Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finally the Sun is Shining

Waking to sunshine is so nice!!  It certainly has been missed.  Well.....today is 5/15 so soon to be 1/3rd done. I found out yesterday that I am 7 on the list at Hope Lodge, and they think I should get in this week.  I sure hope so.  They have been adding the appointments onto my schedule....so I really need to be closer.  Randy's place in Faribault is really nice and appreciated....but it's still over an hour a way....and with early morning appointments we have to tack that extra time on at the top and bottom of each day.  So not only are they early....but long too.

I met with the surgeon yesterday as well as having my treatment.  The surgeon added several more appointments to my schedule, and did a partial job of explaining to me what they are going to do.....I say partial, cause so will depend on what they find when they get in there.  I already have the ostomy and stoma, but they may be modifiying that.  I did let her know that I am happy with it's location and hoped that would not change....and it sounds like it will stay where it is.  They are not sure how far outside the rectum it may have spread, so that will make a difference as well.  I will see the plastic surgeon on Thursday, and will learn more than.

Today Janet will be over around 11:00, and then we will head down for my treatment at 1:45 p.m.  The only appointment I have for today.  So we should be getting to the lakehome in Faribault by dinner time with out any problem.  But tomorrow we have about 5 different appointments, so we will be busy.

Yesterday, Rita and I went out for lunch after my noon treatment, and then headed back home.  I got home just in time to get to the CC meet in Brooklyn Center.  All the grandkids did well, and I have this picture to show off their smiling faces!!  I'm so proud of all of them....and love watching them compete.

As soon as the cc meet was done I had to rush over to Jan's to have my hair cut and colored.  I stoped at home to make myself a sandwich that I ate in the car on the way over there, and then had to take my chemo meds after I got there.  Which reminds me I better go take my chemo pills right now.

Will probably be late writing tomorrow, as I will wait and write when I'm in Rochester....as we will be up and moving early!  Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Wow lots of news. Good luck with everything this week. Hope Janet did n't bring the nose.
    LOL Good news being closer on the list. I am going to try and start on the deck today.
