Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'm Home!

I wrote this last night, and copied it here this morning.  Off to Judy’s to visit her on her little break from California and being grandma, chief cook and bottle washer and chauffeur.  Len and June are picking me up at 9:30 a.m. so this is all you get for the day. 
What a day, I got up at 6 a.m. as Bonnie was picking me up at 6:45 to get to the train station by 7:15 or so.  That all happened, and when we arrived at the train station, we were informed that the train was now 2 hours late, and it wouldn’t be leaving at 7:50 like scheduled, but would leave at about 10 a.m. instead.  I was heart-broken, as I wanted to be in Milwaukee (where Tom wanted to pick me up) in time to go to Will’s hockey game, only about 1 hour from the Milwaukee Depot.  Bonnie and I went out for breakfast and then returned to the Depot to wait for the train.  We had a great view of the Mississippi from the observation car, and wished it would have been a week earlier to view the leaves.  We passed by Lake Pepin, and then Winona and somewhere south of there we crossed over to LaCrosse and down through the Dells, Portage, and into Milwaukee, through Wawatosa (Gene's sister and brother in law lived here when we were first married).  We stopped at many of those towns and a few more on the way down, and was really surprised as I thought we would go straight to Milwaukee and then to Chicago.
Anyway, we got into Milwaukee at 4:07 p.m. and then drove back to Naperville, and about 1 hr and 45 minutes later we were finally there. It was Judy Kays’ (Karen’s mother) birthday, and they were in town for the Northwestern Homecoming, as they are alumni. We celebrated her birthday, ate great rum cake Karen had made, and spent the evening visiting.  They stayed overnight, and headed for the airport about 9 a.m. on Sunday morning.
Sunday, Will had hockey practice, and Kennedy had a game, so Karen took Will and Presley with her, and Tom and me and Kennedy and drove another almost 2 hours to Kennedy’s game, she was late, but not the last to arrive on her team….I think 2 more came in after her.  The first time most had been to that arena, and it was really far and out of the way.  Tom and Kennedy had been there before, and he had his GPS programmed before we left….but he needed to stop for gas on the way….so that made us a little late, but Kennedy was late in getting ready….the 5 minute warning ended up taking 15 minutes. 
The highlight of the game was Kennedy’s un-assisted goal in the 3rd period and the only goal her team scored.  They lost 4-1, but with Kennedy’s goal we were all happy!!  We returned home to a great dinner with all but Will (he was at a friends) sitting around the dinner table at once.  That evening, they carved pumpkins and all were ready for Halloween to arrive.
Monday the kids headed off for school, one at a time.  Kennedy first, Will next an hour later, and then Presley.  So I got to say good-bye to Will and Presley, but Kennedy left so early I was still asleep.  (Pre-7 a.m. pill time) I got to visit alone with Karen, as Tom left to open the store and then Karen took me to the store at about 11:30.  Tom sold me a couple-a-pair of boots…and then took me out to lunch, down the street at 5-Guys.  The first time I’d been to one.  Great burgers.  Then, at 1:15 we left for Milwaukee and the Depot.  We arrived at about 2:50 p.m. and Bonnie got there at 3:15, and I said goodbye to Tom, as he headed back to Naperville to make Kennedy’s concert and something that the others all had plans for the evening.
Bonnie and I boarded the train at 3:55 and headed to St. Paul.  We had a full coach when we got on, and had to take the Crew Seats.  So we couldn't rest well…but tried for a couple of hours as we were both tired.  We then went to the observation car, as long as it was still light.  We stayed there for about an hour or so, and Bonnie went to the snack bar for a sandwich for us to split.  We then wandered back to the Crew Seats and many had cleared out at some of the stops along the way, so we changed seats, so we each had two to sprawl out on. We tried lying down to sleep, but neither of us was very comfortable. At some point the train had an electrical problem, and we were stalled for about ½ hour or longer.  We then didn't arrive in St. Paul till about 11:15 p.m. instead of 10:30. Finally getting me home at midnight, and not to bed till 12:27 a.m.
This morning I woke up to the alarm, and shuttled to the kitchen to take my pills, and turned around and saw it was 6:05 not 7 a.m. like I thought.  I had to leave at 7:45, with Ann (Jimbo’s wife) picking me up. So I went to the couch for what I thought would be an hour….wrong!....Ann shook me three times to wake me at 7:48.  Wow…I was really out cold!! Needless to say we arrived at HHH at 8:30, not 8:15 like planned.  They did get me right in, and I was seeing Dr. Londer by 8:50 or so.
Yesterday, Dr. Schlaefer had called while I was at Tom and Karen’s house, and informed me that the cyst he removed last week was cancer, not benign like we all thought, including he and Dr. Londer.  So Dr. Londer said that as long as it was already there last spring, and not a new cyst, they were happy it was now out, and hadn’t spread anywhere else.  He wasn't concerned about it.  He also thinks my BP is fine. He then informed me that he was retiring next January.  I wasn't surprised as Dr. Schlaefer had told me he had heard a rumor that that was about to happen.  I am really sad, as I really like Dr. Londer, and he has been my oncologist since 2007, when the cancer was diagnosed. 
The day went well, Rosie Mortenson came about 10:30 a.m. and brought lunch from Woullets’ bakery.  A place we found by accident about 6 weeks ago, when she took me to get unplugged and then onto Sheila Judd’s for Qigong.  I thought that she didn’t know how to play cribbage, and when one of the pharmacists asked why we weren't playing cribbage, I said she didn’t know how, and she said she had played it before….but not for a long time.  So I dug out the cribbage board and cards, and I proceeded to re-teach her how to play, and I ended up winning only because I counted first.  She would have beat me by about 20 points had she counted first.
She got me home by about 2:30 and I slept most of the afternoon.  On the way home she stopped and got me some non-dairy creamer and a dozen oatmeal raisin cookies (which I’ve already had four).  I was out of the creamer, and Ann had mentioned she was using some International Delight Peppermint Mocha creamer.  It sounded wonderful to me.  I’ve already tried it, and it is wonderful. I also ate some sauerkraut soup, that Jimbo sent home with me on Friday night.  It was really good…I’m waiting for the recipe from his employee who made it.
Nothing else to report from the long weekend without blogging.  Sorry to keep you wondering where and what I was up to.
 Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Off to See Naperville Family

Friday I did a lot of stuff.  Did a load of wash, found my costume, packed and Bonnie came and got me and took me to Michaels, and Pier 1 and J.C.Penney's.  Not that I needed to go to any of them, but I had a coupon for Michael only good on Friday, and a $10 reward from J.C. Penney.  Bonnie wanted to go to Pier 1 as she had something she wanted to buy there.  We got our stuff and she brought me back home.  I guess she had to go to Menards and Kohls, but did that after dropping me off, as I didn't need anything there.
Then at 4 p.m. Doug surprised me by coming 1/2 hour before I thought he was coming, so I quickly got dressed in my costume, and off we went.
Party was so's the picture...see if you can find me.
I will try and use a computer at Tom's for more entries on Sunday and Monday.  Love and Prayers, m

Friday, October 26, 2012

Gloomy Again!

