29th, and a dear friend in Colorado is going through chemo and the loss of her hair this week, and could really use your prayers as well.  It seems like the list is growing daily, but we have good reports from many that we are praying June's and Phil's surgeries were we know the prayers work.

Keep running in the rain, Love, Thoughts and Prayers, m

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walking in the Rain!

I'm not, but if your outside, that's your only just isn't going to stop raining for another two days.  It rained on and off all day yesterday, and I had to run to my car in the rain when I was done, and drove home all the way in the fact it got worse the closer I got.  Earlier in the afternoon a tornado actually touched down....pretty close to my home, but only a few leaves down in my yard....just up the street about 4 blocks there were trees and power lines down. They say we might see a peak of the sun for a few minutes this morning before and after a storm.

Yesterday was a very tumultuous day....I opened an email first thing from my brother Phil, and he was still sick for the 4th day vomiting and now pooping blood and still hadn't gone to the doctor for lack of insurance since he's been without work and on unemployment for the last year.  So I immediately called him and told him to go to the emergency room or I'd call 911 and have them come and get him.  He himmed and haaahhhed over it, and when I hung up....he still wasn't telling me he would.  So his daughter Theresa had gotten a similiar email from him and asked me to call him, which I had already done, so I told her to call him, which she did...but also didn't get a positive word that he would go.  So she called his son Jason at work, and when he was able to get off, he went home and took him in, and Theresa met them there shortly after.  They did a bunch of tests and a CT scan, and decided it was his Appendix, but didn't think it had burst yet....well they were had burst and was already turning gangreen.  So the surgery was a little more extensive then the simple appendectomy.  They didn't sew him back up, but packed it and will continue to change the packing to make sure no infection.  Thank God for your prayers I put out a call for during the day and God for bestowing those blessings.

I also had an interesting day at chemo.  I got there at 9:15, and got called back to the place where they take your vitals and access my power port for the chemo and draw blood.  Well they couldn't get any blood out of it, so gave me the two empty vials and sent me on my way to see the doctor.  As soon as I got in there, they came an announced that the doctor was in a meeting at the hospital, but should be back shortly.  In the mean time Judy arrived and sat with me while we waited.  When he finally got there, he checked me over and said I looked wonderful, and since it was my 4th round they would schedule the CT scan for 2 weeks out (which they did) and that I could come the next day and get the results.  So I said that the Mayo Doctor said that if the scan was f'ree of spots, they would stop the chemo and just watch me with scans every 3 months.  He said well he thinks that if the spots are gone that means the chemo is working, and he would continue I said for how long? and he replied forever!  Well that didn't set well with me cause I'm ready to be done with the weekly trips to HHH.  But he said he would consult with Dr. Sideras at Mayo, so lets hope Dr. Sideras convinces Dr. Londer to just watch me for now.

After seeing him they send you over to the chemo area, and we were now about 45 minutes late for the scheduled start.  Since they couldn't draw blood earlier, they proceeded to have me lay back in the chair, put my arms up, roll to my sides, cough, pull out the access, and put in a new one, and all to no they went to the last resort and inserted blood thinning drug to dissolve whatever was blocking the blood from coming out....they had flushed it several times and things could go in, but the blood wasn't coming out.  So then they let the drug work for 1/2 hour, and it still wasn't working, so another 10 or 15 minutes before it finally worked. So now it is almost noon which was supposed to be a 10 a.m. start.  Needless to say it was 4 p.m. before it was done.

I did manage to beat Judy 4 out of 5 games of cribbage, and I kept in contact with Theresa and Jason as to the progress with their father, and cousin June, and updates on others in the family.

When I got home I got a call from Aunt Loretta's daughter Elaine, and she informed me that Loretta was in the hospital too.  Chest pains took her in, and A fib while there, so she is now in Critical Care Unit and they are doing tests and watching her close.  Haven't decided if or what proceedure to do yet.  So this lead me to send out a prayer request for about 8 members of the family all who have had surgery of one sort or the other, and other serious problems.  Finally got a hold of Kathleen who is in Superior WI, and has been out of range for phone and email for days.  So I had all this list to relay to her, along with the tornado.

