Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I've just a little time to write this morning, as I have to shower and get to church. 

I worked at the church carnival yesterday afternoon, and cousin Judy came and sat with me for the last hour or so, and then Annie brought Nicole, Allie, Matthew, Katie and Tommy.  The came to the bottle blast and tried their hand a picking good numbers....but at least everyone is a winner at the Bottle Blast.  When I got done working they all joined me for dinner, and then Judy and I tried our hand at Bingo.  I say tried.....we certainly didn't do well with Bingo.  It was kinda like just feed the machines.  I also saw many friends I haven't seen in a long time.....mostly cause I've been at the cabin, but also just don't go to the same Mass as they do, or those that were children when I knew them, and they are now grown with children of their own.  It was so fun to see everyone.

Today I will go to church, and then I'm heading to the seems like it's been forever since I've been there, but it's just been a week....but the longest I've not been at the cabin all summer.  Maybe tomorrow I'll send you a few updated pictures.

Must get in that shower....maybe add more later.  Love and prayers, m

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