Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sort of a Gloomy Day!

I hope it's not this way all day.  It's Thursday and I get unplugged!!!  Yeah only one more time till my reprieve or hopefully the end to all this plugged in stuff.

Last night was a great experience....watching Jack walk across the stage and get his diploma.  I also was surprised by how many other names I recognized.  As I was walking in we saw Jimmy Ktytor (actually I more than saw Jimmy, I got two hugs) who had a daughter graduating, and then as I read the program, I started to notice more and more familiar names.  Then as sitting in the stands, Paul Fournier and family were right in front of us.  Then we noticed Christopher Jensen on the program and started looking for his dad Chris and when his name was called they all yelled and we found it easy to pick them out in the chairs down on the field.  Names like Fedje, Patrick, Mekosh, Petrich, Pribyl (who must be from Maple Lake) Quarberg and Raeker (who must have connections to ARCC) Sherman (who could be a realative) and lots others that I either recognize from St. Tims or Shoppers City, or ARCC.  When you get this know a lot of names.  Then as I was hurrying back to my car, I ran into the security gaurd from ARCC which I don't know his name, but we both knew who each other was, and I stopped and talked to him for a minute.

We started the afternoon with pictures at Jim and Ann's, and I will only post one here, but I have put 19 on Facebook for any of you interested in seeing them.  I gave Jack a St. Christopher Medal to protect him in his travels now that he'll be going to UMD in Duluth this fall, but mostly to remind him of his two Arch guardian's Grandpa's Gene and Bucky.  So shed a few tears then, but that saved me form tears during the ceremony....I worked them all out when I wrote the letter to Jack to explain the St. Christopher as a gift.

Slept well last night, all that fresh air didn't hurt, but I took one of the Ativan just in case. I think I was only up once to go to the bathroom and that wasn't until I must of slept at least 4 hours and then I didn't get out of bed till 8:15 a.m.  What I call a great night sleep.

Not feeling any unusual symptoms and the rash that has appeared on my arms and chest is dissipating but it never was as notable as my nose.

Plan on finding a warm sweatshirt and heading for the cabin for the weekend.  Weather probably will allow some more window washing and other spiffing up for two gatherings I have planned for next Wed. and Thursday.  I will be heading up after the infusion of the targeted drug on Tuesday...and then home again for the big weekend of celebrations.

Emily flies in on Tuesday, and her family will be up to get her and celebrate Jack's graduation and Father's day Twins Game.  Kathleen and Gary come in on Tuesday night and will be at the cabin with me helping to cook.  So a big 2 weeks for me.

live simply, laugh often, love deeply!
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance
I hope you Dance!

Love and Prayers, m

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