The weather map shows it clearing, so I hope it does. I've got company coming and I'd love to be able to be out on the deck. Luckily the new cabin allows for us all to be in the cabin if we have to.
Yesterday I arrived at the cabin at about 4:45 and Kathleen and Gary were already well into a cribbage tournament of their own. So nice to have them here. We had dinner, and then played some cut throat, and finally Gary had to do some work on his computer, so Kathleen and I played cribbage.....well Kathleen played....I worked at losing. I think the score is 5 to 1 as once she skunked me. Maybe I'll have better luck today.
I'm feeling great, but yesterday while I was having my infusion I was watching Dr. Oz, and he had a faith healer on, and it reinforced for me the importance of all your prayers. Please continue to pray for those spots to be gone. Love and prayers, m
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