Shouting Happy Birthday Tommy!
It has been blowing strong and wild all night. And this morning we have white caps on the lake coming from the north! that means it's a cold breeze blowing out there. The clouds are racing across the sky.
It was also a crazy night or 5:30 a.m. I got up to go to the bathroom and while sitting on the stool, the fire alarm system just installed yesterday afternoon went off! OMG such a screeching noise and they now have a woman yelling "Fire....Fire" There wasn't one thank goodness.....but she just kept yelling over the screeching. I got a chair and tried to disarm the one in the hall to no avail so I put on a sweatshirt and shoes, and ran down to the boathouse to wake Jimbo. He came back up with me, and got the one in the hall to stop....but there is one is each bedroom, so he had to pull out two more and take the battery out of the last one to get them to all stop. So that's another thing I'll have to talk to the electrician about today.
We finally went back to bed, and I awoke at 7:12 and decided I better get up as the place would be buzzing soon. I was followed by Jimbo and his friends who had a 7:45 tee time for golf, and then the plumber pulled in. So we are off to the races to get this place done.
Yesterday, the floor in the new bathroom got tiled, and I painted the first coat of trim on all the window and door jams in the lower level. Then the electrician came and started installing those amazing fire alarms and ceiling lights/fans in the bedrooms. He mentioned that I still needed to purchase one more outside light for next to the new patio door in the family room. So I changed clothes and headed for Home Depot....which seems to be a daily event of late. While I was gone long time friends Bonnie and Bob came to visit (they have a place on Clearwater) and the electrician told them I was shopping. I was feeling bad that I missed seeing them, but soon after Bonnie called and they came back. They were anxious to see the new addition and everything I talk about in my blog So I got a chance to show the place off and visit with them.
Jimbo and Rick and two other friends also came up yesterday just before noon, and dropped off their stuff and headed for Southbrook, a nearby golf course. They were gone all afternoon and didn't come back till just after the Viking game ended. Then they all headed for the boathouse to listen to the Twins game and get a few hours of sleep before they started golfing again this morning. Funny part is they also ran into Bonnie and Bob twice yesterday, first at the gas station earlier in the day, and then at the golf course where they all had dinner. So Jimbo had caught them up on all the news etc. before I even got to see them. But I think it made them even more anxious to see the place.
Well, today we were supposed to celebrate Tommy's birthday with a party of boys boating and tubing, but it doesn't look like that will least not the boating and tubing. We'll just have to wait and see what the day brings! Love and prayers, m
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