What a day!  So far most all the outcomes to the surgeries have been good and they are doing well.  I'm doing well with my LAST chemo...if I get my way.  So please pray for my extended family, it seems we all need it. 

Going to the hospital to see Phil today, and try to avoid getting wet in the process.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fourth of Four

Today I start the last of this round of chemo....I get unplugged on Thursday, and then in two weeks they will do a CT scan and if it's clear....they will just continue to watch me.  So say some serious prayers!  I know you all continually pray for me....I feel your blessings every day, and yesterday I got lots of hugs as well.  Thank you.

Yesterday I did go get my hair done....then I went out for lunch with five others from the college....but only two that are still working there.  Got hugs from all five of them.  Then last night I went to dinner with the First Friday group, and got hugs from all of them.  I am so blessed.

Got an email about Bucky Huber having a heart attack on Saturday, and I think we need to pray for Ed as well.  Then this morning I got an email from my brother Phil who has been sick all weekend with flu like symptoms, and he asked for please add them to your list too!  Love and prayers, m

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.....Maybe!

Actually the weatherman said this morning, that the sun will come out on Thursday afternoon.....and that's when I get unplugged from my fourth and hopefully final least the final for now.  I'm thinking that is a sign....that it really is!  It gives me something to look forward to as well....I miss the sun!

Yesterday about 27 of us went to the Twins game and celebrated Father's Day there.  Only missed Jimbo, who had some other plans for his day.
The Twins gave out driving caps to all the dad's....we walked through the gate with Doug, Tom, Matt and Chris (Doug's dad and brother) in the picture above.  The Twins came through with an exciting win in the bottom of the ninth, so it was a great day.

This morning I'm getting my hair done, and maybe lunch with the ARCC crowd, and then this evening dinner with the First Friday group.  We wanted to eat outside at Muffalata's, but it sounds like it will be raining, and we'll be looking out the window!

I heard about lots of other's that need prayers on Saturday at the grad party....many parents of Jimbo's friends and I am keeping them in my prayers, and also Cousin Ed needs some prayers at this help me pray for all of them too!  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Party On!....and Happy Father's Day

We certainly didn't let the rain ruin the party!  It sure was a great party, and was so nice to see those of you that made it.  Lot's of people that I didn't get to talk to, but so many I did, and I loved the day.  Wendy, the party planner and the couple they hired to take care of the food did such a spectacular couldn't have been better....well maybe if it didn't rain.  Best party in a long time....well maybe ever in this family!  Sure topped the graduation party's I had for my kids.  Thanks Ann and Jimbo.

I am looking forward to today as well.  Most of the family will be attending the Twins game and I need to get dressed and get going soon. 

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there.  Hope you have a great day.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Storms Done?

...we hope so! Today we celebrate Jack's graduation, and we need everyone to say a prayer it stays dry! Looking forward to seeing everyone.  Can't wait for it to start!

Jimbo emailed yesterday asking me to look for a picture of him in his cap and gown....either from high school or college....and I've looked....but they don't exist.  Maybe did....but where they are I don't know.  Bummer!!!

Yesterday turned out to be a great day....Annie called early in the day and said that she and the kids+Emily would be coming to the cabin for the afternoon....then I found out that Tom and the rest of his family were on their way and would also be at the cabin around 1 p.m.  Kathleen and Gary were still there, and they got to see everyone, and then Jack and Nick and their jet skiis arrived.  The sun finally came out, and the kids had a great time playing on the water....all afternoon.

Didn't head for home till around 6 p.m. and spent the evening quietly watching the Twins game.  Tom arrived just before it ended, leaving all the kids with Annie.

