Monday, June 27, 2011


So it looks as though Mary has a Distal Mechanical Obstruction which is  a mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines, preventing the normal transit of the products of digestion. It can occur at any level distal to the duodenum of the small intestine and is a medical emergency. Although many cases are not treated surgically, it is a surgical problem. Bowel obstruction can be complicated by dehydration.

So as to not plagiarize, I must give credit of my knew found medical intelligence to our good friends at Wikipedia, to help me understand exactly what the heck this diagnoses means.  In reading and searching I discovered that this happens in stoma patients and typically they're given indicators to look for so it doesn't get to an emergency state.  In Mary's case, it did advance and now we're just waiting to hear what the plan of attack will be....You'll know soon after I hear something..

Lots of prayers please!!

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