Yesterday I was horrified when I saw snow, but it didn't stay on the ground, so I was okay with that.  But last night I read my cousins Caringbridge post, and he wrote about the beauty and wonder of it all.  I had to think back to see what he was describing, and sure enough God is Good, and it was amazing and beautiful like he said.  So even though I headed this "Gloomy Again" if you look for it.....there is beauty and wonder. The contrast of the dark green lawn that the rain has brought, and the bright yellow leaves laying on the green.....the wind blowing and swirling the leaves in a dance, gracefully and energetically flying across the sky. See?  it makes you feel so much better.
I woke at 7 a.m. as usual and took my pills and went to the couch, and fell back to a sound sleep, waking again at 8:20....almost startled that I had slept so hard.  Usually I drift in and out, listening to the TV and just generally resting....but not today.  I have to pack, go to Jimbo's Halloween get dressed in my witches costume...but first I have to  find it.  I may throw in a load of wash as I have to go to the basement anyway to get the costume.  I was supposed to go shopping with Rosie, but decided I didn't need to buy anything today, it could wait till next week, and I didn't want to cram too much into my day.
Yesterday I needed to go to the post office to get stamps, and Walgreen's to get more candy for the trick or tr-eaters  cause I had eaten the whole bag of snickers, and I needed some non-chocolate for Will as he is allergic to dairy.  I also wanted some treats for the train trip, I probably over did that.  I had asked for a volunteer, and Patti Tkach was the first of 5 volunteers.  We did a little visiting while driving, and totally distracted Patti.  We had to make a few U turns, and a few illegal moves, but we got there and back without killing anybody.  lol  It was a fun little trip....and Patti went on to do some errands of her own.
I finished packing my backpack with the treats and stuff to do on the train. (My Nook, Ipod, and some puzzle sheets I tore out of the Herald)
I think this new BP med is making me tired.  It was really low this morning 96/59  I think I'll call and talk to the nurse about that.  They wanted it down, but I think this is lower than need be. Yesterday I could hardly keep my eyes open while writing the blog, and then I slept so sound from 7-8:20 a.m.this morning, then taking my BP right after that it was so low.  Maybe I should take it now that I've been up awhile.  Other than that I'm feeling fine and excited about my trip.  I think I will write my blog this evening, and post it in the morning, as I will be on the train by 7:55.  Which mean an early rise and off I go.
Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I pulled up the shade and saw a white thing fly by. The forecast is for the 40"s for the next week. Not much better in Chicago either. Thankfully I have my new insulation, and I'm snug as a bug in a rug!!  I even had to turn down the furnace yesterday afternoon.
The crew arrived at 8:10 a.m.  Their were four of the them, and they sure knew what they were doing.  They put down drop cloths all the way through the house, and left the house just the way they found it....well at least on my level, I'm pretty sure the attic looked different.  By 12:45 they were done and out the door.  I got up and got dressed right away, so I was ready to greet them.
I filled the Halloween bags in the afternoon, and have them ready to take to Jimbo's tomorrow night.  I also addressed my cards and they are ready to take to the post office and add stamps to them. (If someone will take me).  I also have the bags ready to take to Chicago with me.
Tom has volunteered to pick me up in Milwaukee, so I spent some time figuring out what time the train get's there and which depot (Milwaukee has two) and where it is.  I don't know if the time schedule is going to work or not yet....but one way or the other I will be spending the weekend with Tom and his family.  If he can pick me up in Milwaukee, it gives me more time to visit with him. Years ago, when doing the "Valuing Your Sexuality" program I told parents that riding in the car was the best time to talk....because they couldn't get out and walk away. lol  Anyway I'm looking forward to talking all weekend with whomever.
Speaking of talking, I did get a call from Aunt Loretta and talked for at least 1/2 hour or more.  I love talking to her, and she sounded so much better than when I talked to her a few weeks ago when I thought it was her birthday.  She told me about the surprise birthday party for her, and how surprised and happy she was.  The whole phone call she sounded happy.  She didn't cough once, and the last time she was coughing all the way through the conversation.
Today, I need to get a few more things for the Halloween bag of William, cause he can't eat the chocolate or peanuts.  I also have to get more candy to hand out on Halloween, cause I ate the whole bag of snickers, and I also need stuff to snack on on the train.  I need to eat every couple of hours to gain back the weight I always lose the week of chemo.
This afternoon, I will do Qigong by phone again.  Since finding volunteers hasn't been successful for this, Sheila suggested we do the phone version, and it works for me.  So other than that, I don't have any plans....maybe pack and put back together the closet I had to empty to get the insulation guys into the attic in the back bedroom.  I better get moving.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Warm Blanket in the Attic!

A little after 8 a.m. I got a knock on the door, and it was the insulation guys.  UZ Insulation Services!
So they have to go through the house back to Annie's old bedroom closet ceiling to get at the attic. They have drop clothes all the way through the house, and 4 guys to do the job.
I have been answering email etc. and got side tracked from doing the blog, and then Linda Zimmer mentioned in a response to some emails that we had exchanged this morning that she was looking for my blog.  So I dropped what I was doing and am now finally writing this.  I thought I would have written it so much earlier...but here I am.
Yesterday was so much fun.  We got a little late start due to rain and traffic and stop lights out etc.  So anyway once we were on our way, it was great.  We went almost all the way to Ladysmith, but the place we were going to was actually in Bruce, WI.  Once in the store I went to work shopping.  Of course I didn't buy anything for anyone but me.  I found this unusual sweater, and had to have it.  It was so perfect for me, once I tried it on, I couldn't take it off.  So then I found a couple of shirts to go under it, and think I'll be wearing each of them with the new sweater....they looked like three different styles and colors and I had scarves at home that would go with them too!  I'm just so excited to wear them, and I will be taking them to Chicago with me this weekend.
After everyone was finished shopping, and all six of us came away with a bag, we headed around the corner to a little place that had great food, good prices, and for me a place to sit down.  After a leisurely lunch, we headed back toward home, but stopped in Turtle Lake at the casino.  We got there at about 3:30 p.m., and decided we would meet back at the front door at 5 p.m.  But somebody couldn't pull herself away from a machine, so it was closer to 5:30 when we left.  Twylla Prather was the big winner, came away with $104 to the good, and I came away with $10 more than when I came in.  I think the others broke even, or lost.  Two out of Six winners isn't too bad of a percentage.
I arrived back at my house just at 7 p.m., and thought I would nap, as I hadn't all day, but I didn't! I watched TV, especially "Parenthood".  Other than "The Voice" those are the only network shows I am watching, and the Voice only gets watched on Mondays, as I go to HGTV cable TV for most of my viewing.  "Love It or List It" and the Property Brothers are my favorites.  Anyway for some reason or other I stayed up till almost midnight, and then went to bed, and slept soundly all night till 7 a.m. this morning.
I had to get dressed and comb my hair before going to the couch for a few more minutes of sleep and was rudely awaken by the Insulation team!
So that was my day.  Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ladysmith Here I Come!

Good Morning, I’m writing this Monday night, as I am leaving at 7:45 a.m. to go on a fun trip to Ladysmith, Wisconsin…to a Creative Crafts store where they make unique sweatshirts.  I’ve never been there, but a couple of the group of five have been there before, and can’t wait to go shop. The group is made up of women from our card club, and I think it will be a fun day.
Today, I went to HealthPartners to see Dr. Schlaefer, my surgeon, to see if he would remove that benign cyst I have had all summer for sure….I don’t remember when I first noticed it.  Anyway the doctor took one look at it, and said yes, I can remove that, let’s move to the procedure room.  So within 15 minutes it was gone and I walked out of the office as good as new!! I’m sure the 40 mg of Oxycontin is helping in that department too.  He will send it to the lab for a biopsy, and I will get the results on Thursday, and then go back in 2 weeks to have the stitches taken out.  He is only in Coon Rapids on Monday’s and Thursday’s, and between our two schedules we couldn't find a date till two weeks from Thursday to do that.  Th, Nov. 8 at 2 p.m. (I’ll need a ride….any volunteers?)
We got done there a little early, so we went to Costco to pick up more than we went there for….which is common at walking into Costco.  By then it was time for lunch, and I invited Mary to take me to Pizza Hut, and join the ARCC group that meets once a month.  Years ago she worked in a couple of offices at the college herself, and also with the foundation and one of the former instructors Kathie Welchel. So anyway, she enjoyed the group and we had a nice visit.  She then dropped me off at home and went onto a few errands of her own. 
I got home and thought I would take a nap, but for some reason I got involved in making granola for myself, after nibbling on Annie's yesterday, I was really craving my own, and Kathleen had given me her recipe last winter…and I had all the ingredients, so I decided to go with it.  Unfortunately, I burned the first batch….at 325 degrees which is the temp Annie used, I lost the whole pan.  So I went ahead and made another batch, using 290 degrees….which turned out great.  But cleaning up the mess of the burnt pan of granola was a problem that left me sweeping up a large area of the floor where I missed the waste basket in dumping out the pan….and then again sweeping up the floor after pouring the good pan of granola into a bowl….not a good aim.
I did actually make Halloween cards this evening, and was happy to finally get that job done…even though I do enjoy making them.  Now I have to address some and get them in the mail.
Now I better get packing and ready to go in the morning.  Love and Prayers, m

