Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunshine on my Shoulder Makes me Happy!

Besides the sunshine making me happy, being over halfway done with the treatment process makes me happy too!  Watching Matthew open presents and loving what he got, and the girls trying on their clothes and saying they were going to wear them to school today also made me happy....that I made good choices.  Actually the whole evening made me happy, but that is partly just being with the family and seeing all the grandchildren interacting with each other.  It's so satisfying to see what a good job we did at raising their parents, and what a good job their parents do.

I spent the middle of the day at the cabin, I enjoyed the drive as the colors are peeking through in a lot of places and the sun was warm.  The men (some of them my kids, others adopted friends) delivered my bed and washer and dryer on Friday,   They also got the boats out of the water and over to the storage site. I did some cleaning, made up my bed, and put together a storage cube for my closet.  I tried sitting outside and reading the paper while listening to the Vikings game on the radio.....but the bees chased me back inside.
I did get a few pictures, but haven't uploaded them to the computer yet....hopefully I'll have time later this afternoon.

There was also a little sadness at the party yesterday as Matthews great grandma died earlier in the day, and Matt and Carol were in St. Cloud.  Grandma Beste died of congestive heart failure which was made worse by her efferts to walk and get out of her wheelchair. (They had told her she couldn't go home till she could walk....and fell trying to do that....and then a heart attack followed).  She was a fighter, and pray she is at peace.  Also I will be saying prayers for the extended family she leaves behind.

Today I have a few things to do around the house this morning, then I will head for Judys for lunch and we will head to Rochester, as I have to be there for treatment at 3:15 p..m.  I hope all the road we need to take are open, and pray that the water is receding for all those who have been evacuated and those farmers fields that still need to be cultivated.  Today I will have my 9th radiation/chemo treatment.  Still no side effects that I no of.  I'll write again in the morning, love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to our week to come. I too pray for roads that are passable. Isn't it great to be a Grandma and marvel at the grandkids and the parents that are raising them. You gotta love them. JV
