I had Annie pick me up at 8:15 and for 20 minutes we were
stuck in traffic on the 252 bridge where both East and West 610 merge onto
252. Annie had suggested we take East
River Road, but I thought it wouldn't be that long of a wait….but she was
right. So I called ahead and told Darcie
at HHH that I was going to be late, and luckily we got there only about 10
minutes late…at 5 min. til 9 a.m. But
things went pretty smooth from that point on, and we didn't wait very long for
the Dr. to come in and give us the fairly good news! I’m STABLE…well the cancer is stable. So the new chemo regiment is working. They couldn't compare the new CTscan with the
PETscan I had in August, but they compared it to the CTscan I had at Mayo in
July. So the lung spots were growing at
that point, and although that CTscan didn't show the progression of the cancer
to all the bones, only lesions on L4 and L5…they were guessing at that time
that the lesions were improving (wrong).
But the PETscan showed it had matastisized to the bone in several places
besides the L4 and L5 including the tailbone and sacrum. So we really don’t
know how much improvement I have in that area, and will have to wait till I
have another CTscan in 12 weeks. So maybe in January that will happen. All and all I am feeling so much stronger,
have so much more energy and can sit and stand so much better than in August,
and also have control over the pain….which helps me do more than lay on the
Mostly I want to thank all of you for praying for me, and
thank God for listening and sending me all these blessings. I love you all, and hope you continue to pray
for me. I couldn't make it…no matter how
much chemo…without all of your prayers, and God carrying me through on this
journey called cancer.
Rita came at about 10:40 after stopping at Woullets Bakery
and picking up a chicken salad sandwich for us to share, and a cookie for each of us for
dessert. We commenced the cribbage
tournament, almost immediately, and Rita won the first game, and I came from
behind and won the second game, and even though they unhooked me in the middle
of the tie breaker, we asked if we could stay and finish the game. Rita had a great hand and scored 24 pts. And
Gary had told me that if you score 20 + points in a hand of a game you probably
would win the game….well we wanted to know if that was true, and she was
winning most of the way through the game, and then I got a barn burner of a
hand and scored 20 pts in my hand, and another 12 in the crib. By then I had surged ahead. Then we were close and Rita got to count
first…but she stopped about 6 short of the win.
Then I was also about 6 from the win in the next hand, and didn't even
need it, I pegged out…without getting to count my hand. Rita and I were so giddy by this time, I could
swear she had spiked our coffee…it wasn't in the chemo, cause she wasn't getting any of that. It was such a fun
day. Thanks Annie and Rita and I guess Dr. Londer.
Spent most of the afternoon, communicating the results with
everyone, and also John Sass (Bonnie’s son) came over and did some planting and
transplanting for me. The gardens around
the house are looking so much better since he has worked on them. Makes me feel good too!
Today I am going to the funeral of Gene Podzimek, and June
and Lenard are picking me up at 9:30 a.m.
Doug is picking up my prescription from HP on his way to work, so I am
up and running. I also need to call and
get the ball rolling for the insulation project and also for the furnace,
today. Then when I get home, I need to start putting things away. For the last 5 days I have not been home to
do anything. I come home and drop
things, and get ready for the next day.
So hopefully this week, I’ll stay home a little more and get something
done around here. For now, Love and
Prayers, m
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