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bright and Sunny Day

Trying to get things done early this morning, as I have to go see the surgeon today at 10:40 a.m.  That doesn't sound so early, but then you have to back everything up, I get picked up at 10:20, so I need to shower and get dressed starting at 9:45, that leaves me only about 40 minutes to eat and write my blog....which usually takes me a while.  I've eaten, but just started my coffee....and the Today show always distracts me.
Yesterday I thought it was going to be a dull day of making Halloween cards and watching the Vikings game.  The Vikes did win, so that helped, but the biggest help to the day, was Annie calling and asking if I wanted to come over and spend the afternoon with them, and then stay for dinner.  I said YES!
When they arrived to pick me up, Allie was driving.  (She just got her permit this summer, and will have till next August to practice, so she's just beginning, but did a really good job)....I felt very comfortable and safe. Then at their house we sorta watched the game...while Annie and Allie proceeded to cook and pack healthy snack packages for the week.  Allie made two batches of granola, and Annie packed up celery, grapes, pretzels, cheese sticks etc. in little snack bags, so the kids can just grab and run each morning.
Matthew was lounging for the day....didn't get dressed....but Allie helped him with his Sunday School work, and I helped him with his Math homework.  I'm really amazed at how far ahead of what I or my kids were in 1st grade.  Matthew and I also had some really serious conversations, sparked by his visit to see his grandpa's grave.  It was the first time he saw it, and he reminded me that I would be next to grandpa, and my name was already there.  We talked a lot about prayer, and it was an amazing discussion for a seven year old.
He also was showing off some of the money he had gotten for his birthday, and said he was never going to spend it.  I asked him "What good is money if you can't spend it?"  The next thing I knew was he was dressed and asking Annie to take him to Target to shop!!  lol  I think that's what they did after I left.
Annie fixed lasagna along with everything else, and while it was in the oven, we ran to Kohl s to pick up another gift I had on my list, and then stopped at the Sprint store to get the correct cord for my blackberry as most generic cords (even if they are universal) don't work with my blackberry, this is the 3rd or 4th if you count the original cord I've purchased.  It drives me crazy.  As long as I was there I also asked if they had a cover for my phone, and they had to go in the back room and search for one, they did have one....but it cost a fortune.  I bought it anyway, cause I had looked at several stores to no avail.  It is really a nice cover...just hated to spend that much money on it.
Nicole spent most of the day in her room doing homework, but finally finished and volunteered to take me home and mow my lawn while she was here.  So we got that done, and I took a nap...or laid down and watched some TV.  Fell asleep on the couch around 11 p.m. and woke up an hour later and got up and played on the computer for about an hour and then went to bed for real.
A full day, and I never made the Halloween cards.  So I guess that will happen this afternoon or evening.
Today, Mary Ward will pick me up (she already called and checked in) and take me to HealthPartners, and then maybe to Pizza Hut...we'll see. So I guess I better get the show on the road.  Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sorry,I Forgot!

I guess I got into cleaning this morning...even scrubbed the bathroom floor on my hands and knees.  Then when the Vikings came on, I started to watch the game.  Annie called and invited me to come and watch the game at their house, and stay for dinner.  When she came to get me, she said I hadn't written my when I got here I decided to write it on her iPad.  This is hunt and peck, so I'll write more this evening when I return home. M

Addendum:  Yesterday was a very good day as far as getting things done.  I went back into the computer room and filed everything that again had piled up in two piles on top of the desk.  I then eliminated some of the files, combined some and feel a lot more organized as far as my tax, health and crafting things go.  I then showered and dressed and got ready for church.
Del and Carol picked me up, and I realized I had left my pillow in Lottie's car on Friday, so when we got to church I sat in the chair row, and it worked for me and my back, but Carol and Del sat behind me in their favorite place.  Kathie Fritz came in and sat by Carol, and she invited Kathie to join us for dinner after church, so that was fun. I really feel like home and with family when at St. Tim's.  Being members for 48 years, I know so many people, but also have always sat it relatively the same spot or close to it over the years.  As I worked there for about 10 years when the kids were young, I got to know a lot more people then most.  Having dinner with the 3 of them was very enjoyable and a relaxing evening.  Love them all.  Also, an old friend Betty Bonine came over and visited with me for a while before church started and it was nice getting caught up on their family too.
Before the service started Marion and Bill Wick (on violin) and a piano accompanist sang "Amazing Grace" and it was so "Amazing" really!!!  I guess that was the reason the rest of the afternoon and evening went so well.
Well, that's all for tonight, I promise to write earlier tomorrow morning and tell you all about today!  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lazy, Hazy Day of Fall?

Foggy morning, which leads my brain to fog as well....but it could be the BP pills!!  My blood pressure this morning as 122/71  the lowest it's been in a month for sure.... at least since I started making my log morning and night.  I wonder if this is good or bad?  Slept till after 9 a.m. (after taking my 7 a.m. pain pill) and then had breakfast and good flavored coffee, and hit the computer.  So been a little slow at getting to this blog.  I feel good all and all.
I had a great day shopping with Lottie Virnig yesterday, she has been through cancer, surgery, and chemo this spring, and is now cancer free.  But she still has some lingering side effects like me.  Neuropathy, and uses a cane to walk...which at times I have too (or at least a walking at Gooseberry).  We also talked a lot about nutritional things along the way.  I may start watching the Gluten in my diet too!  We first went to get my flu shot, and then onto Cub for somethings that I was craving, to help bring my weight back up I have to do every week after chemo.  It's hard to try to gain weight, when all my life I have dieted to be thin.  Then onto Old Navy, and got some of 3 gifts I needed to buy for birthdays and a baby shower I have to go to.  From there we hit Walgreens for Halloween stuff I had coupons for....but that Walgreens didn't have the stuff for one of the coupons, so we had to hit the one on University and Egret...and that did the trick....or treat!!!  By then it was 4 p.m. and I was ready to go home and put things away and rest. Thanks so much to Lottie for making the shopping trip so enjoyable.
I spent most of the evening eating as often as possible, like to wait two hours after eating to take my blood pressure so between 7 and 9 p.m. I don't eat....funny cause I spent that time watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on the Food channel.  They actually had a place in NE Mpls on it last night....and it really made me hungry.
Nothing other than church and dinner planned for this afternoon....think I'll work on making some Halloween cards and filling bags etc.  Really would like to run back to Michael s if anyone is interested, give me a call.
Other than that it should be a nice relaxing day.  Thank you all for all the prayers, I can really feel the blessings God bestows on me.  That reminds me, Tommy (my grandson) is getting confirmed next week, and  Bill and Kim emailed me a copy of his Faith Statement, which was so beautiful, and said that he really started believing in God and that He answered our prayers, when he was 10 and his grandpa died.  He realized that God answered all of our pleas to take away his pain.  It made me cry....but I loved it too!  God is listening!!  Love and Prayers, m

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rain, Rain Don't Go Away!!

We really do need this rain, so I'm not complaining about no sun....I know it's up there above the clouds!
I had a good day yesterday....really worked a lot....but didn't get to the computer room.  I did only two loads of wash, but spent a lot of time cleaning up the laundry room so that the furnace guy wouldn't get caught up in all the cobwebs....and I had a lot!!  Also vacuumed the floor of all the Kleenex pieces from the load of wash last week, that I missed from a pocket somewhere.  Cleaned some in the kitchen too, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher....took out the trash so it could be picked up this morning.  It doesn't sound like  much, but a lot of going up and down the basement stairs then when the furnace guy and Joe Sedesky came (and they came early like 4 p.m.) I had to go down and up again.  I know I made at least 6 or more trips down and up.  I think I have made the decision to go with the furnace guy....his new name!!!  He was not the cheapest, but it was the best furnace and I felt the most comfortable with him, and I had already heard the other two spiels.
Next Wednesday I get the attic insulated, and then I hope within the next few weeks, it will be the furnace.  So exciting~~~ Not!!!  A big hit to the pocketbook when property taxes and my home and car insurance were also due.  Luckily I've been budgeting for the last two all year. Well enough of that boring stuff.
I am off to get a flu shot and shopping with Lottie Virnig, that I haven't seen in ages, so looking forward to seeing and visiting with her as well.  No big plans for the evening or weekend, other than church with Del and Carol tomorrow afternoon, and dinner afterwards.  Love having people contact...not just on the computer but face to face.
Going to shower and get dressed and then maybe do a few minutes in the computer room....maybe....!!
Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dreay Ourside, But Inside!!

