Saturday, September 18, 2010

Promise of a Better Day!

But I think that is for Monday.  They say it will be a little better tomorrow, but I've almost lost hope for that.

Yesterday (Friday) I got finished with my treatment by noon, and Judy and I both finished our computer time and went directly to the car to head home.  We decided we'd wait till we got back as far as Faribault before we ate, where we found a Perkins. It was good to break the trip up a little, as we had another hour before we got to Shakopee where Judy lives.

After dropping Judy and all her loot off, I decided I'd drive back to Northfield and watch the CC meet that Katie, Collie and Allie were all running in.  Meet with Annie, Doug, Matt, Carol, Mathew, Bill and Kim there.  So I was able to update them on how things were going....even though they read the blog, it's always good to see me and see that I really am okay.  Know that I'm not sugar coating my stories.

Speaking of sugar coating, I actually beat Judy 2 out of 3 games of cribbage the other nite.  I let her win one so she'd play with me again.  I had already won twice!  I don't want to abuse my caregivers!

I am going to the second round of birthday parties for Tommy this evening at Bill and Kims.  This one is for the adults, the first was a bunch of friends at the cabin, where they took the polar plung!!!  BRRRRRR!

Tomorrow I think I will drive to the cabin after church, and drop off the new chairs I bought.  I also have to try again to replace the knobs on the vanities, now that I have bought the right size.  So I hope the 64 degrees they are predicting comes along with some sun!!!

So far no side effects from the chemo/radiation.  Love and prayers, m

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