Friday, October 19, 2012

Rain, Rain Don't Go Away!!

We really do need this rain, so I'm not complaining about no sun....I know it's up there above the clouds!
I had a good day yesterday....really worked a lot....but didn't get to the computer room.  I did only two loads of wash, but spent a lot of time cleaning up the laundry room so that the furnace guy wouldn't get caught up in all the cobwebs....and I had a lot!!  Also vacuumed the floor of all the Kleenex pieces from the load of wash last week, that I missed from a pocket somewhere.  Cleaned some in the kitchen too, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher....took out the trash so it could be picked up this morning.  It doesn't sound like  much, but a lot of going up and down the basement stairs then when the furnace guy and Joe Sedesky came (and they came early like 4 p.m.) I had to go down and up again.  I know I made at least 6 or more trips down and up.  I think I have made the decision to go with the furnace guy....his new name!!!  He was not the cheapest, but it was the best furnace and I felt the most comfortable with him, and I had already heard the other two spiels.
Next Wednesday I get the attic insulated, and then I hope within the next few weeks, it will be the furnace.  So exciting~~~ Not!!!  A big hit to the pocketbook when property taxes and my home and car insurance were also due.  Luckily I've been budgeting for the last two all year. Well enough of that boring stuff.
I am off to get a flu shot and shopping with Lottie Virnig, that I haven't seen in ages, so looking forward to seeing and visiting with her as well.  No big plans for the evening or weekend, other than church with Del and Carol tomorrow afternoon, and dinner afterwards.  Love having people contact...not just on the computer but face to face.
Going to shower and get dressed and then maybe do a few minutes in the computer room....maybe....!!
Love and Prayers, m

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