Yesterday, I was walking in the rain....then I got an email about running in the rain....and with all the rain we've had in the last couple weeks it was a reminder...I'll be running in the rain from now on!! Instead of complaining about no sun....I guess I better take advantage of running in the rain!
Yesterday I went to visit Phil....and he is doing well....they are taking good care of him. He is at Fairview Ridges in Burnsville, and his phone number is 952 460 4501 if you want to call him. Then I met Judy for dinner and avoided the rush hour traffic for the trip back home. Was a good day with both of those visits.
Last night I had a long conversation with cousin Linda and I'll be emailing the CC group about an idea she has for us.
Today I'm doing some work around the house this morning, then packing up for the cabin and will drive up directly after being unplugged from this chemo at 1:30 p.m. Judy is going to meet me there and spend the weekend with me....I see some cribbage in my future....hopefully the winning streak will continue.
With all the call for prayers for my family...I have a few updates and additions. Ed Huber is having a biopsy done next Monday, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I got an email from a friend at church who's husband will have a cancerous tumer in his small intestine removed on Friday the 29th, and a dear friend in Colorado is going through chemo and the loss of her hair this week, and could really use your prayers as well. It seems like the list is growing daily, but we have good reports from many that we are praying June's and Phil's surgeries were we know the prayers work.
Keep running in the rain, Love, Thoughts and Prayers, m
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