Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kiecker Kabin Here I Come!!

Jimbo is taking me to the Kabin and the sun is shining, how good is that?!!!
I need to get my craft stuff, and any food that shouldn't be there to entice any varmints.
I had a good day yesterday.  The Insulation guy came and walked around in the attic to figure out what it would cost to have the place insulated properly.  With the Energy Audit  I had done last week, I will get a rebate for that.  Then around 1 p.m., the guy from Dependable Heat and Air came and gave me a bid for two different furnaces.  One is a 80%  efficiency and the other 95% and if I go with one that is 92 or higher, I can also get a rebate for the furnace.  The 95% efficiency would get me a $350 rebate, so it would end up about the same price as the 80% one.
Jimbo just drove up, so I guess I'll write more later.  Love and Prayers, m

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