Speaking of Annie....either my chemo brain or old only excuses...had a very big day on June 15.  She and Doug celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary.  Mom forgot completely....didn't even notice others congratulating them on Facebook....just totally missed it.  Sorry, Ann and Doug!  Great marriage, great love, great children, and 20 years well done.

Waiting for some sun, love and prayers, m

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sun has Dissappeared Again!

Where or where has the sun gone?  It's hazy, overcast and dull....but the birds are thick at the feeders and I have a new addition of a bright red cardinal eating outside my window this morning.  That red bellied woodpecker was back at the grape jelly and all the squirrels and chipmunks are scurrying around as well.

What a great day yesterday turned out to be.  Not only was the weather cooperative and sunny, the company seemed to have a great time too.  It's so fun to show everyone the new addition, half hadn't ever been hear, but the other half were amazed at the changes. 

The grill decided to die for good yesterday, after all the work the guys did on Wednesday to get it work then, four new men worked on it to no we (or I should say Gary) ended up baking all the food in the oven.  Gary the wizard chef made it all work, and it was a fantastic meal.  I guess I know what I'll be buying next!

Kind of a lazy morning, not moving very fast...I think I'll pack up and go home later this afternoon.  Kathleen and Gary will be leaving later this morning....I miss them already.....I have so much fun when they are around.  Even though I rarely win at any of the card games, I do win once in awhile, which gives me hope!

Feeling well, looking forward to next Tuesday being my last chemo....please pray that it is!  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A New Day is Dawning

....and the sun is shining.....the lake is still...and the birds are flitting back and forth to the feeders.  I have a red bellied woodpecker, that kinda looks like a flicker, but has this beautiful red head that seems to have taken a liking to the grape jelly I put out for the orioles.  He comes back several times during the day, but the orioles are there that jelly seems to be my best draw this year.

Phil grilling in the rain!
Yesterday was rather wet....we did have a few pauses in the rain, but didn't manage to time the grilling in one of them.  We all managed to have a great time in-spite of the rain.  We never got to sit outside, but Len managed to get in a few casts from the dock.  We mostly played a variety of games....learning a new one called Dixit (french for deceit) and then Apples to Apples and several games of spades and Kathleen, Gary and I ended the evening playing Cut Throat and Gary winning all three games.  Earlier in the day, Judy and I managed to beat Kathleen and Gary in Spades, which was a major accomplishment, and will keep us playing for a while, even though they beat us last night before Judy headed for home. 

Pat and Rita, Phil and Jason, and Judy, June and Len all brought great food and I added the hot dogs and sliders to a great meal.  Pat's creamed cucumbers were a big hit, as well as the pan of cinnamon rolls.  We were well fed all day.

Today I have another group of friends, and with the sun shining, we should be able to sit on the deck, but I'm sure it will be as fun as yesterday, and we'll have great food and conversations.  I continue to do well, and am looking forward to my last chemo next Tuesday.  Please continue to pray for your spots.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

The weather map shows it clearing, so I hope it does.  I've got company coming and I'd love to be able to be out on the deck.  Luckily the new cabin allows for us all to be in the cabin if we have to.

Yesterday I arrived at the cabin at about 4:45 and Kathleen and Gary were already well into a cribbage tournament of their own.  So nice to have them here.  We had dinner, and then played some cut throat, and finally Gary had to do some work on his computer, so Kathleen and I played cribbage.....well Kathleen played....I worked at losing.  I think the score is 5 to 1 as once she skunked me.  Maybe I'll have better luck today.

I'm feeling great, but yesterday while I was having my infusion I was watching Dr. Oz, and he had a faith healer on, and it reinforced for me the importance of all your prayers.  Please continue to pray for those spots to be gone.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

With the Sun a Little Rain Must Fall!

