Monday, June 27, 2011


Nooooo....I'm not talking about the industrial machines, but the medical kind of C.A.T.... I'm hoping Mary is in the midst of having the scan done as I type.  The doctor that has performed all her surgeries will be in early in the morning to review the scans and let us know what he's sees.  Annie plans on going in early so I should have some news by 9am....OK... maybe 11am.

The biggest concerns right now is her blood pressure and heart rate are both extremely high.  Trying to get those back to a more normal range is top priority.

Please pray for a restful night...and thank you already..for all the prayers.  We all know how well they work.

Good night......


  1. What hospital is she in?

  2. This is Judy V. she is at North Memorial
