Yesterday, June and Lenard picked me up at 9:30, and we were off to Madison. We stopped twice along the way, and then got to John and Florences at about 3:30. Six hours. They live in Portage, so it's past the Dells, and about 40 minutes from Madison, only a little East, so it's farther than if you went straight to Madison from the Dells. We spent a few hours there and then ate dinner and headed to Madison and our hotel. Both June and I took a nap and at 8:45 left for the airport to meet the veterans who had left early Saturday morning (John had to be at the airport at 4:30 a.m. and got up at 2:15 a.m.). They got to tour all the monuments and war memorials and then flew back to Madison, landing at 9:30 you can imagine what a long day it was for them, and Uncle John at 86 was one of the youngest, the oldest was 94. When they got off the plane they were greeted by a color guard and hundreds of people lining the aisle they walked down shaking hands and hugging their families that were there. It was a very emotional procession, and they one by one walked or were pushed in wheel chairs down the aisle that was about the length of a football field. And they had 4 sets of 25 men/women (about 2 or 3 women) and John was in the third set and one of the last in that set, and it was about 11 p.m. when we finally left the airport and headed back to the hotel. I had to stop at Walgreen's for some cash, and then Lenard wanted a bedtime snack so we stopped at Wendy's that had a 24 hr drive thru. I think we got back in the room by midnight, as we got lost trying to get back to the hotel that was across the street from Wendy's but they were doing some construction and had baracades set up, and we had to take a right turn, and then try and find a place to make a U turn, and ended up somewhere across 90 and couldn't figure out how to get back, we finally found a Gas station that had a limo driver there that gave us directions on how to get back. We were so lost!!!
This morning, we met John's oldest Linda for coffee before going back to Portage for breakfast before we headed back home. We met Linda at 8 a.m. in the lobby, left for Johns by 9 a.m. and after breakfast we finally headed for home at 11 a.m. Six hours later I was finally home, and June and Lenard still had about an hour before they got home in North Branch.
I watched the Vikings game and then napped for about an hour or so. Went through my email, and then decided to write this now, as tomorrow we have to leave here at 8:15. I think I'll take my shower tonite too. I don't take my pain pill till 7 a.m. and it takes about an hour to take effect, so I want to be able to sleep as long as I can after taking my pill.
I'm really happy at how well I did, as last Friday I had a full day too! I had my CTscan, then Bonnie and I went out for brunch, as I couldn't eat before the scan. After brunch, we went shopping, and I shopped for 3 hours, and didn't get home till 3:15 p.m., then at 3:45 Annie picked me up for the Birthday party for Allie, Nicole, Matthew and Jimbo. That was a fun afternoon and evening, and watching Matthew open his presents was the best. He got so excited even when there was clothes in the bag. Held everything up so pictures could be taken and thanked everyone so politely. Bill and Kim were just about the last to leave, and they drove me home. I didn't get home till 10:30 p.m. and had to finish packing and get ready to leave early the next morning.
I can't believe how strong I am getting. Shopping and partying all Friday, then traveling by car for hours on Saturday and then staying up till well after midnight yesterday, and then the big trip back home today, and I survived it all. I don't know how well I'll survive tomorrow with chemo and all, but I think it will be okay. I have decided not to go to the wake for Gene Podzimek on Monday night, but will go to his funeral on Tuesday at 10 a.m. June and Lenard will pick me up. They would have picked me up for the wake too, but on the way home, I decided it was too much to ask of my body!
I think I better hit the shower. Love and Prayers, m
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