But the weather man has changed the forecast several times, and it looks like the rain will be a night time thing.  Keep those rain dances to a minimum please!  We're starting out today nice and they say 70's so I'm hoping that continues through tomorrow and Thursday.  The cabin is now large enough that we can party rain or shine, but it would be so much nicer with sun shine!!

This morning I'm doing some shopping and packing for the next couple days.  Then this afternoon I have my infusion of that targeted drug, and I will leave right from there for the cabin.  I hope to be at the cabin by 4:30 or 5 with any luck.

Kathleen and Gary will meet me there and spend the next couple of days with me.  I'm so looking forward to that.  Also got a call from cousin Rita yesterday, and she and her sister Pat are coming.  Should be a good gathering.

No new patches of rash, and I have slept well the last few nights, no other ill effects either.  So lets hope the infusion goes just as well today.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Found the Sun

The sun didn't shine all day yesterday till I got home....however, the Son was shining on the form of cousin Judy.  We had such a good day, cooking and eating together (something both of us miss a lot), and playing cribbage.  It went back and forth and she kept reading the rule book, and coming up with something else we were doing wrong...and prompting me on how to count properly so we can impress Gary and Kathleen when they come this week.....but I don't think that is going to do it!  Anyway we had fun, and I ended up one up on her.  But without her help I wouldn't have done it.  Thanks Judy for a great day!

The wren's were back both Saturday afternoon and Sunday....maybe they are going to use one of my houses.....they were chasing the chipmunks away at one point.....and doing a lot of singing marking their territory. 

The chemo 5th day hasn't hit yet, but I was a little dizzy a few times on Thursday and Friday, and so I got out the information on the drugs I am taking, and two that I am taking cause dizziness.  So it's maybe not that I'm not drinking enough...cause I sure seem to be.  I did get a little diarrhea yesterday afternoon, but I don't think it is a problem, I think it's all the fruit Judy and I were eating.

Today I have lunch with retiree's and thinking about maybe doing bingo again tonight.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Here Comes the Sun!

We can only hope....the church is having an outdoor Mass this morning in the city park.  Judy and I want to go...but that little hint of sun has a lot of clouds to fight off.

Yesterday however, was quite enjoyable.  Judy and I played games all afternoon out on the deck in the sun.  It was a great afternoon, with me winning most everything, however, the worm turned after dinner when we moved inside and took out the cribbage board again.....I couldn't even win the cut for the deal.  So now it stands that she is ahead 6 to 5.  I'm still winning in Blokus though.  My only consolation.

Dinner was so good, and then last night we had a great treat of berries and whip cream and chocovine over the was heavenly.  Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, and Strawberries so yummy.

Today we will head for the outdoor church and then come back and hopefully sit on the deck and watch the birds (we did a lot of that yesterday too) and then I'll see if I can't win a few more games of cribbage.  So nice having someone here to visit and play cards with. Makes it seem like the old days when I was little.

Well, that's all for now....I'm doing well....Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

The sun is shining and the lake is calm, and although I haven't seen any birds this morning, I have added a bunny to my list of critters.  First time I ever saw a rabbit up here.  But he seems happy with the corn and seeds I've out there for the squirrels and chipmunks.  Haven't even seen the little wren that was going in and out of the birdhouse last weekend and singing so beautifully.  The misses must have chosen a different nest.  That makes me sad.  But the orioles and hummingbirds have been here in full force....and yesterday a grackle was here a lot.

I'm doing well with this round of chemo, and got some things done yesterday.  Even sat on the deck in the sun at one point and read a magazine.  I was doubtful if I'd see the sun yesterday, but it did come out for a few hours before the short rain came.  It looked on the weather map that you in the city got a whole lot more rain than I did.

