Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3 Get Unplugged! Yippee!

Feeling great, but been so busy already this morning, I almost forgot to do my blog.  I got up as usual and only went to the couch for an hour...when the phone rang and got me up and moving.  Aunt Florence called to check on things for the 13th....surprise for Uncle John.  Then I went through my emails and realized I had to set my lineup for FFB, and I needed to drop/add a player that was injured and I couldn't figure out how to get that done with the new setup the CBS Sports has now.  So I called Gary and had to leave a message for him, and while I was waiting for him to call me back, I realized I needed to call the neighbor about giving her half of my hydrangea, cause Bonnie's son John arrived at 9 am. to work on my yard work that was so desperately in need of help.  John volunteered to do it free....but I need to find a way to pay him as he said he refused to take any money from me, as I am so good to his mom.  Little does he know that she is twice as good to me.  Anyway that was another phone call I had to make, and Sharyl wasn't home so had to leave another message for her.  In the mean time Gary called back and I got my lineup all set and my drop/add taken care of.  Still giving Allie a 10 pt advantage over me for this week, but hopefully Cutler will come through for me.  I'm fed up with Romo! and he has a bye this week anyway.
So anyway it's been a busy morning.
Yesterday was a good day too!  John Sass came over at 4:30 to survey the job, and Doug arrived shortly thereafter with my two prescriptions I thought he was supposed to get in the morning, and we had to reorder.  I think the HP website must have been not working over the weekend.  Anyway John and Doug know each other from Hockey and John is a Referee for the area Hockey leagues and we see him quite often doing the hockey season.  They had lots of things to talk about.  Then when they were both gone it was time for me lay down and rest before I had to go to Card Club.  I figured as we had to drive to Elk River we would be leaving at 6:30, and Sandi woke me up at 6:10, and I rushed out of the house, but by the time we got to Dawn's house, still in Coon Rapids off Hanson, I realized I hadn't taken a pain pill with me to take at 7 pm when we got to Elk River, so when we got Dawn in the car we turned around and went back to my house, I had also forgotten my glasses so I grabbed them and took my pain pill at 6:30, a little early, but that way I knew I couldn't forget to take it.  Although I know the pain would have reminded me along with my phone alarm that is set for 7 p.m.
We arrived in Elk River at about 6:55, so not late at all. Cards went well, and while there I got Sandi to call her husband and see if he could drive me to get unplugged today, and he said yes....he has driven me before, but not for a long time.  Anyway then I had to call Doug and let him know he could go to the cabin with Jimbo to do the yard work and fall clean up, up there.  Couldn't get a volunteer to take me to Qigong, so that was another call I had to make this morning, and I will do it over the phone this afternoon at 3:30.
The rest of the day is going to be quite busy too.  At noon, Centerpoint Energy is coming out to do an Energy Audit, and Larry Moinicken will pick me up at 2:00 for my unplug, and then bring me back home so Sheila can call at 3:30 for the relaxing and healing session of Qigong.  Then tonight we have the big debate, that I probably will watch, even though I know we will have soundbites and talk about it for the next couple of weeks, or until the next one.
John has only been here 2 hours, and already the yard looks so much better.  Couldn't go to Dennis Tkaches' mom's funeral today, and the wake last night as I had cards, but my thoughts and prayers have been going out for them.  Then this morning one of my high school classmates' mom's obit was in the paper, and Kathie Kelly saw it and put up a notice in our SMA class of 1962 group on Facebook.  So yet another  set of sympathy and prayers going to JoAnn Prasky Lewandowski.
Nothing else to report, Love and Prayers, m

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