Monday, June 6, 2011

Hot Time in the City!

Literally!!!  94 really?  I should have stayed at the cabin.  But have plans for the day, so had to come home.....I have a massage scheduled for 1 p.m. and then meeting my friend Val for dinner and bingo at Courtside.  Sounds like a good place to spend a hot night!

I had a great day yesterday, even though nothing exciting happened, I was feeling great and got a few more things accomplished at the finally cleaning out the fountain, and getting it to work....I love hearing the water bubble out while sitting on the deck.  Then Ann suggested I cover it so it doesn't get filled with more cedar droppings, leaves and bugs while I'm gone.  Great idea...hope it works.  I watered all my plants really well, so I hope that holds them or that it rains only on them while I'm gone this week.

Had a great long conversation with Karen last night.  Kennedy's team finished second in the Pucks for Cancer tournament.  Good Job Kennedy! and I am so pleased to see the girls played for Gene, Buck and me.  Thanks and Love you!

Guess I better get going....need to do something before my massage....can't relax all day!  Love and prayers, m

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