Good Morning!!  I am up and atummm!!  It's hard not to feel great after having your hair cut and colored. To top it off, Jan called before coming to pick me up, and asked if I had plans for dinner, and I said no, so she invited me to have dinner along with Lloyde (who actually picked me up and took me home).  After dinner they suggested we play some three-handed cribbage, and I said I didn't know how to play three-handed, but they said they'd teach me, and it isn't much different, and I really enjoyed the evening.  Jan did skunk me the first hand, but then we played another, and I won just after Jan crossed the skunk line.  Then I taught them how to play cut throat....which was fun too, and Lloyde got a chance to win!!
So nice to have good friends like Jan and Lloyde, Jan has brought over a ton of food and loaded my freezer, only problem is, I'm not home enough to eat it all.  She also has made a lot of different jelly and jams this fall, and I got a couple of jars of that too!
Besides Jan, Sharyl Boes, was my volunteer driver to take me to get unplugged yesterday, then we headed to Broadway Pizza for their Buffet, and I stuffed myself.  From there she took me to Walgreens, and I picked up some cash, and also some of their nutritional shakes.  So my day was filled with good friends, food, and fun.
Today, will be a lot quieter, well, I think it will be.  I need to do laundry and continue on my office cleaning, which right now looks worse than last week....I'd added a pile of stuff that needs to be filed and put in the right spots in my newly organized shelves.  Then after dinner, Joe Sedesky and his furnace guy are coming over to check it out and see if I really need a new furnace.  Joe will help negotiate with me, and it's nice to have a man to understand all the mechanical stuff I know nothing about....other than what the last two companies have told me.  And who knows what is hipe and what is truth with a salesman.
At HHH yesterday I found out that the newly ordered BP pill is in addition to the Antenatal he ordered two weeks ago, and also found out that is a diarrhetic and I've been going ever since Tuesday morning!!  Where is it all coming from?  My BP has seemed to have dropped some.  So it is good.  I also read the report Dr. Londer wrote after my visit on Monday, and it was a lot more encouraging than I heard on Monday, but he had not had a chance to actually look at either of the scans or the PET scan himself, and the report was written after personally looking at them himself.  This is a quote from this report:
"The pulmonary nodules are stable.  The liver looks good, everything looks good.  They do describe some sclerotic lesions in the L4 vertebrae which they feel are perhaps more visible, though they were clearly mentioned and commented on, on the PET scan done in August 2012, which means this could conceivably be sclerosis and improvement.  So, overall, I believe, her disease is stable. Her pain is less. She is moving better.  Her appetite is good.  Still very active traveling.  So, I do think quality of life is good." 
And it is!!  So along with the new hair cut and color you see why it is not dreary inside today!!!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and all the little things you do for me.  All the loving encouraging remarks on Facebook, and all the blessings that God is bestowing on me every minute of the day!! Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cloudy Now But Sun Coming Back Soon

I was just on the phone making a hair appointment, and Jan mentioned something about my blog, and I realized I hadn't written yet this morning.  I've been on the phone or computer since 9 a.m., but got a lot done....appointment for flu shot, plus another doctors appointment, called Joe to talk about furnace guy, but had to leave a message for him, Sheila emailed and had to cancel qigong for this afternoon, which worked fine for me, so now I can have my hair done later this afternoon, and Jan will come and get me and bring me back home.  Talked to Janet about ancestry stuff, and answered several other emails.  I think I'm all set with drivers for the next week, the insulation guy is coming next Wednesday to do that, and all is well.
Yesterday I went to the funeral for Gene Podzimek, and June and Lenard picked me up.  It was a very nice service, and lunch.  From there we went in the procession to Fort Snelling (from Wayzata) and it was a harrowing experience trying to keep up with the cars, and we were the end one.  On the freeway, cars kept cutting into the procession line, and scared the daylights out of you....especially Len, who doesn't like to follow too close, which gave outsiders plenty room to cut in, but not enough room that Len felt comfortable....he was a wreck by the time we got to the cemetery   Coming home was much line to keep up with.
Didn't do much last night, watched the debate, stayed up late, and played on the computer Words with Friends.  I'm getting better at that...taking advantage for TW and TL spaces.
Today, Sharyl Boes is taking me to get unplugged at noon, and then around 4 p.m. Jan will come and get me to have my hair colored.  Nothing else exciting.
My sister-in-law Carol is having knee replacement surgery next Monday, so please keep her in your prayers....June is having caterac surgery in the near future, so prayers there too.  Thanks to all the driver volunteers....prayers of thanks for all of you.  Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Good Morning after a Good Report!

I had Annie pick me up at 8:15 and for 20 minutes we were stuck in traffic on the 252 bridge where both East and West 610 merge onto 252.  Annie had suggested we take East River Road, but I thought it wouldn't be that long of a wait….but she was right.  So I called ahead and told Darcie at HHH that I was going to be late, and luckily we got there only about 10 minutes late…at 5 min. til 9 a.m.  But things went pretty smooth from that point on, and we didn't wait very long for the Dr. to come in and give us the fairly good news!  I’m STABLE…well the cancer is stable.  So the new chemo regiment is working.  They couldn't compare the new CTscan with the PETscan I had in August, but they compared it to the CTscan I had at Mayo in July.  So the lung spots were growing at that point, and although that CTscan didn't show the progression of the cancer to all the bones, only lesions on L4 and L5…they were guessing at that time that the lesions were improving (wrong).  But the PETscan showed it had matastisized to the bone in several places besides the L4 and L5 including the tailbone and sacrum. So we really don’t know how much improvement I have in that area, and will have to wait till I have another CTscan in 12 weeks. So maybe in January that will happen.  All and all I am feeling so much stronger, have so much more energy and can sit and stand so much better than in August, and also have control over the pain….which helps me do more than lay on the couch.
Mostly I want to thank all of you for praying for me, and thank God for listening and sending me all these blessings.  I love you all, and hope you continue to pray for me.  I couldn't make it…no matter how much chemo…without all of your prayers, and God carrying me through on this journey called cancer.
Rita came at about 10:40 after stopping at Woullets Bakery and picking up a chicken salad sandwich for us to share, and a cookie for each of us for dessert.  We commenced the cribbage tournament, almost immediately, and Rita won the first game, and I came from behind and won the second game, and even though they unhooked me in the middle of the tie breaker, we asked if we could stay and finish the game.  Rita had a great hand and scored 24 pts. And Gary had told me that if you score 20 + points in a hand of a game you probably would win the game….well we wanted to know if that was true, and she was winning most of the way through the game, and then I got a barn burner of a hand and scored 20 pts in my hand, and another 12 in the crib.  By then I had surged ahead.  Then we were close and Rita got to count first…but she stopped about 6 short of the win.  Then I was also about 6 from the win in the next hand, and didn't even need it, I pegged out…without getting to count my hand.  Rita and I were so giddy by this time, I could swear she had spiked our coffee…it wasn't in the chemo, cause she wasn't getting any of that.  It was such a fun day. Thanks Annie and Rita and I guess Dr. Londer.
Spent most of the afternoon, communicating the results with everyone, and also John Sass (Bonnie’s son) came over and did some planting and transplanting for me.  The gardens around the house are looking so much better since he has worked on them.  Makes me feel good too!
Today I am going to the funeral of Gene Podzimek, and June and Lenard are picking me up at 9:30 a.m.  Doug is picking up my prescription from HP on his way to work, so I am up and running.  I also need to call and get the ball rolling for the insulation project and also for the furnace, today. Then when I get home, I need to start putting things away.  For the last 5 days I have not been home to do anything.  I come home and drop things, and get ready for the next day.  So hopefully this week, I’ll stay home a little more and get something done around here.  For now, Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This is a Three Day Report!I'll

