Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

I did sleep in again this anticipation of tomorrow and the week ahead of me.  But being greeted by this wonderful morning is a great start!  I have a list of things I need to accomplish today, so I can be ready to leave home by 6:45 a.m. tomorrow....and won't be home for sleeping till Friday.

Yesterday, I went to church and then did some quick shopping.....Target and Home Depot....and headed to the cabin....only to be surprised with Jimbo and his brother-in-law Brad (the trimmer) who were busy finishing putting the beadboard on the walls of the new bathroom.  Then they moved on to finishing the trimwork in the family room and his bedroom, then upstairs to putting the trim on the new entry way.  He even hung the mirrors in the bathroom and the coat hook piece in the entry way.  Ann found it earlier in the week for us.  I managed to put together the new bench I bought at Home Depot, and added the new chair to the dining area.  So now it doesn't feel so empty in there.  Then I took some pictures and have posted them on facebook and some here as well.  Oh, I almost forgot, we did get the final inspection approved....but he did complain about the shoring up of the hill, which we haven't gotten too yet, but that too will come in time.

Today I have lunch plans with the retiree's and wannabees, and then some shopping to do.  I have to return the new knobs I bought for the vanities, cause the ones I purchased don't fit the holes already there. (I don't know why they aren't universal in size!)  I also have to pick up a few groceries to take with me to Rochester...and a new battery for my computer.  Speaking of my computer...if I end up in Faribault I won't have WiFi, so will only be able to write when I am at probably won't be early in the day....more like the middle or later each day, but they do have computers there that I can I will be keeping you up-to-date.  My schedule will vary each day, and I won't know till after my treatment each day what time it will be the next.  So don't be expecting me to write the first thing each day.

Tomorrow, I will meet my former Boss (I was about to say OLD boss, but she's younger than me) Rosie Mortenson on the otherside of town and then ride down to Rochester with her.  I have an early appointment with the oncologist to talk about the chemo treatment I will get along with the radiation. I've been told that the chemo makes the tumor more receptive to the radiation.  Then at 11:00 a.m. I have a CT scan.  I'm guessing this is to set a baseline so they can see how much the radiation is working.  After all that doctor stuff, Rosie is taking me to meet her cousin Gloria, over lunch.  Gloria has volunteered to let Kathleen stay with her during my stay in the hospital next month.  This is so nice, cause she lives in Rochester, and Kathleen won't have to stay in a hotel or motel for that week to 10 days.  I can't tell you how much Kathleen and I appreciate her kindness. 

Speaking of kindness, several people have volunteered to help out in any way.  I had a neighbor call and let me know that if any of my drivers for some reason can't she will.  I also had a friend at church yesterday tell me that his sister lives in a large house in Rochester and if something comes up where I need a room quick, just to call him and he'd make it happen.  It's amazing to me to have so much love and concern gracing me.  It's just a good reminder that God is in control....and he will carry me through this whole process.....all the way to the healing and healthy time.  It also reminds me to thank you all again for showering me in love and prayers on my behalf.

Well, I must get moving and get this day started.  After lunch and shopping, I have some packing to do.  It's hard to know what to pack.  Judy my cousin who will be going with me on Wednesday and I will need to do some meal planning too.  Don't want to be eating out all the time.  I'll need food no matter if we are at Hope Lodge, or Randy's lakehome in Faribault.  I still haven't heard if I can stay at Hope Lodge....but I do know I'm on the list.  So say a prayer for that too!  Sorry I'm so needy!!  Love and prayers, m

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