Friday, September 24, 2010

Rain, Rain go Away!

Don't bother coming back another day. 
It was supposed to not rain today, and this morning looked promising, but it is now clouded up again.  I really feel sorry for the farmers who didn't get the bumper crop out of the fields yet.

Last evening was really brought back memories of growing up in the Schieber family and get togethers with guitars and harmonica's and singing.  One of the patients that has been here since July was going home today, so yesterday his daughter came down and brought her guitar and we all gathered in the dining room and listened and sang along.  (all cept Janet who was back in the room throwing up her dinner).....not the flu, just didn't sit with her delicate tummy.  It was a treat that another patients wife had made and shared with all.  It was made with buffalo meat and onion and saurkraut....and once Janet heard that I think she went right to the bathroom.  I on the other hand loved it....even ate two.  It's a recipe I might make myself....however sans the buffalo and use beef instead.

Well I'm off to get my radiation for the day, and then I'm coming home....can't wait.  See you all soon, love and prayers, m

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