Thursday, June 2, 2011

Half Done

Yesterday was the 4th of what will be 8 doses of the targeted drug, and I only have 2 more doses of chemo too!  Then they will schedule a CT scan and see if those pesky spots are gone. 

Yesterday started quite normal I thought!!  June and Len came about 15 minutes early, but we needed to stop and pick up lunch, so that was fine, and we got to HHH Cancer Center at 11:30.  Darcie (the women at the desk) says "Your early", well I thought I was still about 15 minutes early, but come to find out, I was reading the wrong date on my list of appointments, and I really didn't need to be there till 1:30 p.m. (at least I had the right day of the week).  Sooooo, June and I sat at a table in the waiting room and Len went to his daughters to help her with her car.  We ate our lunch and then pulled out the cribbage board and started playing.  By 1:30 I had beat June twice, and it was time to move back to the chemo area.  June unlike an unnamed sister took pitty on the sick! 

The nurse started taking my vital signs and I told her about the dizzyness or lightheadedness of the day before and I was running a low grade fever 98.7, and she thought that maybe I was dehydrated and wanted to run it by the doctor before hooking me up....the doctor said to add a bag of fluids to the regiment, and I finally got hooked up at about 2:15 with two hours of fluids to run in.

June and I continued to play two more games of cribbage, and she let me win again!!  But when Len arrived back at 2:30, she begged for us to change the game and let Len play with we switched to "Cut Throat".  Out of 6 games June won 3, I won 2 and Len 1.  It was a fun afternoon, and the cards made the time go by so much faster. 

Didn't get home til about 5 p.m. and still had a little lightheadedness during the evening, but I continued to drink water all evening, thus, I had to get up 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom.

Feeling okay this morning, and I will be packing and heading for the cabin for the weekend.
Love and prayers, m

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