Today I'm heading for that farmers market in town for another loaf of their great bread, and pick up some groceries and then this afternoon, cousin Judy is coming to spend the night with me.....she thinks she's going to beat me with a full deck at cribbage....I told her we'd count the cards before we start.  Neither she or Kathleen take pity on me, so I'll really have to work at winning one game....or atleast the cut to deal!
So I better get dressed and on my way.  Hope it's sunny where you are.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Kathleen and Blair

That's the cute little Kathleen in the front row!Happy Birthday Kathleen and you're still that cute!
Hope the weather is sun shiney where the two of you are.  I know Kathleen and Gary should be on the road heading this way, and Blair is in Portland getting ready for the big wedding in a few months.  I can't wait.

This day in history: June 10, 1996 I had my first big surgery, when they had told me I only had months to live.  I'm thinking that it was a good day to have surgery....cause look how far I've come.  Well that and all the love and thoughts and prayers I've gotten from all of you.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I got unplugged yesterday and was out of there around 1 p.m., was all packed and stopped at a Cub and bought a few things to bring up to the cabin, and got here around 3 p.m. it was cool, but I didn't turn the furnace back on till it got closer to bed time.  The Themometer outside the window says about 56 this morning....a little chillie...I'll done that sweatshirt again today.

The chemo is going well again, no ill side effects, and I'll wait a few days and see where the rash lands next.  But my nose is looking good....well better.

No big plans for the day...I did pick up a few more flowers that were on sale at that Cub,,.only 88 cents for a four I got a few more that I thought would survive well in this gravel pit I live on.  I do have some potting soil left thank goodness for that.  Hope you all have a Happy Day!!  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sort of a Gloomy Day!

I hope it's not this way all day.  It's Thursday and I get unplugged!!!  Yeah only one more time till my reprieve or hopefully the end to all this plugged in stuff.

Last night was a great experience....watching Jack walk across the stage and get his diploma.  I also was surprised by how many other names I recognized.  As I was walking in we saw Jimmy Ktytor (actually I more than saw Jimmy, I got two hugs) who had a daughter graduating, and then as I read the program, I started to notice more and more familiar names.  Then as sitting in the stands, Paul Fournier and family were right in front of us.  Then we noticed Christopher Jensen on the program and started looking for his dad Chris and when his name was called they all yelled and we found it easy to pick them out in the chairs down on the field.  Names like Fedje, Patrick, Mekosh, Petrich, Pribyl (who must be from Maple Lake) Quarberg and Raeker (who must have connections to ARCC) Sherman (who could be a realative) and lots others that I either recognize from St. Tims or Shoppers City, or ARCC.  When you get this know a lot of names.  Then as I was hurrying back to my car, I ran into the security gaurd from ARCC which I don't know his name, but we both knew who each other was, and I stopped and talked to him for a minute.

We started the afternoon with pictures at Jim and Ann's, and I will only post one here, but I have put 19 on Facebook for any of you interested in seeing them.  I gave Jack a St. Christopher Medal to protect him in his travels now that he'll be going to UMD in Duluth this fall, but mostly to remind him of his two Arch guardian's Grandpa's Gene and Bucky.  So shed a few tears then, but that saved me form tears during the ceremony....I worked them all out when I wrote the letter to Jack to explain the St. Christopher as a gift.

Slept well last night, all that fresh air didn't hurt, but I took one of the Ativan just in case. I think I was only up once to go to the bathroom and that wasn't until I must of slept at least 4 hours and then I didn't get out of bed till 8:15 a.m.  What I call a great night sleep.

Not feeling any unusual symptoms and the rash that has appeared on my arms and chest is dissipating but it never was as notable as my nose.

Plan on finding a warm sweatshirt and heading for the cabin for the weekend.  Weather probably will allow some more window washing and other spiffing up for two gatherings I have planned for next Wed. and Thursday.  I will be heading up after the infusion of the targeted drug on Tuesday...and then home again for the big weekend of celebrations.

Emily flies in on Tuesday, and her family will be up to get her and celebrate Jack's graduation and Father's day Twins Game.  Kathleen and Gary come in on Tuesday night and will be at the cabin with me helping to cook.  So a big 2 weeks for me.

live simply, laugh often, love deeply!
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance
I hope you Dance!

Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Birthday and Graduation Celebrations

Happy Birthday to my much older brother Bill....and congrats to my oldest grandson Jack who graduates this evening.

Yesterday we had record high temp of 103....but luckily didn't have to be out in it much. Spent the day with cousin Judy getting chemo.  Doctor Londer says I look great and even better on paper.  All my labs looked great and I am tolerating the chemo well.  I do have more out breaks of that pesky rash, a new dot on my nose, but several areas on my inner arms and chest.  It doesn't bother me much, but the doctor extended my prescription of the antibiotics for it, but cut the dose in half....I now only have to take it once a day.  I also talked to him about only 4 rounds and then a CTscan and he said that the CTscan would be scheduled 2 weeks after my 4th round  He said then he would contact Dr. Sideras about where to go from there.  Of course it will all depend on what the Scan scenario would be that they are gone and we will continue to have CT scans every 3 months....lets pray for that.

Judy did beat me in three games of cribbage....but had to forfeit when I was putting the deck of cards away I realized we had been playing without the 10 of spades still in the box with the Jokers.  Sorry Judy....better luck next time.

This date in History: June 8, 1985 the headlines read "Records Broken" the temperature was 102 and Annie Kiecker became the State Champion in the 100 meter for Coon Rapids High School.  Grandma and Grandpa brought Aunt Lorraine who was visiting from California...and the special surprise was her brother Tom who came in from Denver.

Today I will head to Jimbo's for pictures at 4 p.m. with the graduate Jack, and then later to Goodrich field for the actual ceremony.  Will be a hard night, as neither of Jack grandpa's will be there, and he was the first grandchild for both.  I think I'll need a lot of Kleenix.  But are so happy it's not 103 today!!

Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day Three of Four

I head to HHH Cancer Center again this morning.  Will see Dr. Londer and see what he thinks about how it's going.....with the hope that in two weeks it will be 4 of 4 and I will be done with this stuff.  I know you all are working hard on keeping those spots at bay!  I know I've been working hard at letting this stuff work, and I feel your love and prayers everyday.

Yesterday was a hot one, but it really didn't bother me much.  I did go out and got my massage, did some graduation shopping and then headed home for a few hours before I went back out.  I went to Menards to try and buy a new screen door for the cabin sliding door.....couldn't figure out what size to buy, so called poor Doug (he lives the closest) and he came running to my aid.  But it ended up that they have to special order the size we need.  I assume that is what happened, It was getting late for my date, and I left him there to finish the job!  See why I say poor Doug?

I ran off to Anoka and met Val Knight for dinner and Bingo at Courtside in Anoka.  It didn't seem to be our lucky night....only once did Val get within one number and waited and waited and they still didn't call it!  Was probably the only excitement of the night.  But it was a great way to pass a hot night!

Hope you all stay cool today....they are predicting 100 ????  What???? 100????  So glad Judy and I will be sitting in the air conditioned clinic.  I may have to use my auto starter and cool down the car before I get back in it after it has been sitting in that heat all day.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hot Time in the City!

Literally!!!  94 really?  I should have stayed at the cabin.  But have plans for the day, so had to come home.....I have a massage scheduled for 1 p.m. and then meeting my friend Val for dinner and bingo at Courtside.  Sounds like a good place to spend a hot night!

I had a great day yesterday, even though nothing exciting happened, I was feeling great and got a few more things accomplished at the finally cleaning out the fountain, and getting it to work....I love hearing the water bubble out while sitting on the deck.  Then Ann suggested I cover it so it doesn't get filled with more cedar droppings, leaves and bugs while I'm gone.  Great idea...hope it works.  I watered all my plants really well, so I hope that holds them or that it rains only on them while I'm gone this week.

Had a great long conversation with Karen last night.  Kennedy's team finished second in the Pucks for Cancer tournament.  Good Job Kennedy! and I am so pleased to see the girls played for Gene, Buck and me.  Thanks and Love you!

