Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lazy Day!

Sorry I'm so late in writing this, I have done absolutely nothing since I got up this morning other than eat and watch TV.  I'm still in my pjs curling up and staying warm.  My allergies are killing me.....my eyes are red and puffy and my head is aching.  Using my coffee cup as a warming pad on my sinuses.  Usually on the first day of school you get up and start moving quickly, well I'm just the opposite today!  My joints are aching and stiff.  I guess my body does not like cold rainy days.  Where is that sun?

Don't have a lot of plans for the day, but I need to pick up a prescription, and have card club this evening, so I will have to get dressed and start moving.  I started laundry last night, so I have another load to do today and a few bills to pay etc.  But nothing too exciting.

I'm hoping the electrician is at the cabin finishing up.  Only a few things he needs to do before his final inspection.  Hope we have the final inspection for the overall project tomorrow as well.  Last week they told us we had to have house numbers on the house for that....but when I was leaving yesterday, I noticed that none of the cabins on our road have house numbers....so I'm wondering if I really needed them, but either way they are hanging on the cabin now!

Tomorrow Janet and I will drive down to Mayo for my planning session for the radiation I'll be getting. starting next Wednesday.  After that, we will drive back to Farilbault where her friend Randy has a lake home that we can stay at till I get into Hope Lodge.  I'll get to see where it is, and what I can and can't use.....etc.  Check the place out!  Wish it was supposed to be a nice day, but not much better than today according to the weather man.  I may have to pull out my hot pink gloves!  My hands are really reacting to the cold, just like my sinuses! 

Love and prayers to you all, m


  1. So sorry to hear about the cold effecting you. I went to Chiropracter this morning to get the back straighted out. I don't like this cold either. Good Luck tomorrow and have fun with the cards tonight/ JV

  2. Thanks Judy, I think things went well....and am looking forward to spending next week in Rochester and Faribault with you!
