Friday, October 12, 2012

Off to See the Wizard!!

Good Morning, I’m off to have my CT scan.  I won’t get the results till Monday, but I’m pretty sure it will be a good report.  I’m not expecting to be totally healed!!  I’m sure I am improving, and I feel so much better than I did 12 weeks ago.  Bonnie will be here to pick me up at 9 a.m.
Yesterday, I thought I would get to cleaning again in the computer room, but for some reason, I never got to that.  I did some cleaning….well emptying wastebaskets and taking out the trash and recycling for todays pick up.  But mostly I was engaged in cooking up all the meat I brought back from the cabin on Wednesday.  I fried up 1/3 of the hamburger with onion, so I could use it for whatever I wanted.  I also made 12 mini meatloaves from the rest of it.  I put the meat in a muffin tin, then I put them in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer, so I can take one or two out at a time for dinner.  I guess the cold weather got me in the mood for meat loaf and squash….now I need the squash.    I also cooked up 8 chicken thighs in the pressure cooker, using an oriental seasoning sauce.  The recipe was called “Sweet and Spicy, Sticky Chicken”.  It wasn’t for a pressure cooker, and I didn’t have a couple of the ingredients, like red pepper flakes and scallions.  But it turned out really good tasting….not sticky though.
At about 6:15 I heard it was going to freeze again last night, so the mums I had just put back outside around 3 p.m. I had to take back in.  Darn weather!!!
I also got a call from Aunt Loretta thanking me for the flowers I sent her for her birthday, but she assured me her birthday wasn’t till next Monday, the 15th. My family tree says the 11th, and it has since I put dates in the program, I don’t know where I got that information, but now I will have to figure that out.  I wonder why no one has corrected me before.  Strange!!  So next Monday, I’ll say Happy Birthday again.
After the CT scan Bonnie and I are planning brunch, as I can’t eat before hand, and then I’ve asked her to take me shopping.  I need to go and get some plants for her son to put for me this afternoon, and I want to pick up a few things from Michaels….I have a bunch of coupons, so it’s a good time to pick up a few things to aid in my cleaning project and maybe some presents.
Enough for now….Love and Prayers, m

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