Yesterday, June and Lenard picked me up at 9:30, and we were off to Madison.  We stopped twice along the way, and then got to John and Florences at about 3:30. Six hours.  They live in Portage, so it's past the Dells, and about 40 minutes from Madison, only a little East, so it's farther than if you went straight to Madison from the Dells.  We spent a few hours there and then ate dinner and headed to Madison and our hotel.  Both June and I took a nap and at 8:45 left for the airport to meet the veterans who had left early Saturday morning (John had to be at the airport at 4:30 a.m. and got up at 2:15 a.m.).  They got to tour all the monuments and war memorials and then flew back to Madison, landing at 9:30 you can imagine what a long day it was for them, and Uncle John at 86 was one of the youngest, the oldest was 94. When they got off the plane they were greeted by a color guard and hundreds of people lining the aisle they walked down shaking hands and hugging their families that were there. It was a very emotional procession, and they one by one walked or were pushed in wheel chairs down the aisle that was about the length of a football field.  And they had 4 sets of 25 men/women (about 2 or 3 women) and John was in the third set and one of the last in that set, and it was about 11 p.m. when we finally left the airport and headed back to the hotel.  I had to stop at Walgreen's for some cash, and then Lenard wanted a bedtime snack so we stopped at Wendy's that had a 24 hr drive thru.  I think we got back in the room by midnight, as we got lost trying to get back to the hotel that was across the street from Wendy's but they were doing some construction and had baracades set up, and we had to take a right turn, and then try and find a place to make a U turn, and ended up somewhere across 90 and couldn't figure out how to get back, we finally found a Gas station that had a limo driver there that gave us directions on how to get back.  We were so lost!!!
This morning, we met John's oldest Linda for coffee before going back to Portage for breakfast before we headed back home.  We met Linda at 8 a.m. in the lobby, left for Johns by 9 a.m. and after breakfast we finally headed for home at 11 a.m. Six hours later I was finally home, and June and Lenard still had about an hour before they got home in North Branch.
I watched the Vikings game and then napped for about an hour or so.  Went through my email, and then decided to write this now, as tomorrow we have to leave here at 8:15.  I think I'll take my shower tonite too.  I don't take my pain pill till 7 a.m. and it takes about an hour to take effect, so I want to be able to sleep as long as I can after taking my pill.
I'm really happy at how well I did, as last Friday I had a full day too!  I had my CTscan, then Bonnie and I went out for brunch, as I couldn't eat before the scan.  After brunch, we went shopping, and I shopped for 3 hours, and didn't get home till 3:15 p.m., then at 3:45 Annie picked me up for the Birthday party for Allie, Nicole, Matthew and Jimbo.  That was a fun afternoon and evening, and watching Matthew open his presents was the best.  He got so excited even when there was clothes in the bag. Held everything up so pictures could be taken and thanked everyone so politely.  Bill and Kim were just about the last to leave, and they drove me home.  I didn't get home till 10:30 p.m. and had to finish packing and get ready to leave early the next morning.
I can't believe how strong I am getting.  Shopping and partying all Friday, then traveling by car for hours on Saturday and then staying up till well after midnight yesterday, and then the big trip back home today, and I survived it all.  I don't know how well I'll survive tomorrow with chemo and all, but I think it will be okay.  I have decided not to go to the wake for Gene Podzimek on Monday night, but will go to his funeral on Tuesday at 10 a.m.  June and Lenard will pick me up.  They would have picked me up for the wake too, but  on the way home, I decided it was too much to ask of my body!
I think I better hit the shower.  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Of to Madison

No time to write, but will be back later today, if I can get online.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Off to See the Wizard!!

Good Morning, I’m off to have my CT scan.  I won’t get the results till Monday, but I’m pretty sure it will be a good report.  I’m not expecting to be totally healed!!  I’m sure I am improving, and I feel so much better than I did 12 weeks ago.  Bonnie will be here to pick me up at 9 a.m.
Yesterday, I thought I would get to cleaning again in the computer room, but for some reason, I never got to that.  I did some cleaning….well emptying wastebaskets and taking out the trash and recycling for todays pick up.  But mostly I was engaged in cooking up all the meat I brought back from the cabin on Wednesday.  I fried up 1/3 of the hamburger with onion, so I could use it for whatever I wanted.  I also made 12 mini meatloaves from the rest of it.  I put the meat in a muffin tin, then I put them in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer, so I can take one or two out at a time for dinner.  I guess the cold weather got me in the mood for meat loaf and squash….now I need the squash.    I also cooked up 8 chicken thighs in the pressure cooker, using an oriental seasoning sauce.  The recipe was called “Sweet and Spicy, Sticky Chicken”.  It wasn’t for a pressure cooker, and I didn’t have a couple of the ingredients, like red pepper flakes and scallions.  But it turned out really good tasting….not sticky though.
At about 6:15 I heard it was going to freeze again last night, so the mums I had just put back outside around 3 p.m. I had to take back in.  Darn weather!!!
I also got a call from Aunt Loretta thanking me for the flowers I sent her for her birthday, but she assured me her birthday wasn’t till next Monday, the 15th. My family tree says the 11th, and it has since I put dates in the program, I don’t know where I got that information, but now I will have to figure that out.  I wonder why no one has corrected me before.  Strange!!  So next Monday, I’ll say Happy Birthday again.
After the CT scan Bonnie and I are planning brunch, as I can’t eat before hand, and then I’ve asked her to take me shopping.  I need to go and get some plants for her son to put for me this afternoon, and I want to pick up a few things from Michaels….I have a bunch of coupons, so it’s a good time to pick up a few things to aid in my cleaning project and maybe some presents.
Enough for now….Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, October 11, 2012

You Are My Sunshine

Today is Aunt Loretta's birthday, and since my mom died, I've adopted Aunt Loretta as my mom.  She is my sunshine.  She calls me often to check up on me, and she has her daughters read my blog to her, and worries and cares for me just like my mom would if she was here.  Mom's been gone 20 years, and Loretta never fails to remember my birthday, by calling or sending me a card.  I love her lots.
Yesterday was supposed to be a special day as Jimbo was taking me to the cabin.  You know how much I love going there.  But shortly after getting there and as I was packing up stuff from my closet I noticed some stains on my bed, so I started checking the comforter closer, and when I pulled away one of the sham pillows, and I found a dead chipmunk!  I Screemed!!! and ran out of the room yelling for Jimbo to come and remove it.  Luckily it was on the other side of the bed that I sleep, and it was between pillows, that had removedable cases that can be washed.  Jimbo got the chipmunk out, and then we stripped the bed and he took it home with him to wash and bring back to the cabin for me.  I think if the stains don't come out, I may buy a whole new set for next year.  We then went into every bedroom and checked under all pillows.  Why that stupid chipmunk picked my bed is beyond me.  I try to protect them from the cats and feed them all summer.  I love chipmunks, and so did my mom.  Who knows how long it had been there, cause Jimbo has traps set in the basement and has deacon down there, and has trapped some mice there, but we have never seen any sign of mice or chipmunks in the upstairs bedrooms.  If I wouldn't have seen the stains on the bed, we wouldn't have found it till next spring when I went to bed, and then I would have really been grossed out.  I'm still not sure how I will sleep there the first time.....hopefully by then I will have sorta forgotten.  But I don't know how I can.
LaLa Burger and tater tots
Anyway after that, I wasn't very happy to be there, and packed everything up, and offered to take Jimbo to lunch at LaLa's in South Haven.  It's a new favorite....Kathleen, Gary and I went there for the first time 3 years ago, and have returned every July when they are here.  Last year I told Jimbo about it, and suggested they try it, as it has great food, gigantic servings, and low prices. It's only 3 miles from the cabin.  This picture is half an order....we split a LaLa Burger (Cheese burger smothered in a salad mixture with lettuce, tomato  onion and sort of a thousand island tasting dressing).  Chose tater tots rather then fries, and we were both were stuffed with only half an order.  The burgers are good, the buns are good, and I can't think of anything I've ordered there hasn't been good.  So if you are going through South Haven, turn down main street, and one block down you'll find LaLa's on the South East corner on your left.
After lunch we came home, but had to make one more stop at a place we saw on the way up.  They were selling pumpkins and gourdes, and it's where I buy my corn in the summer.   Jimbo wanted a big pumpkin and some others for his front porch.  So we both ended up with a great deal both in number and price.  I got a medium size pumpkin, a white one that is sorta flat, and five gourds for $3.50.
I had to be home by 3 p.m. to meet a furnace guy for a bid.  He was a very nice man, a real salesmen, and explained everything very thoroughly, but his furnace was $1000 higher than the bid I got the day before.  Doug called me this morning, and asked if it was okay to have his furnace guy who put in there furnace a few years ago, give me a bid, so I said sure.  I wanted a third bid, and the 3rd guy I left a message with, hasn't returned my call. So hopefully I will get three bids, and know which one I will go with.
Well, not getting anywhere fast this morning.  Feeling good, just moving slow....I found myself sleeping on the couch at about 5 this morning, and didn't bother going back to my bed....but did turn off the TV.  So I must have been really sleeping soundly.  Then I woke up late I think 7:40 to take my 7 a.m. pain pill, and went back to the couch again, and was awaken by Doug's phone call at about 9:30 or so.  I guess yesterday must have made me really tired, or maybe it's the weather....don't have a good excuse.
No big plans for today or this evening, so maybe I will go back to the computer room and put away all the craft stuff I brought back from the cabin.  Sadly that was the one area that I had totally gone through, and now I have to go back and add all the stuff I brought back, and try to keep it in the good order I put it last week.  Oh well, it gives me something to do.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kiecker Kabin Here I Come!!

