Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Birthday William!!

William is 10 years old today!!
Hope he has a wonderful day, and that the sun shines on him all day!!  In a few weeks I get to go to Chicago to see Will and his family, and I'm really excited.  Will is a hockey player along with his sister and cousins, and I should be able to actually see him play in a game.
Yesterday was a fairly busy day.  I went to lunch with the retiree's.  Before I left I found out that Bonnie Witte's husband had died and the funeral was going to be on Thursday, and that Jim Nieswaags mom died last Friday, and the funeral was last night.  Val Knight started making arrangements for the staff to take up a collection to take food, and as I was meeting with the retiree's I volunteered to take up a collection with those present.  That worked well.  Then as no one else was planning on the funeral for Jim's mom, and I really wanted to go, Mary Brue said she would like to go, and would pick me up.  So at about 5:15 Mary picked me up and we went to the wake or reviewal what ever they call it.  We saw a lot of the maintenance staff (that weren't working) and only Mary and I were representatives of the secretarial staff.
I got home a little after 6 pm. and ate and watched TV for the evening.  Today, I have an insulation guy coming at 9 am. and then this evening I have women's club which Jan Ranum has volunteered to take me to.  She isn't even a member of the club, but she thinks it sounds interesting and may be talked into joining.
Yesterday when Mary Brue brought me home, she handed me a bag, and said not to open it till I got inside....well, low and behold it was a couple of dozen oatmeal raisin cookies, which I've already eaten the first dozen.  A few weeks ago, Bonnie and I went to Mary's church for a presentation by a choir, and after they had a lunch and they served these oat meal raisin cookies, and they were so good, I went back for seconds.  So Mary knowing how much I liked them, asked this lady to make me a couple of dozen.  They were a real surprise, and these are just as good as the ones I had at the church.  Thank you to the baker, and thanks Mary for getting them for me.  It will sure help me to gain back the weight I lost last week.  Actually I got on the scale last night, and after the cookies, and going out for lunch, I had gained 2 lbs from the night before.  So it's working.
In the middle of this blog, the insulation man came, so that's over for the day, and now I guess I have more cleaning to do in the computer room.  Back to work, Love and Prayers, m
P.S. At lunch yesterday Pat Ripley got a call to get to California to her only living sisters, as she wasn't doing well at all.  They don't even know what the problem is, but she keeps getting worse.  So say a bunch of prayers for her sister, and Pat that she makes the trip safely and in time.  m

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