....and the sun is shining.....the lake is still...and the birds are flitting back and forth to the feeders. I have a red bellied woodpecker, that kinda looks like a flicker, but has this beautiful red head that seems to have taken a liking to the grape jelly I put out for the orioles. He comes back several times during the day, but the orioles are there too....so that jelly seems to be my best draw this year.
Phil grilling in the rain! |
Yesterday was rather wet....we did have a few pauses in the rain, but didn't manage to time the grilling in one of them. We all managed to have a great time in-spite of the rain. We never got to sit outside, but Len managed to get in a few casts from the dock. We mostly played a variety of games....learning a new one called Dixit (french for deceit) and then Apples to Apples and several games of spades and Kathleen, Gary and I ended the evening playing Cut Throat and Gary winning all three games. Earlier in the day, Judy and I managed to beat Kathleen and Gary in Spades, which was a major accomplishment, and will keep us playing for a while, even though they beat us last night before Judy headed for home.
Pat and Rita, Phil and Jason, and Judy, June and Len all brought great food and I added the hot dogs and sliders to a great meal. Pat's creamed cucumbers were a big hit, as well as the pan of cinnamon rolls. We were well fed all day.
Today I have another group of friends, and with the sun shining, we should be able to sit on the deck, but I'm sure it will be as fun as yesterday, and we'll have great food and conversations. I continue to do well, and am looking forward to my last chemo next Tuesday. Please continue to pray for your spots. Love and prayers, m
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