Jimbo is taking me to the Kabin and the sun is shining, how good is that?!!!
I need to get my craft stuff, and any food that shouldn't be there to entice any varmints.
I had a good day yesterday.  The Insulation guy came and walked around in the attic to figure out what it would cost to have the place insulated properly.  With the Energy Audit  I had done last week, I will get a rebate for that.  Then around 1 p.m., the guy from Dependable Heat and Air came and gave me a bid for two different furnaces.  One is a 80%  efficiency and the other 95% and if I go with one that is 92 or higher, I can also get a rebate for the furnace.  The 95% efficiency would get me a $350 rebate, so it would end up about the same price as the 80% one.
Jimbo just drove up, so I guess I'll write more later.  Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday William!!

William is 10 years old today!!
Hope he has a wonderful day, and that the sun shines on him all day!!  In a few weeks I get to go to Chicago to see Will and his family, and I'm really excited.  Will is a hockey player along with his sister and cousins, and I should be able to actually see him play in a game.
Yesterday was a fairly busy day.  I went to lunch with the retiree's.  Before I left I found out that Bonnie Witte's husband had died and the funeral was going to be on Thursday, and that Jim Nieswaags mom died last Friday, and the funeral was last night.  Val Knight started making arrangements for the staff to take up a collection to take food, and as I was meeting with the retiree's I volunteered to take up a collection with those present.  That worked well.  Then as no one else was planning on the funeral for Jim's mom, and I really wanted to go, Mary Brue said she would like to go, and would pick me up.  So at about 5:15 Mary picked me up and we went to the wake or reviewal what ever they call it.  We saw a lot of the maintenance staff (that weren't working) and only Mary and I were representatives of the secretarial staff.
I got home a little after 6 pm. and ate and watched TV for the evening.  Today, I have an insulation guy coming at 9 am. and then this evening I have women's club which Jan Ranum has volunteered to take me to.  She isn't even a member of the club, but she thinks it sounds interesting and may be talked into joining.
Yesterday when Mary Brue brought me home, she handed me a bag, and said not to open it till I got inside....well, low and behold it was a couple of dozen oatmeal raisin cookies, which I've already eaten the first dozen.  A few weeks ago, Bonnie and I went to Mary's church for a presentation by a choir, and after they had a lunch and they served these oat meal raisin cookies, and they were so good, I went back for seconds.  So Mary knowing how much I liked them, asked this lady to make me a couple of dozen.  They were a real surprise, and these are just as good as the ones I had at the church.  Thank you to the baker, and thanks Mary for getting them for me.  It will sure help me to gain back the weight I lost last week.  Actually I got on the scale last night, and after the cookies, and going out for lunch, I had gained 2 lbs from the night before.  So it's working.
In the middle of this blog, the insulation man came, so that's over for the day, and now I guess I have more cleaning to do in the computer room.  Back to work, Love and Prayers, m
P.S. At lunch yesterday Pat Ripley got a call to get to California to her only living sisters, as she wasn't doing well at all.  They don't even know what the problem is, but she keeps getting worse.  So say a bunch of prayers for her sister, and Pat that she makes the trip safely and in time.  m

Monday, October 8, 2012

No Sun Again today!

I thought it was supposed to be a beautiful warm day?!  What happened?  Crazy morning already today.  I got up at 7 a.m. after a not so great night of sleep.  I had eaten Mexican food 3 days in a row, (left overs from Friday's meal) and it had given me diarrhea for the last two days, and I was still burping etc.  for the whole evening.  I couldn't go to sleep, and got up about 3 times before I finally went to sleep.  Anyway I was really tired, and I took my pills and went to the couch as usual, and woke again at 8 a.m. and thought good I can sleep some more, and planned on getting up at 9 a.m. with plenty time to write this, shower, get dressed, do my hair and make-up as Mary Brue isn't picking me up till 11 a.m.  Well, I fell back to sleep and woke up at 9:20 in a panic, and thought I had to be ready by 10 a.m. (instead of 11 a.m.) so I rushed to the kitchen drank a bottle of Nutrition shake, made a cup of coffee and headed to the shower.  I showered, changed my ostomy bag, dried my hair, got dressed and put my make-up on, and was sitting on the edge of the bed to put my socks on, so pleased that I had everything done except the blog, and it was just 10 a.m. but I was wondering what to do about the blog.  Say I overslept and would write later or what?......and finally I realized I didn't need to be ready till 11 a.m.  So dumb!!!  So here I am.
Yesterday was a good day for me.  Carol and Del picked me up at 10 a.m. and took me to church, and then to Baker's Square for brunch.  Got home and read the paper, and all of a sudden Annie and Doug appeared at the door.  Annie said they had dropped Allie off for hockey, and they wanted to know what I needed done.  So in no time flat, they had accomplished decorating the house, folding the last batch of laundry (which was towels) and Doug mowed the front yard while Annie and I went up to Jensen's to pick up the couple of items I needed for the week.  I couldn't believe how little they carried or had left on Sunday afternoon.  I wanted a 12 grain bread, actually a specific brand of 12 grain, and they didn't have brand with 12 grains.  So I ended up with an 100% whole wheat bread....that looks like tan white bread....but I will survive the week.  Then we went looking for single servings of frozen veggies, and ended up getting a few small cans of veggies, and then couldn't find any microwave macaroni and cheese, that I like for lunch in a hurry....but they didn't have any of that either.
Annie and Doug then had to leave to watch Allie's game, and they told me that Nicole and Matthew were coming over so Nicole could finish mowing the yard, after Nicole finished her homework.  By the time the Vikings started they walked in, and Nicole went about her business, and Matthew was left to visit with me.  I love talking to him....he talks like an adult even though he is only seven.  He finally decided he'd rather play outside than talk to me, and when Nicole was done he still wanted to play outside....but Nicole had to do a lot of talking to get him into the car.
So happy to see everyone, and I got all my little jobs done. Thank you Annie, Doug, Nicole and Matthew. (Sorry I didn't get to see Allie too!)  I continued to watch the Viking and it was a great game, but unfortunately Allie who'e FFB team I was playing had Adrian Peterson, and Harvik on her team and they played great too.  I lost by a big amount, and now have a 1 win, 1 tie and 3 loss hiss!!  So that was my day, and Mary will be here soon for lunch with the retiree' I better get moving.  Love and Prayers, m
P.S. Pray that I get fat!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunny buy Freezing!!!