Guess I better get going....need to do something before my massage....can't relax all day!  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's Gonna Be a Bright...Bright...Bright Shinnie Day!

Well, I survived the day, several tears, and lots of great memories.  Thanks for the well wishes on Facebook.  Thank goodness I didn’t have to spend it entirely a lone.  I did go to the farmers market, and my favorite baker was there and I got two different sour dough loaves.  Then I headed back and actually did wash more windows….will it ever end?  Then around 3 p.m. Phil, Jason and Phil’s friend Rick pulled up to the dock with three stringers full of fish…a ton of bass some grappies and 1 northern.  By the time they finished cleaning them, Bonnie and Bob arrived and we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the deck talking and eating and oh….some chocovine!  They didn’t leave till after 8, and I turned on the Twins game just in time to hear them win for the third straight day…..amazing.  By then I was exhausted….from all the fresh air….not the window washing.  Bed early.
Today I need to shower and get to church by 8:30 a.m…..that’s the new time In the city too!  I thought 9:00 was a perfect time, but 8:30 is way too early!!!
No other big plans for the day.  Watch some more birds (by the way I finally saw one nuthatch yesterday) sit in the sun and maybe clean up and head for home early afternoon.  Thanks again for all your love and support.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Four Years Ago Today....

Gene died and my life was changed forever.  As my kids and most people who knew me, will a test to, I was spoiled rotten.  Gene did everything but cook, he even had the kids fooled into believing he did that too, when he'd make hamburgers, frozen french fries and open a can of beans for them on the weekends when I worked at the grocery store.  So life in the last four years has sometimes been challenging, it has also given me a great sense of accomplishment along with it.  I've done lots of things I'd never done before like taking the car through a car wash, and paid all the bill and done the taxes which Gene always did. I built a great addition onto the cabin, and traveled to Europe and across the United States visiting friends and relatives along the way.  Fighting the cancer battle has added to the struggles and loss of Gene, but I couldn't have done any of it without the help of my kids, cousins, neighbors and you.  You have prayed for me and given me Gods loving grace.  Through it all, I have survived in good order.  Thank you!

Didn't sleep well last night, I was up every two hours going to the bathroom, and then inbetween I was composing my blog, over and over again.  I tried to play tricks on my brain to make it stop thinking....but I couldn't outsmart it.  Oh and there were a few tears thrown in there too....and a few prayers.

Yesterday was a great day....didn't feel dizzy once.  I continued to pile on the fluids, even made some chicken tortilla soup and had about three bowls of it.  I did a great deal of cleaning, and managed to wash all the windows inside and out.  I even dusted the ceiling fan, which hadn't been since it was installed four years ago.  Yuk!

Today, I'm going into town to the farmers market and see if I can find that great sourdough bread they had last year.  Then this afternoon, Bonnie and Bob Lammers are bringing dinner over.  They have a cabin on Clearwater and they rent it out most of the summer.  Today they are coming to clean it, so will be there.  I haven't seen them since this spring when they drove me to Mayo atleast 4 or 5 times.  They stayed in Minnesota when everyone else went south!

It's a beautiful morning the lake is calm as can be and the birds are singing and coming to the feeder.  But I just realized that I haven't seen a Nuthatch or Chickadee yet this year....that's strange.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hazy Lazy Day

I was ubruptly wakened by Gene's Ipod blasting "Away in The Manager" at 6 a.m. this morning.  After turning that off and going to the bathroom for the fourth time I went back to bed, and then it started to rain.  I fell back asleep and didn't wake up till 9've been getting up at 7:30 for the last week or so...I must have needed it.  The sun is now out, but still a little hazy here and still breezy today.

