Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunny buy Freezing!!!

It is so nice to see the sun shine, I know all your thoughts and blessings are flowing my way....but when it's dark and cloudy...I have a hard time remembering that God is still there sending me all those blessings.  The weather also makes me lazy and even though I did get three loads of laundry done, and cleaned two bathrooms, I laid down and rested often in between trips to the basement or tasks.  I also brought up Fall decorations each time I came back up from the basement.  Still have lots to bring up, but it was a start.  Carol and Del are picking me up at 10 a.m. for church this morning, so I better start getting ready.  No big plans for the day except watching the Vikings.  We will go out for brunch after church, but that's my excitement for the day.
Hoping my FFB team does well, and that all those running in the Twin Cities Marathon aren't too cold!  Love and Prayers, m

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