It is so nice to see the sun shine, I know all your thoughts and blessings are flowing my way....but when it's dark and cloudy...I have a hard time remembering that God is still there sending me all those blessings.  The weather also makes me lazy and even though I did get three loads of laundry done, and cleaned two bathrooms, I laid down and rested often in between trips to the basement or tasks.  I also brought up Fall decorations each time I came back up from the basement.  Still have lots to bring up, but it was a start.  Carol and Del are picking me up at 10 a.m. for church this morning, so I better start getting ready.  No big plans for the day except watching the Vikings.  We will go out for brunch after church, but that's my excitement for the day.
Hoping my FFB team does well, and that all those running in the Twin Cities Marathon aren't too cold!  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cold and Blustery Again!

Good Morning!!  This kind of day makes me really lazy.  I'm hoping to get some laundry, decorating and shopping for groceries done today, but don't know if there is anyone around to help me.  We'll see how much I get done.
I set up someone to come out and give me my first bid on the furnace next Wednesday late in the afternoon, cause is the morning, I plan on going to the cabin with Jimbo.  I need to pack up some of the food, and all my craft stuff I took to the cabin for scrape-booking   I still need to call and get a couple more bids, you all have come through with about 6 or 7 names and numbers for I'll pick a couple that look like they are in the Northern suburbs.
Last night I went to dinner with my FF group, but only 4 of the 6 were there.  Then on Facebook, one that wasn't there (Kathie Kelly) posted a picture of us that was taken earlier this year and told the story of how we have had dinner every month since 1983.  We all worked at St. Tim's together, and that is when Chris left for St. Cates!!  Eventually, Mary Mueller is the only one of the six of us still working there....well I guess Marianne Nold still plays piano and organ there once in awhile.  Anyway if you have Facebook, you can take a look at the six of us.
Tomorrow I'll go to church with Carol and Del, as the Vikings don't play till late, so they can switch up and do Sunday instead of Saturday evening.  I'm excited to see who goes to that Mass.  Those people are all my family, and I've been missing them all summer.  Sometimes I was at the cabin, and sometimes I just couldn't sit or stand during the service...then it was the process of finding someone to take me....when Carol came to my rescue.  I really appreciate that they have added me to their church schedule.
Then I suppose I will relax and watch the Vikings, and cheering on my FFB team.  I think I play Allie this week, and she has a really good team.  I may be in trouble again this week...but I did do some dropping and adding this week to improve the team.  That's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Sun is Shining but the air is Cold for Jimbo's 44th Birthday.

Happy Birthday to my youngest!  Yikes that sounds scary!!! I have 3 older than that!
It was really windy and cold yesterday, but I still have some leaves on my trees.  I have a Linden that hasn't even turned colors yet, actually most of the trees in my yard haven't turned yet.  Oh Well, the weather seems like winter instead of Fall.  Hopefully next week it will warm up some.

I did a lot more work in the computer room is really making me feel so much better....except for the allergies which the dust and mold and mildew get to me with in 10-15 minutes of opening a box.  It's funny some of the stuff I've pulled out and loved and couldn't through away, and then others that I think why did I keep this?  Some I wanted to keep....but were totally in the wrong box...or what the box said was in it.  Some is creating a lot more sorting even though it is in the right box now...they need to be combined with lots of other boxes titled the same "Family Tree"....lots of pictures, prayer cards, etc.  Some boxes filled with pictures, that are just piles of mixed trips, family events, and others are photo Christmas cards of family and friends.  That will be the biggest job of all.  But all and all, I am disposing of a lot of paper....and it is freeing!!

I did get the insulation guy set up to come out next Tuesday, to give me a bid....and I posted on Facebook I was looking for names etc. for a furnace.  I got several responses (thank you) and one of the last I got was from Doreen Pfeifer who said her husband had worked 30 years for Standard Heating, but was retired and didn't think it would give me any discount, but I opened the mail and the "Dollars & Sense" coupon advertisement had a add on the back cover for Standard Heating advertising a sale on furnaces saving $600 or more.  So I will for certain call them as well as those Danny and Terri and Joe Sedesky have given me.  I hear that if you don't get a furnace this year, they are going up in price as of the first of the year, as for new regulations they will have to meet.  That's my job for today.  I also talked to Jimbo and he is checking on some, and talking to Rick about getting a different vent for the furnace on the front of the house.  We also figured out that the furnace was 21 or 22 years old. So it is about due to be replaced.

As for my health, I guess the ambition  I now have to get things done around the house, is proof that the chemo is working.  I feel stronger all the able to move in ways I couldn't for awhile.  Just a month ago I couldn't reach my toes to put on socks, and underwear etc.  but now I no longer need tongs to reach my toes....I can bend over and pick things up off the floor, and I can get up from a swatting position easier than before...if at all.  I can get out of bed in the morning, not so stiff that I had to stretch for several minutes before walking.  Small things we take for granted, but for me were really beginning to be almost impossible, and now I can do it all.  Thank you for all the prayers and blessings you have sent my way, as I'm sure they are working....God is good!

This evening I am going to dinner with the FF group, and it actually is the First Friday of the month.  That's it for this morning....Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Winds of Winter in October!

I am up and at um earlier than usual....don't know why, just feeling great!  I had a really busy day yesterday, but the evening calmed down and I watched the debate, but just before, Tom emailed a link to Will's hockey game in Naperville, IL, so I got to watch it on UStream.  I only saw about half the game on the computer, and had the TV on the debate.  I figured out which jersey's were his team, and then I tried to pick Will out, but I'm not sure I had it right, this morning Tom told me he is #26, and I think the boy I was watching had a single number on his jersey, like 3 or 8...anyway not Will.  I kept looking for the shortest, but I don't know if that is true on this year's team either.  Luckily I will get to watch him in person the end of the month when I take the train to Chicago.   Which reminds me, I have to get his gift in the mail, as it's next week.  I have it all ready I just need it taken to the post office as it is one of those "if it fits it ships" boxes for a pre-calculated price.
John, did a great job on the gardens around the house, still has more to do, but when he called this morning, I suggested he wait till next week when it warmed up a bit more.  The weather man this morning said it would be back in the 60's on Monday.  Sharyl came over while John was here, and she said Don was coming home soon, and they would take some of the that is nice.  Does anyone else want some?  It's huge and we want to cut it back to about a 2X2 base.  It's about 6X6 now.
The Home Energy Audit guy arrived at noon, and gave me the bad news that he thinks my furnace needs replacing, and the vent on the front of the house which we think is the furnace vent, is the wrong kind of vent and needs to be replaced too.  I'll have to talk to Rick Zwack about what to do about that...that should be a cheap fix....but the furance on the other hand was not a update I was planning on.  He did say that the attic definately needs to be insulated, and he did give me the signed letter for the rebate, which is worth up to $350.  So that is the first thing I need to do, but was planned. It wouldn't be bad, but October is when my insurance and property taxes are big chunks that I planned for, but needless to say is a lot of money.
Larry Moinicken picked me up just as the Energy Audit guy was finishing up, and John was almost done too.  The Energy guy left and John stayed while I was gone to get unplugged.  When we returned, John was done, napping on the front lawn waiting to talk to me about where we go from here.  I talked to him again this morning, and suggested we wait till next week when it was going to be warmer for a few more days.  Anyway as soon as everyone was gone I went in and waited for Sheila to call and do the Qigong over the phone.  I know people don't believe that she can do this over the phone, but I sure feel the same after the session as if I was at her home with her next to me....and she is able to sense where I have blockages and clear them for me.
The rest of the evening was as I explained at the beginning of this blog.  Nothing planned for today except maybe to go back to cleaning in the office.  It feels so good to have it in somewhat declogged of paper.  I still have a long way to go, but it's going really well.  I'm sure that if I ever get to the point of sorting older pictures and trying to figure out who they are and if they are related or how they came to me it will be a lot tougher to do...but right now, it's more of a job of tossing junk that I have no idea why I kept it in the first place.  So that's the plan for today, go through atleast one more box off the shelf or maybe two.  We'll see how long it takes.  Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3 Get Unplugged! Yippee!