When I got here yesterday about 12:30, Jack and his friends were here....their last day of school was Wednesday, and so they came up to celebrate....seem to remember that his father did the same thing when he was a senior.....great tradition...also funny how things haven't changed much in 24 years!  Only mom was the grandma then!  They cleared out within a half hour of me getting here (I hope it wasn't me)...saying they had to go to work.  Now that school is get in the way of fun.

I was really tired around 3 laid down and took a nap.  I also was still having occassional dizzy spells, so was force feeding the water all afternoon and evening.  Also ate peanuts and a Pad Tai dinner in hopes of it being salty enough to make me hold those flluids.  I also had this weird craving for sweets and pretty much cleaned out the candy jar of all the kinds I like.  Weird, cause I rarely eat candy or sugar for that matter.

Today, I'm feeling fine so dizzyness.  My goal for the day is to wash the outside of the windows.  I've already washed all of them on the inside, but weather has not permitted me to wash the outside.  It's supposed to be hot and steamy today, so it should work today. 

The birds have all returned this year....I have orioles and a little wren is going in and out of one of my houses.  I love it.  Also have had a hummingbird frequenting my feeder.  Yesterday I saw a big flicker eating the grape jelly I put out for the orioles.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Half Done

Yesterday was the 4th of what will be 8 doses of the targeted drug, and I only have 2 more doses of chemo too!  Then they will schedule a CT scan and see if those pesky spots are gone. 

Yesterday started quite normal I thought!!  June and Len came about 15 minutes early, but we needed to stop and pick up lunch, so that was fine, and we got to HHH Cancer Center at 11:30.  Darcie (the women at the desk) says "Your early", well I thought I was still about 15 minutes early, but come to find out, I was reading the wrong date on my list of appointments, and I really didn't need to be there till 1:30 p.m. (at least I had the right day of the week).  Sooooo, June and I sat at a table in the waiting room and Len went to his daughters to help her with her car.  We ate our lunch and then pulled out the cribbage board and started playing.  By 1:30 I had beat June twice, and it was time to move back to the chemo area.  June unlike an unnamed sister took pitty on the sick! 

The nurse started taking my vital signs and I told her about the dizzyness or lightheadedness of the day before and I was running a low grade fever 98.7, and she thought that maybe I was dehydrated and wanted to run it by the doctor before hooking me up....the doctor said to add a bag of fluids to the regiment, and I finally got hooked up at about 2:15 with two hours of fluids to run in.

June and I continued to play two more games of cribbage, and she let me win again!!  But when Len arrived back at 2:30, she begged for us to change the game and let Len play with we switched to "Cut Throat".  Out of 6 games June won 3, I won 2 and Len 1.  It was a fun afternoon, and the cards made the time go by so much faster. 

Didn't get home til about 5 p.m. and still had a little lightheadedness during the evening, but I continued to drink water all evening, thus, I had to get up 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom.

Feeling okay this morning, and I will be packing and heading for the cabin for the weekend.
Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh what a Beautiful Morning! Oh What a Beautiful Day!

After the strange weather we've had for the last two weeks, it is so nice to wake up to a sun shiney day.  It makes me feel so good!

Yesterday I got some laundry done, and cleaned a bit, but everytime I got out of my chair, I was lightheaded or dizzy.  I know that I've had some spells of that other times with this chemo, but this continued all day.....I'll need to talk to them about this today.  Slept pretty well last night, and don't have any other side effects.  My nose is even looking so much better.

My cousin June and husband Len will go with me today for my infusion of Exturba the targeted drug.  Only takes a few hours, so looking forward to playing some cards and passing time with them.  I have such great cousins!

One of the women I asked you to pray for yesterday, died probably at the same time I was requesting prayers for her.  She was the the mother-in-law of my cousin Louie's son.  Only 64 years old.  She was surrounded by her family.

Prayers are needed for cousin Judy, who has a sinus and lung infection, and has been sick for almost a month now.  She saw the doctor yesterday and got a ton of medicine....hope it works.

Hope you have a great day, love and prayers, m