It's a beautiful morning, and I slept in till 8:30 and when I came out, Judy was up reading a magazine and watching the squirrels and chipmunks and a few birds, and had the coffee made....what a treat.
Yesterday as I came out of HHH from getting unplugged, for a breif moment the Son came out, and I looked up in the grey clouds and said "Thank you God" I felt it was a sign that all was well. Then I got into the car and it started sprinkling lightly....reminding me to run in the rain, and then it stopped and I drove all the way to the lake without any rain, and it never rained all evening. To top it off, the clouds had all cleared by 8 p.m. and at 9 there was a beautiful red sunset. So this mornings sun if a wonderful gift, the lake is like glass and I'm loving it.
Judy and I played cribbage till it was 5-5 and then I taught her how to play gin, and I luckily beat her in two that time it was time for bed. So we'll see how today goes! No other big plans.
I talked to Phil yesterday and he was doing well. He was passing gas, and that's a big hurdle to getting some food. So he was happy about that. No other updates on the Motley Crew. I'm wonderful and so is Judy, she's loving watching the critters as much as I do, and we make a good pair!
Love and prayers, m
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