Shining in my eyes all the way here this morning....we had to be up early and leave by 7:15 to get to my first appointment of the day at 8:40. Drew blood, then saw the stoma nurse, now I'm waiting to see the oncologist and then will be down to radialogy to see the radialogist and then have treatment. Number 6 of 15 today.
I realize now that I forgot to mention Bill and Kim's anniversary last week, and yesterday was Jim and Ann's anniversary....I'm sure the Twins clenched the title yesterday just for them....however, they have tickets for today's game and were hoping it would happen then. Anyway, Happy 16 and 19th Anniversary's to all 4 of them.
Janet and I didn't get to Faribault till 4 p.m. and didn't have lunch, so made an early supper and then watch TV till the Biggest Loser came on. It should be an interesting season, but haven't picked any favorites yet.
I called the Hope Lodge last nite, and they told me I had moved to #4 of the list, and that two more would be checking out today, so it looks like maybe tomorrow I'll get in there. It can't come too soon, I'm already tired of driving back and forth.
Nothing exciting to report, I'm doing well and I can't wait till it's all over. Love and prayers, m
I am so glad for the Sun. Started sanding my deck yesterday and will be working on it today after I get a different sander. The one I bought yesterday is a piece of junk. So the birds are Peacocks. Funny place for them. Did they have their tails out today? Am I on for Monday to Friday next week?? just wondering. JV