Thursday, September 30, 2010

Matthew is "5" Today!! Hurrah!!!

I can't believe he's five already....He started preschool this year and loving it.....although he said his teacher isn't as pretty as his mom.  Pretty soon he'll be a senior like Jack.....I can't believe that either.  I can still remember what I was wearing the day he was born.

We had another fun day yesterday, I had only four appointments, and most of them were very social....and the treatment was painless, so all in all no problems.  Judy and I did find her a blouse and we had another wonderful lunch to celebrate Judy's birthday at "Chesters".  Then for dinner a church in town brought us another potluck and the confirmation students visited and helped in the serving and that was fun. 

Nothing to watch on TV, so Judy and I played cards instead and I let her win most of the time as it was her birthday!!  We played some cribbage and the Cut Throat, I did win every now and then, but mostly I let Judy win.  So watch out Gary....if she can beat me.....she might have a better chance against you. LOL

Talked to Kathleen and I so looking forward to her coming on Sunday.....also might get to see Joe and Sandy on Monday morning.

Only my treatment other appointments.  Love and prayers, m

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