I'm not, but if your outside, that's your only manner....it just isn't going to stop raining for another two days. It rained on and off all day yesterday, and I had to run to my car in the rain when I was done, and drove home all the way in the rain....in fact it got worse the closer I got. Earlier in the afternoon a tornado actually touched down....pretty close to my home, but only a few leaves down in my yard....just up the street about 4 blocks there were trees and power lines down. They say we might see a peak of the sun for a few minutes this morning before and after a storm.
Yesterday was a very tumultuous day....I opened an email first thing from my brother Phil, and he was still sick for the 4th day vomiting and now pooping blood and still hadn't gone to the doctor for lack of insurance since he's been without work and on unemployment for the last year. So I immediately called him and told him to go to the emergency room or I'd call 911 and have them come and get him. He himmed and haaahhhed over it, and when I hung up....he still wasn't telling me he would. So his daughter Theresa had gotten a similiar email from him and asked me to call him, which I had already done, so I told her to call him, which she did...but also didn't get a positive word that he would go. So she called his son Jason at work, and when he was able to get off, he went home and took him in, and Theresa met them there shortly after. They did a bunch of tests and a CT scan, and decided it was his Appendix, but didn't think it had burst yet....well they were wrong....it had burst and was already turning gangreen. So the surgery was a little more extensive then the simple appendectomy. They didn't sew him back up, but packed it and will continue to change the packing to make sure no infection. Thank God for your prayers I put out a call for during the day and God for bestowing those blessings.
I also had an interesting day at chemo. I got there at 9:15, and got called back to the place where they take your vitals and access my power port for the chemo and draw blood. Well they couldn't get any blood out of it, so gave me the two empty vials and sent me on my way to see the doctor. As soon as I got in there, they came an announced that the doctor was in a meeting at the hospital, but should be back shortly. In the mean time Judy arrived and sat with me while we waited. When he finally got there, he checked me over and said I looked wonderful, and since it was my 4th round they would schedule the CT scan for 2 weeks out (which they did) and that I could come the next day and get the results. So I said that the Mayo Doctor said that if the scan was f'ree of spots, they would stop the chemo and just watch me with scans every 3 months. He said well he thinks that if the spots are gone that means the chemo is working, and he would continue it....so I said for how long? and he replied forever! Well that didn't set well with me cause I'm ready to be done with the weekly trips to HHH. But he said he would consult with Dr. Sideras at Mayo, so lets hope Dr. Sideras convinces Dr. Londer to just watch me for now.
After seeing him they send you over to the chemo area, and we were now about 45 minutes late for the scheduled start. Since they couldn't draw blood earlier, they proceeded to have me lay back in the chair, put my arms up, roll to my sides, cough, pull out the access, and put in a new one, and all to no avail...so they went to the last resort and inserted blood thinning drug to dissolve whatever was blocking the blood from coming out....they had flushed it several times and things could go in, but the blood wasn't coming out. So then they let the drug work for 1/2 hour, and it still wasn't working, so another 10 or 15 minutes before it finally worked. So now it is almost noon which was supposed to be a 10 a.m. start. Needless to say it was 4 p.m. before it was done.
I did manage to beat Judy 4 out of 5 games of cribbage, and I kept in contact with Theresa and Jason as to the progress with their father, and cousin June, and updates on others in the family.
When I got home I got a call from Aunt Loretta's daughter Elaine, and she informed me that Loretta was in the hospital too. Chest pains took her in, and A fib while there, so she is now in Critical Care Unit and they are doing tests and watching her close. Haven't decided if or what proceedure to do yet. So this lead me to send out a prayer request for about 8 members of the family all who have had surgery of one sort or the other, and other serious problems. Finally got a hold of Kathleen who is in Superior WI, and has been out of range for phone and email for days. So I had all this list to relay to her, along with the tornado.
What a day! So far most all the outcomes to the surgeries have been good and they are doing well. I'm doing well with my LAST chemo...if I get my way. So please pray for my extended family, it seems we all need it.
Going to the hospital to see Phil today, and try to avoid getting wet in the process. Love and prayers, m
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