Feeling great, but been so busy already this morning, I almost forgot to do my blog.  I got up as usual and only went to the couch for an hour...when the phone rang and got me up and moving.  Aunt Florence called to check on things for the 13th....surprise for Uncle John.  Then I went through my emails and realized I had to set my lineup for FFB, and I needed to drop/add a player that was injured and I couldn't figure out how to get that done with the new setup the CBS Sports has now.  So I called Gary and had to leave a message for him, and while I was waiting for him to call me back, I realized I needed to call the neighbor about giving her half of my hydrangea, cause Bonnie's son John arrived at 9 am. to work on my yard work that was so desperately in need of help.  John volunteered to do it free....but I need to find a way to pay him as he said he refused to take any money from me, as I am so good to his mom.  Little does he know that she is twice as good to me.  Anyway that was another phone call I had to make, and Sharyl wasn't home so had to leave another message for her.  In the mean time Gary called back and I got my lineup all set and my drop/add taken care of.  Still giving Allie a 10 pt advantage over me for this week, but hopefully Cutler will come through for me.  I'm fed up with Romo! and he has a bye this week anyway.
So anyway it's been a busy morning.
Yesterday was a good day too!  John Sass came over at 4:30 to survey the job, and Doug arrived shortly thereafter with my two prescriptions I thought he was supposed to get in the morning, and we had to reorder.  I think the HP website must have been not working over the weekend.  Anyway John and Doug know each other from Hockey and John is a Referee for the area Hockey leagues and we see him quite often doing the hockey season.  They had lots of things to talk about.  Then when they were both gone it was time for me lay down and rest before I had to go to Card Club.  I figured as we had to drive to Elk River we would be leaving at 6:30, and Sandi woke me up at 6:10, and I rushed out of the house, but by the time we got to Dawn's house, still in Coon Rapids off Hanson, I realized I hadn't taken a pain pill with me to take at 7 pm when we got to Elk River, so when we got Dawn in the car we turned around and went back to my house, I had also forgotten my glasses so I grabbed them and took my pain pill at 6:30, a little early, but that way I knew I couldn't forget to take it.  Although I know the pain would have reminded me along with my phone alarm that is set for 7 p.m.
We arrived in Elk River at about 6:55, so not late at all. Cards went well, and while there I got Sandi to call her husband and see if he could drive me to get unplugged today, and he said yes....he has driven me before, but not for a long time.  Anyway then I had to call Doug and let him know he could go to the cabin with Jimbo to do the yard work and fall clean up, up there.  Couldn't get a volunteer to take me to Qigong, so that was another call I had to make this morning, and I will do it over the phone this afternoon at 3:30.
The rest of the day is going to be quite busy too.  At noon, Centerpoint Energy is coming out to do an Energy Audit, and Larry Moinicken will pick me up at 2:00 for my unplug, and then bring me back home so Sheila can call at 3:30 for the relaxing and healing session of Qigong.  Then tonight we have the big debate, that I probably will watch, even though I know we will have soundbites and talk about it for the next couple of weeks, or until the next one.
John has only been here 2 hours, and already the yard looks so much better.  Couldn't go to Dennis Tkaches' mom's funeral today, and the wake last night as I had cards, but my thoughts and prayers have been going out for them.  Then this morning one of my high school classmates' mom's obit was in the paper, and Kathie Kelly saw it and put up a notice in our SMA class of 1962 group on Facebook.  So yet another  set of sympathy and prayers going to JoAnn Prasky Lewandowski.
Nothing else to report, Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 2, Rd 5 and The Sun is Shining

I got up this morning at about 8:30 and had to go to the bathroom, so I got off the couch and went to the bathroom, and as I was washing my hands, I heard someone at the door, I stepped out, luckily presentable (except my hair) and it was Doug. (I did step back into the bathroom and brush my hair which had been standing straight up)  He had gone to HP to pick up my prescriptions, (I had forgotten that he was going to do this on his way to work this morning) and only one of the three was there.  So we checked online and for some reason the order I had done over the weekend didn't appear to have been ordered, so I redid the order, and it says they will be available to pick up at 4:30 this evening, so Doug will go back this afternoon and get them.
Back to yesterday.  Rita picked me up, but when she got here I was in the middle of ordering train ticket to Chicago the end of the month.  So she let me finish and then we were on our way.  Things went smoothly for a change...I got a blood return on the port right away; I had good blood counts and urine sample was good as well of my blood pressure; Dr. Londer came in within minutes of us sitting down; He said I could hold the potassium, cause the last check it was good; he ordered the CTscan for Oct. 12th, and I will get the report on Monday when I go in for my last chemo; and told me I looked great and said he knows he almost always says that, but that I really  did!
So on to the chemo, and then I remembered that I had forgotten to give Dr Londer my log of bp that I had taken for the last two weeks.  So my nurse took it over to him, and after reviewing it, he came over and said that he was going to put me on a low dose of bp med (Atenenol) to see if they could bring it down some. So that was the prescription that Doug brought this morning, so I took that at 9 a.m. this morning.
The day went well and poor Rita got beat three times and one was a skunk, and one she was just one peg past the skunk mark.  I guess my luck has changed....cause that is what Judy was doing to me two weeks ago.  I can't remember when my luck was good playing cribbage with anyone.  The strange thing about the day was that I came up with cutting the 3 of diamonds in a row!  Then the 3 of diamonds became significant in 3 more ways as we were playing.  Then Rita left to get us lunch, so I decided to play a pyramid type of solitaire where you lay out the cards in a pyramid shape, and then take them off with combinations of 13's, I got down to the last  "7" cards, and the card that was blocking me and causing me to lose was the "3 of diamonds" now this was the 7th time it appeared in a little over an hour.  So we goggled the 3 of diamonds and it said that it had something to do with Creativity.  Then I checked my email on my phone, and I had an email advertising a coming phone presentation on "The 7 keys to Creative Manifestation".  Now both Rita and I thought this was freaky!!  I told Kathleen about this last night on the phone, and she said she and her daughter Blair always think the number 3 always means mom is around and I know mom is always with me, and so this is a reminder that she definitely was with me.  Thanks mom!!  So now what the 7 and creativity have to do with me we'll have to see.
Tallked to Annie last night, and she wants to take me on the 15th to hear the results of the CTscan, so I called Rita and told her she didn't have to come till 10:30 or so, as Annie had to be back at school by 11 am and since Annie didn't play cribbage she would have to see if her luck has changed and can win at least one game that day.
I also talked to Kathleen, and Gary is doing really well, and she had taken him on two walks yesterday, one before she went to work, and another when she got home. He is napping a lot, but is feeling so much better than last week.  Thank you all for the prayers, they really worked well.
My cousin Louie is asking for prayers today for their best friends who are going under the double surgery of a kidney transplant of one of hers to one of his.  Please keep all on my list in your prayers, and keep me in them too!  Love and Prayers, m

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1 Round 5 of Chemo

Hi, won’t have much time in the morning I have to leave at 9 a.m. for chemo, so I thought I’d write this evening, and copy it into the blog in the morning.
I got moving around 9 a.m. as usual this morning, and read the paper and didn't do much till the Viking game came on at noon.  Then I went to the computer room and turned the TV on in there.  Got a bunch thrown away...lots of needless pieces of paper from the 40th class reunion that I was in charge of, and also did a lot of shredding of things that had info that I don’t think classmates would have wanted to be found.  I also went to some other drawers that didn't take me long to go through, and found some pictures I didn't know I had...or had forgotten that I had. By the time I was done, I had a big kitchen size wastebasket full of recycling.
Bonnie Sass called early in the afternoon, and wanted to know if I was still interested in taking a train ride for her to Milwaukee and for me to Chicago.  Her brother lives there, and of course I would go see Tom, Karen and family in Naperville.  So the weekend her brother was open for company was the last weekend in October, and I called and talked to Karen (after about 4 calls to either her or Tom and leaving messages).  She said they would be happy to have me come that weekend, and that if I took the train to Union Station, I could then take the Metro to Naperville for only $8 or so round trip.  So I was happy to hear that.  It will only be 2 nights, but I’ve never taken a train other than at an amusement park.  Hopefully the leaves will still be on some of the trees, but even if not it will be great scenery.
I’m hoping that Tony Romo will pull out a punch of points for me, so I can beat Kennedy in the Fantasy Football league.  Right now she is 18 pts a head of me, and so with any luck Tony should beable to do 20 pts. With any luck!!  Sorry Kennedy I can only hope!
That’s all for tonight.  Love and Prayers, m