Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Warm Blanket in the Attic!

A little after 8 a.m. I got a knock on the door, and it was the insulation guys.  UZ Insulation Services!
So they have to go through the house back to Annie's old bedroom closet ceiling to get at the attic. They have drop clothes all the way through the house, and 4 guys to do the job.
I have been answering email etc. and got side tracked from doing the blog, and then Linda Zimmer mentioned in a response to some emails that we had exchanged this morning that she was looking for my blog.  So I dropped what I was doing and am now finally writing this.  I thought I would have written it so much earlier...but here I am.
Yesterday was so much fun.  We got a little late start due to rain and traffic and stop lights out etc.  So anyway once we were on our way, it was great.  We went almost all the way to Ladysmith, but the place we were going to was actually in Bruce, WI.  Once in the store I went to work shopping.  Of course I didn't buy anything for anyone but me.  I found this unusual sweater, and had to have it.  It was so perfect for me, once I tried it on, I couldn't take it off.  So then I found a couple of shirts to go under it, and think I'll be wearing each of them with the new sweater....they looked like three different styles and colors and I had scarves at home that would go with them too!  I'm just so excited to wear them, and I will be taking them to Chicago with me this weekend.
After everyone was finished shopping, and all six of us came away with a bag, we headed around the corner to a little place that had great food, good prices, and for me a place to sit down.  After a leisurely lunch, we headed back toward home, but stopped in Turtle Lake at the casino.  We got there at about 3:30 p.m., and decided we would meet back at the front door at 5 p.m.  But somebody couldn't pull herself away from a machine, so it was closer to 5:30 when we left.  Twylla Prather was the big winner, came away with $104 to the good, and I came away with $10 more than when I came in.  I think the others broke even, or lost.  Two out of Six winners isn't too bad of a percentage.
I arrived back at my house just at 7 p.m., and thought I would nap, as I hadn't all day, but I didn't! I watched TV, especially "Parenthood".  Other than "The Voice" those are the only network shows I am watching, and the Voice only gets watched on Mondays, as I go to HGTV cable TV for most of my viewing.  "Love It or List It" and the Property Brothers are my favorites.  Anyway for some reason or other I stayed up till almost midnight, and then went to bed, and slept soundly all night till 7 a.m. this morning.
I had to get dressed and comb my hair before going to the couch for a few more minutes of sleep and was rudely awaken by the Insulation team!
So that was my day.  Love and Prayers, m

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