Friday, October 5, 2012

The Sun is Shining but the air is Cold for Jimbo's 44th Birthday.

Happy Birthday to my youngest!  Yikes that sounds scary!!! I have 3 older than that!
It was really windy and cold yesterday, but I still have some leaves on my trees.  I have a Linden that hasn't even turned colors yet, actually most of the trees in my yard haven't turned yet.  Oh Well, the weather seems like winter instead of Fall.  Hopefully next week it will warm up some.

I did a lot more work in the computer room is really making me feel so much better....except for the allergies which the dust and mold and mildew get to me with in 10-15 minutes of opening a box.  It's funny some of the stuff I've pulled out and loved and couldn't through away, and then others that I think why did I keep this?  Some I wanted to keep....but were totally in the wrong box...or what the box said was in it.  Some is creating a lot more sorting even though it is in the right box now...they need to be combined with lots of other boxes titled the same "Family Tree"....lots of pictures, prayer cards, etc.  Some boxes filled with pictures, that are just piles of mixed trips, family events, and others are photo Christmas cards of family and friends.  That will be the biggest job of all.  But all and all, I am disposing of a lot of paper....and it is freeing!!

I did get the insulation guy set up to come out next Tuesday, to give me a bid....and I posted on Facebook I was looking for names etc. for a furnace.  I got several responses (thank you) and one of the last I got was from Doreen Pfeifer who said her husband had worked 30 years for Standard Heating, but was retired and didn't think it would give me any discount, but I opened the mail and the "Dollars & Sense" coupon advertisement had a add on the back cover for Standard Heating advertising a sale on furnaces saving $600 or more.  So I will for certain call them as well as those Danny and Terri and Joe Sedesky have given me.  I hear that if you don't get a furnace this year, they are going up in price as of the first of the year, as for new regulations they will have to meet.  That's my job for today.  I also talked to Jimbo and he is checking on some, and talking to Rick about getting a different vent for the furnace on the front of the house.  We also figured out that the furnace was 21 or 22 years old. So it is about due to be replaced.

As for my health, I guess the ambition  I now have to get things done around the house, is proof that the chemo is working.  I feel stronger all the able to move in ways I couldn't for awhile.  Just a month ago I couldn't reach my toes to put on socks, and underwear etc.  but now I no longer need tongs to reach my toes....I can bend over and pick things up off the floor, and I can get up from a swatting position easier than before...if at all.  I can get out of bed in the morning, not so stiff that I had to stretch for several minutes before walking.  Small things we take for granted, but for me were really beginning to be almost impossible, and now I can do it all.  Thank you for all the prayers and blessings you have sent my way, as I'm sure they are working....God is good!

This evening I am going to dinner with the FF group, and it actually is the First Friday of the month.  That's it for this morning....Love and Prayers, m

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